The Power of Sisterhood
This month
The Chandelier
had the pleasure to sit down with
Lee Street
By the Grace
and 2011 WW alum Wende Arnold, CAC-II to discuss the two programs that have continued to grow under her leadership. Wende began running the two female houses last July after having spent just short of three years as a clinician at the
Women’s Residence
. She was initially hired as a Ward Secretary on Unit I in 2012 and has worked in all levels of care, making her an ideal candidate to help navigate the women of Lee Street and By the Grace through their recovery.
TC: How would you describe Lee Street?
Lee Street is a long-term treatment program that is approximately one year in length that was designed specifically for women with a basic desire to be sober but who are in need of additional structure and accountability in order to succeed. We offer a greater focus on the practical application of recovery and life skills and the goal of Lee Street is to guide women as they apply the principles of recovery in their daily lives. Lee Street’s current structure is very similar to the Lee Street of old, with which the majority of our alumni are familiar. The two main differences are the shortened length of stay and an increase in the clinical portion of the program. The girls now have group therapy twice a week and an individual session every other week, so the counseling component is a little more intensive. Additionally, the women receive privileges sooner since the length of the program has been shortened. After three-to-six months our residents usually become what we like to call “Senior Dragons” (previously known as “Six Monthers”). Lee Street is not considered a working program and does not mirror Louie’s House, as it once did. Women are simply not ready to immediately go out into the world and work, so the goal for employment is around six months.
We have tried to keep many of the Lee Street traditions, which has been a little challenging for me coming in without much of a transition, coupled with the fact that I am not a Lee Street graduate, although I have sponsored a number of women who went through the house. I depend upon the graduates who have stayed in Statesboro after completion of the program to help me maintain the customs. The recovery community members have been wonderful in doing so.
TC: Who is the ideal Lee Street Client?
Women that are appropriate for Lee Street generally do not have many medical issues and are somewhat motivated for sobriety; they must be willing to at least
to do extended treatment along with involvement in a 12-step recovery program. We see women that have legal issues, but still have some family support. Because I’ve had experience at The Women’s Residence as a counselor and have had DBT training, I can handle a wide variety of clients. Prior to admission at Lee Street or By the Grace, I do an interview with the potential resident, which really gives me the ability to get the patient to the level of care that is needed. We want the women that come through our programs to flourish and in order to do so, it is important that they are appropriately placed.
TC: How does Lee Street differ from other programs for women?
Of course there’s the strong clinical portion, but what I find to be truly remarkable is that there is such a strong peer-run component. The census is larger—we have 15 beds—so the accountability really has to come from within. Lee Street is a tight knit community and they have to hold each other accountable because there is not a lot of staff. So the residents have to be pretty motivated to do the right thing, since the house is more or less run by them. The women who have been there longer teach the newer women how everything works, passing down what had been taught to them. The Program Manager is there for guidance and to provide clinical services.
Because the program and accountability is so peer-driven, it creates very strong relationships amongst the women. There’s an old saying that there is “magic in Lee Street” and I think that this “magic” comes from the love that the women have for each other and the feeling of authentic community that they experience within the house. I’m really looking forward to the Lee Street Reunion at Homecoming this year – it’s so helpful for the current residents to see those lasting bonds that the graduates have with one another.
TC: What is By the Grace and how is it different from the other female extended treatment programs in Willingway’s continuum of care? What does your typical By the Grace client look like?
By the Grace is strictly a 90-day program, so candidates must be highly motivated due to the demanding and intensive schedule. Residents attend two 12-step recovery meetings daily, in addition to Willingway’s Intensive Outpatient four evenings a week. Counselor led groups are held within the house throughout the week. By the Grace was primarily designed for women that either have relapsed or really just need a reboot for their sobriety.
TC: What do you love the most about your job?
The relationships that I form with the women I counsel. My job brings me so much joy and I wouldn’t want to do anything else.
TC: Which part is the most difficult?
Watching the ones that suffer in early sobriety, knowing that if they would only give it a chance and really try this way of life, everything would change and they wouldn’t have to feel all that pain.
TC: In what ways did your time working at the Women’s Rez prepare you to run Lee Street?
Working at The Women’s Residence gave me a lot of education on how to work with difficult situations and difficult clients. I gained experience with the types of things that you don’t necessarily see when working in inpatient treatment, such as ongoing parental and legal issues. Moreover, it taught me how to effectively counsel women with behavioral issues and dual diagnosis. Working at The Rez definitely gave me an edge!
TC: What made you decide that you wanted to be a counselor?
I have always loved being in the helping profession. Before getting sober, I was a pharmacist and my favorite part was dealing with the patients – I’m kind of a people person. Returning to pharmacology seemed too great of a risk for my sobriety and I absolutely loved being a Ward Secretary on Unit 1 at Willingway, so I decided to become a Certified Addiction Counselor. I fell in love with Willingway and I wanted to help people find recovery the Willingway way.
TC: Please share with us about your journey in recovery. Do you ever wish that you had the benefit of going through a women’s long-term recovery program?
I came to Willingway in 2011 and stayed in the Inpatient Program for nearly 8 weeks. I was actually recommended to continue my treatment at The Women’s Residence and at first I was pretty motivated to accept that recommendation. My family, however, was not on board because they were convinced that I could get sober on my own, which I had been able to do before, back when I had somewhere between six and seven years of sober time. So I did not take the recommendation. I went home and it was
. I wish that I had gone through extended treatment so that I could have had a built-in sober support network and I wouldn’t have had to be alone. I mean, I went home and lived in my ex-husbands bonus room and slept on a couch - I didn’t even have a bed. I would drive to Statesboro every Tuesday and Saturday night just to go to the speaker meetings at The Fork and to see Willingway Counselor Aide Smith Jackson.
Eventually I got to the point where I was either going to kill myself or use again, so I made the decision to relocate to Statesboro and I moved, ironically enough, to Lee Street in Brooklet. So I also got sober on Lee Street, just in Brooklet! I began working at WW as a Ward Secretary and for the next 18 months I sort of did my own extended treatment. I was always either at work or in a meeting and on the days that I didn’t work I went to two meetings. I got a sponsor and I built an amazing network of sober women. My entire life changed in the most amazing way.
The Chandelier
would like to thank Wende for taking the time to talk to us about Lee Street and By the Grace. Can't wait to see all the grads at thi
s year's reunion, which will be held on Thursday, April 26th, with eating at 6:00 p.m. and our usual sharing meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Food will be provided by the ladies of Lee Street and By the Grace, along with beverages. RSVP with Emily McFarland at
or by calling her directly at (912) 489-7277.
Homecoming 2018
We are very excited to announce this year’s cosmically inspired theme for the 42nd Annual Willingway Homecoming:
Rocketed into the Fourth Dimension. A very special thanks to alumna Lindsay B. of Brunswick, GA for submitting the winning 2018 theme and WW's Director of Patient Support & Continuing Care Jason DuPell (along with some help from Emily McFarland) for designing a stellar logo to accompany it. Registration is now officially open, so make sure to get your tickets before it's too late!
Meet 2012 Alumna, Lindsay B.
Lindsay B. is a 2012 Willingway alumna and currently resides in Brunswick, GA. She owns three businesses in addition to working full time and loves bargain shopping and couponing. "I have an
family who I love more than anything in this world. I am married to the love of my life, who - just two nights ago - told me to imagine going back and telling myself almost 6 years ago on my first day at Willingway that one day I'd be married on a beach and living the most remarkable life. It blew my mind because I remember how out of reach it felt when I got there," Lindsay shared with us.
As the winner of our 2018 Homecoming Theme Contest, Lindsay's prize package includes weekend registration and accommodations for two, a $50 gift card, and a Homecoming swag bag. And remember - it's never too early to send in submissions for next year's theme. Just shoot Alumni & Community Relations Coordinator
Emily McFarland
an email with your ideas!
New location for 2018
Nestled on five acres of beautiful land surrounded by serene pine and oak trees, The Belle House is only minutes from downtown Statesboro and is considered our area's premier event space.
Discounted room rates are still available through Springhill Suites
and if you are in need of transportation from the hotel to The Belle House, please contact Emily McFarland prior to Thursday, April 26, at
or (912) 536-2769 and she will gladly arrange accommodations for you.
The Belle House is located at 380 Westside Road in Statesboro, GA. To view more photographs of the space or to take a virtual tour, please visit their
Alumni Updates
Prayer Request
Alan P.
Columbus, GA
Alan P., a 2012 alumni who recently stopped by The Fork to pick up his five year chip, was diagnosed with Leukemia last year and began treatment at The Cancer Center for America in Newnan, GA. At first the only symptom Alan experienced was fatigue, but that changed about two months ago when his white blood cell count and hemoglobin levels reached critical points. At this point, his oncologist began more invasive treatment with chemotherapy. Alan is asking for prayers from his fellow Willingway alums.
Do you have news to share?
- Birth announcements
- Marriages
- New jobs
- Sobriety/Wedding anniversaries
- Obituaries
- Spiritual support requests
Use "Alumni News" in the subject line for all submissions and let us know where you are currently located. We welcome your photos.
Deadline for inclusion is the 15th of each month
and as they say, thanks for sharing.
Happenings Around The Way
It snowed!
We couldn't believe our eyes earlier this month when Statesboro received approximately 5 inches of snow. Louie's House & Broad 90 Program Manager Jonathon DeLoach told us that it hadn’t snowed like that in the Boro since 1989!
Willingway Weekly Continuing Care Community Groups
Held weekly in the following cities, our care extends beyond the Statesboro campus
to provide ongoing support for those in recovery. Alumni, their families and friends,
and anyone with a touchpoint to recovery are welcome.
Atlanta - Tuesdays, 6:30 pm
Augusta - Saturdays, 10:00 am
Bluffton - Tuesdays, 6:30 pm
Charleston - Mondays, 6:30 pm
Macon - Mondays, 6:30 pm
Marietta - Thursdays, 7:00 pm
Raleigh - Mondays, 7:30 pm
Savannah - Mondays, 6:00 pm
Statesboro - Mondays, 6:30 pm
St. Simon's Island - Saturdays, 10:00 am
Jacksonville - Mondays, 6:00 pm
Jacksonville Beach - Tuesdays, 6:00 pm
Warner Robins - Tuesdays, 6:30 pm
Waycross - Tuesdays, 6:30 pm
"Hope is the thing with feathers / That perches in the soul, / And sings the tune without the words, / And never stops at all,"
- Emily Dickinson
, Hope Is The Thing With Feathers
The Chandelier is a digital monthly publication for the Alumni, Family, and Friends of Willingway. For any questions about it or our Alumni program in general, please contact Alumni & Community Relations Coordinator Emily McFarland at or 912.489.7277.