Looking to Hire a Project Manager or Marketing Manager?

From January 7, 2019 to February 1, 2019, the Assiniboia Chamber will be increasing its team size to six! We have partnered with the University of Winnipeg’s PACE Program to host four interns; two graduates each from the project management and marketing management courses. While in our office I would love to introduce them to potential employers. If you are interested in learning more about our interns or hosting interviews with them at our office, please contact Kristi Meek at (204) 774-4154 or

For your information, our interns will be tasked with setting up a strong foundation for two of our 2019 special events: 1) Lobster Dinner – Saturday, May 11, 2019 and 2) Golf Tournament – Monday, September 9, 2019 as well as building our marketing plan for 2019 that involves social media, website and Chamber TV.
ACC Board Host Councillor Scott Gillingham

The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce Board had the opportunity to host Councillor Gillingham at their November 25th Meeting at the Holiday Inn Airport West. Scott thanked the Board for the invitation to speak to the Chamber about the city budget and other issues. He said he tries to meet with groups like ours across Winnipeg to listen to advice. Scott went into considerable detail about the city’s operating budget, explaining how the process works. He stressed that the city must present a balanced budget each year, unlike the provincial and federal governments.

In response to questions from the Board, Scott elaborated on some of the areas the city plans to better manage assets in the western part of the city, with emphasis on roadworks and CentrePort. He asked what the Chamber’s priorities are; he heard the we look for:

  • better strategic planning by costing out the effect of not acting on issues like infrastructure;
  • encouragement of new business in our area;
  • full bench marking of all the services to understand what is offered to the city by services such as the airport;
  • better assignment of the income from the hotel tax, which is collected by hotels in the west part of the city with no appreciable benefit to them.

In closing the session Scott thanked the Board again for making the meeting possible. To view handouts that Scott provided on the city budget, c lick here .
Day of Advocacy at the Provincial Legislature

On Thursday, November 28, 2018, our Chamber’s Executive Director, Kristi Meek, was invited to participate in the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce’s (MCC) inaugural Day of Advocacy. A full day of meetings was set for the Chamber group and also included attendance at the day’s Question Period. Click here for pictures.

Chuck Davidson, President and CEO of MCC led the charge and conveyed all issues facing our Chambers’ members’ concerns to the appropriate Ministers and MLAs along with input from all other Chamber delegates in the room. The two key areas focused in our discussions were:

Economic Competitiveness
  • Taxation
  • Access to capital
  • Moving Manitoba forward

  • Improved Labour Market Information (LMI)
  • Bring business and education together
  • Post-secondary funding

Thank you to the MCC for a wonderfully planned day and to sharing this experience with the following Chambers: The Pas, Neepawa, Dauphin, Morden, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Winnipeg and Steinbach.
Unique Marketing Opportunity: Showcase Your Business
We are looking for businesses who want to host a Before the After-Work Activities Take Over business networking mixer for our 2019 season.

For more information, please contact Kristi Meek, President | Executive Director at (204) 774-4154.
Chamber Member Spotlight

Chamber Member Since: 2008
Number of Full-time Employees: 2

Cooking and Baking Classes

We offer hands-on and demonstration cooking classes for the home cook. Classes are conducted around the teaching island contributing to an intimate and personal experience with our chef instructors. Classes are offered as single sessions and we encourage you to create your own personalized series from our range of class offerings. Topics change with the seasons and include: ethnic, vegetarian, healthy specific, weeknight meals, entertaining fare and basic cooking skills. Some classes are specifically planned for children.

Private classes/events for groups of 10 or more can be planned around a date suitable for you. Call 888-FOOD to discuss.Regular adult programming runs from September to June. Kids Cooking Camps are offered during the Summer months. Sign-up for our  newsletter  to receive monthly news, useful tips and the listing of upcoming classes.

For more information c lick here to visit their website.

Time is ticking… Yet another year has come-and-gone, and 2018 is slowly coming to a close.
If you’re like most of us, you’re likely looking at the calendar starting to panic – there’s under one month left to fit in that much-needed “quality” family time.

The good news… Red Bomb Fireworks is here to help this New Years Eve! With Canada’s largest selection of Buy 1 Get 1 Free fireworks, incredible Buy 1 Get 2 Free New Years Specials, and pre-made “Show in a Box” assortments, we’ll set you up right! Our staff will take the time to explain what our items do, how to use them safely, and how to create those memories that will last a lifetime.

Both year-round Red Bomb Fireworks locations will be open EXTENDED HOURS leading up to New Years Eve, providing you with plenty of time to stock up on New Years goodies!

Regardless of which Red Bomb Fireworks location you choose to visit, our team of Fireworks Experts is here to help this New Years Eve! Make your New Years Eve fireworks show a true family affair – bring the whole family down to pick-and-choose your perfect show! The FREE coffee is on for the adults, and we have FREE popcorn for the kids! Plus… we’ll always toss a few FREE fireworks in with every purchase!

Time is ticking… life’s too short to put off making those special memories! From our family to yours: All the best this Holiday Season, and here’s to a safe, happy, and prosperous 2019!

To view Red Bomb Fireworks website, click here.