
I wanted to provide a brief recap on the recovery efforts that have taken place following the EF3 Tornado that hit Nash and Edgecombe Counties two weeks ago.

Visiting Residents with State and Local Leaders

In the immediate hours following the tornado, I began meeting with local officials and emergency service personnel on recovery efforts and visiting the homes of residents impacted by the tornado to ensure they were receiving the help they needed.

On July 20th, Speaker Tim Moore and Eddie Buffaloe, Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, came to speak with residents and to see how recovery efforts were going. Sheriff Keith Stone and Rocky Mount City Councilor Jabaris Walker were also in attendance. Following the tour's conclusion, Sheriff Stone and I took a helicopter ride to survey the tornado path.

On July 21st, I attended a press conference with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount. Congressman Don Davis, Attorney General Josh Stein, House Majority Leader John Bell, and other representatives from Raleigh and Nash County were in attendance. During the press conference, Mr. Bourla stated that all employees of the Pfizer plant would continue to be paid throughout the rebuild of Pfizer's plant and emphasized the vital role the plant serves in America's supply chain for hospital injectables.

On Sunday, July 23rd, Governor Cooper and I met with emergency service leaders and visited with residents in both Nash and Edgecombe Counties.

City Councilman Jabaris Walker and I talking with Rocky Mount Resident Mark Frohman on the damage to his home.

(L to R) Nash County Emergency Services Director Tony Cameron, Speaker Tim Moore, Myself, Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Saunders, and Public Safety Secretary Eddie Buffaloe

Surveying the path the Tornado took across Nash and Edgecombe Counties

House Majority Leader John Bell, Myself, and Congressman Don Davis listening to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla during his press conference on the future of the Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount

(L to R) Director Tony Cameron, Sheriff Keith Stone, Jabaris Walker, Governor Roy Cooper, Myself, and State Rep Shelly Willingham visiting residents and viewing the damage from the tornado.

Volunteers Help in Recovery Efforts

Both local and state personnel have done a tremendous job in providing a quick response in recovery and clean-up efforts in Dortches and Rocky Mount.

Along with all of the help from State, County, and Municipal workers, I want to also highlight other individuals who have gone above and beyond to assist our community on a volunteer basis.

One of the first volunteers to respond was Leonard Harrison of Mebane, NC. Leonard is a veteran and a volunteer with the US Veterans Corps (USVC), a Raleigh-based non-profit. Leonard and USVC have provided recovery and aid across the country to areas impacted by natural disasters. Leonard spent four long days clearing streets, clearing debris from multiple homes, and cutting down trees in danger of falling on houses.

I want to thank Leonard and the countless other volunteers who came to help. Their efforts helped emergency services and many residents when they needed help the most. For more information on the US Veterans Corps, please visit their website at

The Road Ahead for a Resilient Community

Governor Cooper recently declared a state of emergency for the Town of Dortches. However, due to statutory requirements, a declaration for a state of emergency was not made for the City of Rocky Mount, Nash County, or Edgecombe County. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the legislature and with state-level officials to find other avenues of assistance.

Throughout the recovery, there were two things I constantly heard. The first was thankfulness that, despite all the damage, there was no loss of life. The second was how quickly and greatly our community banded together to help our neighbors in need. Whenever an event like this happens, the people of Nash County rally together and help see each other through. The compassion and care that shines through our community makes me proud to serve as your representative in the North Carolina House of Representatives.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Contact information for my office can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.

Thank you for entrusting me with the honor of serving as your representative. I am here to represent your interests and values, and to be a resource for you.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.


Allen Chesser

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