Each year following The Cheerleading and Dance World Championship, the Worlds Advisory Board (WAB) reviews successes, opportunities for improvement, and new ideas for the following year. Because 2017-18 team placements and tryouts are in process, this new information is time sensitive as programs plan for next season. (Dance Worlds Divisions and Categories for 2018 will be released in early June.)

After reviewing Cheer Divisions and considering new opportunities for programs to field Worlds eligible teams, the WAB proposed, and the USASF Board of Directors approved, adding two new divisions for The Cheerleading Worlds in 2018.

  • Senior Extra Small All Girl (14 members and below)*
  • Senior Extra Small Coed (14 members and below)*

  • A program may have only one Extra Small team at Worlds; either All Girl or Coed, not both.
  • If a program receives a bid in either Senior Extra Small All Girl or Senior Extra Small Coed, that program may not compete in any other Cheerleading Worlds division.
  • If a program receives a bid in any division, and also has a bid in a Senior Extra Small division (14 members and below), and decides to take both teams to Worlds, the Extra Small division team will compete in the Senior Small division. The team will not be eligible for the Extra Small division.
Questions? email Membership@usasf.net

The USASF will continue to review annually and adjust as needed Worlds divisions that will best reflect the current program and team structures nationwide. We hope these new Cheerleading Worlds divisions will provide new opportunity to programs working towards fielding Level 5 Worlds teams.
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