COCCI Ambassadors travelled from 11 states for 2.5 days of content on patient advocacy, policy, and, most importantly, COCCI's first Hill Day!!! We heard from representatives of the Global Liver Institute, the American Gastroenterological Association, and Generation Patient. We took a deep dive into the Safe Step Act, HELP Copays Act, and Medical Nutrition Equity Act. We also urged members of Congress to join the Congressional Crohn's and Colitis Caucus if they were not already a member.
On hill day, COCCI ambassadors participated in 31 meetings. 15 were Senate meetings, and 16 were House meetings, 1 at the member level.
With so much work to be done, we look forward to inviting COCCI members in 2024 to join our advocacy program. Look out for more information on our advocacy efforts in future communications.