Dear Children's Hunger Project Supporter,

Since 2010, The Children’s Hunger Project has helped to feed children in Brevard County who are going hungry on the weekends .
You may find it hard to imagine, but kids like Dallas would not have the nutrition they need if it weren’t for our program. Dallas is, for the most part, a typical elementary school student . Dallas is in fifth grade. He is smart, bright eyed and loves playing with his friends.

Unfortunately, not due to any fault of his own, both of his parents are not in the picture. Dallas is being raised by his grandmother, who is on a fixed income. The sad truth is that 1 out of 10 children in Brevard County are being raised by a grandparent .

Dallas worries about how much money is left on his grandmother’s EBT card (food stamps) at the end of each food shopping trip. At age 10, this little boy is concerned about having enough food to eat rather than concentrating on school, or playing with his friends.

Dallas is eligible for the free breakfast and lunch at school. Oftentimes the lunch he eats on Friday afternoon is his last substantial meal until returning to school on Monday morning – that’s 68 hours without consistent nutrition. And Dallas is not alone…

More than 50% of students in Brevard County are eligible for the free or reduced lunch program at school. This statistic is important because it is a key indicator of hunger and poverty in a geographic area.

If Dallas comes to school hungry, he will be more prone to attention issues and behavioral outbursts - simply due to hunger . Research shows that he will also test 17% lower in math skills, be sick more often, and take longer to recover because of inadequate nutrition. Kids like Dallas would not have the nutrition they need on weekends if it weren’t for The Children’s Hunger Project. Please join us in helping ensure that Brevard’s children receive adequate weekend nutrition.
The Children’s Hunger Project started with a dream and a goal. Beginning with one school and a handful of students in 2010, we have served Brevard County children with weekend backpack meals without missing a single school week. Thanks to many volunteers, businesses, faith organizations and supporters just like you, we now serve 2,200 children in 46 schools! It’s a tremendous achievement, yet there is still a wait list and teachers have the heartbreaking job of deciding which children will get weekend food packages.

Your support can create a level playing field when it comes to success, not only in school, but in a child’s life. It costs just $150 to feed a hungry child every weekend of the school year – just $12.50 per month . For those who can make a significant impact, consider joining the Children’s Circle of Hope Society . This society is open to anyone contributing $1,000 or more annually. Contributions can be set up on a recurring basis of $84 per month.

Consider making a meaningful gift to help us fight child hunger in Brevard. You can make your gift online or through the mail. Also, please consider leaving The Children’s Hunger Project in your estate plans to leave a lasting legacy of fighting hunger in our community.

Thank you for your generosity. I wish you all the best this holiday season.


Keith Gee, Executive Director