March 2021
Happy Spring!
We certainly got our fair share of snow over the weekend here in Colorado! After you dig-out a bit, we invite you to grab a hot beverage and curl-up with the latest edition of The Chorale Connection. We hope you enjoy our tribute for Women's History Month.
What's Up This Month?
Our choirs continue to host interesting guest speakers and choral instructors. In the coming months, we will be sharing the videos with you in this newsletter.

Concert Chorale
• We enjoyed an informative online session with Dr. Brenda Smith who spoke about Strategies for Lifelong Singing. Dr. Smith shared a lot of great information with us on how to maintain a lifetime of singing.
• Singers are working hard this month on the upcoming video performance which will come out later this spring.

Boulder Children's Chorale
• Our students are enjoying their weekly rehearsals and have been practicing many pieces which will be performed on video and hopefully, at our annual Day Camp.
• This week we will welcome two special guests to work with our choirs. Ginger Littleton, a Kodály trained teacher will work with our younger choirs. Chris Maunu, a conductor, educator, composer, and professional singer based in the Denver-Metro area, will rehearse with our two top choirs.
Caitlin Strickland, pianist

The Boulder Children’s Chorale (BCC) is fortunate to have several accomplished pianists on staff. Caitlin Strickland, who accompanies Bel Canto, has been with the BCC since it was founded in 2009. Ms. Strickland has extensive experience as an accompanist and has also performed with Opera Colorado, Boulder Opera, Boulder Bach Festival, Boulder Suzuki Strings, Arvada Center Chorale, and Resonance Women’s Chorus. She received her Master of Music in piano performance from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
The list of her accomplishments continues far beyond those mentioned here, but most important to us is the positive impact she continuously has in the lives of our students and staff. Former director of Bel Canto and longtime teammate, Meg Lawless, writes:

"Working with Caitlin was one of the most professionally and personally fulfilling experiences of my career to date. She is hands down the best partner I have ever had in the choral classroom. Her musicality and understanding of the small nuances of the pieces we played is impeccable. Her understanding of the rehearsal process and the sequential (and yet flexible) nature of working with children is unmatched. But perhaps my favorite thing about working with Caitlin is her heart. She is the kindest, most caring soul, and this carries over into everything she does. Boulder Chorale has been so lucky to have this gem of a person on staff for so many years. Caitlin, we all love and appreciate you!"

Thank you, Caitlin, for your years of dedicating your time and talents to our organization. We look forward to many more!
Featured Video
A Conversation with Dr. Julie Simson
A short section of the 90-minute talk with Dr. Julie Simson, retired professor of voice from CU Boulder. Her knowledge and experience are far-reaching and can be seen at her website. The Boulder Concert Chorale benefitted tremendously from their time with her, and her session was a favorite of the singers.
Music and Wellbeing
By Mariana Bernoski-Gonya, MFA
Boulder Chorale Board Member At-Large
If the world around us shapes us, choirs can shape us in more positive ways. Boulder Children’s Chorale creates a world where singers learn not only about music, but who they can be. Internationally recognized conductor Marin Alsop explains why it’s important for a young child to learn music, “it’s not about becoming a musician it’s about listening, being applauded and expressing yourself. We want people who are courageous who feel they can speak out and stand up!” In the world of a choir, singers develop more confidence and self-worth. What is it like to know that your voice is essential to the collective music?
This Month in Music
March is Women's History Month—a time to observe and celebrate the vital role women have played in American history. In honor of Women's History Month and International Women's Day, please enjoy this performance of What Happens When a Woman by Alexandra Olsavsky, which is described as "a song for the strong women of our world who seek to empower themselves by asking important questions." There are many resources available to examine the breadth and depth of the musical contributions of women.

Here are a couple of links to get you started on your own exploration: List of Women's Choral Groups and The Best Living Female Conductors, (Dr. Vicki Burrichter's mentor, Marin Alsop, is #1).
The Boulder Chorale is very grateful for the generous support of our grantors and sponsors:

Specialized Services for Artists and Arts Organizations
Kathryn M. Kucsan, Ph.D.