The Chosen Man of Destiny

In the US, Abroad, Praise for the Murderers

Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you. The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers. You destroy those who speak lies; the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. But I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house. I will bow down toward your holy temple in the fear of you. Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.

Psalm 5:1-8

Unification Church members do not have their own nation. The democratic world we see today is the fruit of God’s six-thousand-year long endeavors. Had you been born in Israel at the time of Jesus, you would have been killed in no time at all. A man like me would have been done away with, without leaving the smallest trace of my existence. We must understand clearly that in this world today, there are iniquitous representatives of Satan in every nation, and Communism, which is the embodiment of evil on the global level, is making preparations for the final desperate battle to blot out religion. Do we have a nation that we can claim as our own? Since we do not, aren’t we like outcasts from the world, and haven’t we been treated accordingly? Never forget that you have more to feel mortified about than anyone else.

SMM, CSG Bk 10, Ch. 3 A Perspective on the Nation and the World, 1541

Hello Richard,

At the start of the service Doug Williams gave a moving testimony about Rich Caridi, a strong patriot/Christian, county supervisor and friend of the 2nd King, who passed away last week. He was a strong supporter of the Rod of Iron Freedom Festival since its beginning. He wrote a strong public declaration of people’s rights. He wanted his grandsons to see “this America.”

Then Hyung Jin Nim spoke about the Book of Life Registration Blessing on October 14, commemorating True Father’s escape from Hungnam prison. Father volunteered to sleep next to the toilet. Despite his suffering he continued to praise God. The Blessing of Glory holy song was written in that context of glorifying God in the midst of tribulation.

In communist countries, political opponents are treated as criminals. We are in the midst of a Communist takeover here in the U.S., using the FBI, Department of Justice, etc. to target political opponents.

In providential periods, our nation’s destiny was tied to one man. George Washington was the central figure during the Revolutionary War. During the Civil War, America’s destiny was tied to Lincoln. Whether you like Trump or not, he is the man of destiny for this crucial time.

Sanctuary Service 10/22/23

We have become a fornicating culture. America is exporting sexual depravity around the world. Chastity was a critical standard for our culture, but it has ridiculed and rejected. We need to return to our moral discipline in order to pass on a Christian society. Early dating and sex are not part of that. Our nation’s degradation has been progressing for the past century. The rainbow flag is the New World Order flag. The Biden White House flew it in the center between 2 American flags.

Even the Muslims in the U.S. have been standing up against gender mutilation. Where are the Christians? They have become timid, castrated.

As stated by an ancient Greek philosopher, Pericles, “You may not be interested in politics but politics will be interested in you.”

Those who have escaped Communist countries can see what is happening. But more people are waking up. We need to train, strengthen our mind-body unity. You can make continual improvement whatever age you are.

We the People - Trump Rally to Take Back America

As stated in Psalm 5, the early time in the morning is the time to prepare for the day. Direct your thoughts towards God first. God is personal. You can say, “God direct me to Your thoughts today.” Aim for more than petitionary prayer. For God, asking for wealth or expensive material things is a joke. Think about how God was betrayed first. How can I help You, God?

There is increasing support for Trump, even among Blacks and other minorities. Even Conservatives are beginning to understand over-policing. The Left and the Right are beginning to understand each other. For example, the leader of Black Lives Matter in Rhode Island stands behind the J6 prisoners, and even endorses Trump.

Trump is now treated as federal felon because he is running against Biden again. We should remember that the founding fathers were also considered to be felons by the British Crown. Our founding fathers included a mob boss, Sam Adams. The Revolution needed men of violence to succeed.  The British issued a death warrant for NJ pastor Rev. James Caldwell, who came to preach with two flint-lock muskets at his side. He and similar pastors were called the Black-robed regiment. They warned the people and were the first to stand up to fight. The goal is to create a civilization based on goodness, not power.

Anti-establishment figures in the Left and the Right are coming together against the Deep State.  Trump is not perfect, but he loves our country.

David says to “look up.” Making the gesture of looking up, leads you take in a breath. See the majesty of God. We need a rich prayer life to get through these tumultuous times. That is the rock of our power.

Unlike the ancient pagan religions, the unique feature of the Judeo-Christian God is that He condemned child prostitution, bestiality, etc. The God of the Bible is the God of love. Not the God of power or of knowledge, even though He has those elements.

Next, he discussed the difference between Judeo-Christianity and Islam. Successive revelation means the later passages in the Koran, which talk about hating and killing the unbelievers. have more weight. One in 4 in Europe are Muslim. Anti-Semitism is rising there, and in the U.S.

What is the Christian ethic regarding war. You may have to fight someone, but God calls you to not hate your opponent. That level of love is unheard of in the tribal cultures, which only love the In-group. Christianity teaches that we should love both the “in” and the “out” group. This tempers our potential to be taken over by hate. It is the fatherly, shepherd-type love which benefits the sons and the daughters who become strong. Come back to the Father, who is the shepherd who protects His people.


In the US, Abroad, Praise for the Murderers

"generating death, adorning it, wearing it”

In one voice recording of a Hamas militant who used an Israeli victim’s cellphone on October 7 to call his parents in Gaza, the fighter brags to his father that he is in Israel.

“I killed 10 with my bare hands,” he says. “Their blood is on my hands, let me talk to Mom.”

“May God protect you,” his mother says, sobbing. 

“Mom, your son is a hero. Kill, Kill, Kill,” the fighter says, before his father takes back the phone.

We now know that it was not only the professional Hamas terrorists who were massacring innocent civilians, a mob of “ordinary Palestinians” from Gaza joined them in the attacks. Videos from communities of Be'erim, Nir Oz and others showed "dozens of ordinary-looking Gazans looting and taking part in killings…" according to videos and eyewitness accounts.

A former Israeli commando, Rax Cohen, survived Hamas' attack on the Nova music festival, where hundreds were killed. He said in the report he hid in a bush with friends for almost seven hours, and watched as "Gazan civilians," men "wearing Adidas and armed only with knives and axes," raped and murdered a woman. "They always laughed. I can't forget how they laughed." 

I guess you would expect the Hamas terrorists, with the help of ordinary men from Gaza, to be proud of their handiwork in Southern Israel (1,400 tortured and murdered, hundreds taken captive) on October 7. After all, they are “heroes,” with 72 virgins waiting for each one of them, but you would expect people around the world, regardless of their political views, to condemn the mass butchery, but you would be wrong.  

(Read rest of the article.)

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3rd King's Letter to His Grandmother

NEW Sanctuary Publication: The History of Unification Sanctuary, 2015-2016 is a compilation of essays, testimonies and sermon summaries sent out to the English-speaking Unification community during an historic, tumultuous time in God's providence. Download on Sanctuary Resources History tab, or order in Kindle format or printed.

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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