Organization of the Month | |
Bent Sprockets, NEWORC
Bent Sprockets started out 4 years ago as a group of avid mountain bikers who would occasionally get together to ride, but it has evolved into so much more. Dedicated to getting people outside and active, this Newcastle-based club is creating opportunity, maintaining and building trails, as well as organizing epic events. The core interests of the group are biking, trail running, hiking and rock climbing- however, they are known to embrace any adventure they can possibly find. Bent Sprockets continues to be a leader in the State for increasing trail opportunities, and participates in the Northeast Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaborative. They have developed multiple trail systems, including 17 miles at the Flying V Trails and 5 miles at the Old Quarry Trails. They work to educate people about the over 120 miles of single track trail in the Northeast Wyoming.
In the next year, Bent Sprockets will continue the forward progress on local trails, working on the next phase of the Old Quarry Trails. These guys don't sit idle- they are constantly working with the BLM on new ideas for trails and access.
Increasing the opportunities for the community's youth to enjoy their local environment is also high on Bent Sprockets to do list. They have been active in supporting and teaching youth bike safety, and their love of the outdoors with the next generation. Over 30 kids joined them to ride their obstacle course last year, learning trail etiquette and how to ride safely. Many of the local youth never have the opportunity to enjoy the trails just minutes from town. Bent Sprockets strives to break down the barriers that hinder people from developing the love for the outdoors.
The 3rd annual Cave Man Fun Run is coming up fast- May 20th. This race offers 3 distances, 5k, 10k and 20K. Anyone is welcome to walk the courses as well. BIG NEWS -they are hosting a "re-grand opening" of the Flying V Trails after the event. Bent Sprockets is proud of the work done at Flying V to increase accessibility and opportunity. They invite all Collaborative members, bikers, and runners to join them at the V for the party.
Also on the books is the 50/50 race October 7, 2023. This multi-surface bike race features two courses, a 40 mile loop and a 100 mile loop. Both courses are a combination of pavement, gravel, and dirt road. There is something for everyone! They highlight some of the area's beautiful scenery. Sign up and start training, Bent Sprockets would love to see you on the trail!
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Northwest College, PCORC
Outdoor Education and Recreational Leadership are passions of our friends at Northwest College in Powell. The Center for Training and Development's Christi Graeham serves on the Steering Committee for the Park County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative, and works with students to build community around outdoor recreation pursuits. Believing that the key to experiential learning is designing instruction that engages all of a learner's senses sets this adventure education program apart. DELTA is an acronym which stands for "Dedicated to Experiential Learning Through Adventure." DELTA workshops can be designed to target many themes, including team building, cooperation, communication, collaboration, self-confidence, diversity, trust, creativity, and leadership. Northwest College has access to some of the best outdoor recreation in the state within minutes of campus. Their DELTA guides specialize in all types of different outdoor activities including fishing, rock climbing, rafting and hiking. From beginners to professionals, their instructors aim to produce a skilled and ethical workforce in outdoor recreation. They customize any activity to fit the needs of the participants, from young kids to older adults. They work with local agencies to arrange special tours, and can provide transportation as well as any equipment and training that may be needed. They have access to an Outdoor CO-OP which houses everything from safety gear to mountain bikes to rafts for student use. The goal of this program is to teach everyone how to safely recreate in Wyoming's great outdoors.
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Sevi Shperun. SWORC
Who is your employer? US Forest Service, Recreation Program Manager, Saratoga
Which Outdoor Recreation Collaborative(s) do you advise? I work with the Southeast Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaborative.
Why do you love your job? Outdoor recreation is my passion. I am fortunate to have a job that provides me with opportunities to help improve recreation on the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest for all those who enjoy the great outdoors.
What are 3 ways you support outdoor recreation through your work? As part of my job I oversee management of developed recreation, back country recreation and ORV/OSV programs on the Brush Creek Hayden Ranger District of the Medicine Bow National Forest.
What are some projects you are currently working on? We are continuously working with partners to improve overall recreation on our forest. Some current projects include deferred maintenance through the use of Great American Outdoor Act funds and various campground beautification projects along the Snowy Range Byway.
How and with whom do you like to spend your free time? I enjoy hiking, fishing, cross-country skiing and boating with my with my wife, Amanda, my two young children, Jack and Josie and my golden retriever named Holly.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know? I was born and raised in Ukraine until the age of 12.
What are your 3 favorite places in Wyoming to visit, and why? 1. Huston Park Wilderness-This area provides excellent hunting opportunities! 2. NFSR 103 Dipper Lake- This area has great fishing and breathtaking views. 3. Bear Lake- This is a great place to take the family in late summer for swimming, fishing and camping.
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Collaborative Member Spotlight | |
Joy Bannon, WRORC
Who is your employer, and what is your official job title? Wyoming Wildlife Federation, Executive Director, Lander
What organizations and clubs do you participate in? Elks; Rock and Gem Club; Wyoming Wildlife Federation activities; Attend banquets for other sporting organizations
Why is outdoor recreation important to you?. Quality of life; experiencing the outdoors while being healthy to ourselves; viewing and harvesting wildlife; feeding my family through recreation activities, such as hunting and fishing
How do you spend your time outdoors? Hunting, fishing, hiking, rock exploring, swimming; skiing - cross country and alpine; biking
What are your 3 favorite outdoor recreation areas/trails in Wyoming? Sinks Canyon Trail System, Vedauwoo, and Big Sandy area
Why did you choose to join the Outdoor Recreation Collaborative? To participate in the conversations regarding new or updated recreation areas; to make sure wildlife and their habitat are part of the decision making process
Do you have any project advice for other Collaborative Members in Wyoming? Always remember humans and our activities can and do impact wildlife; together we can be good stewards of the land and our natural resources; being conscious of our recreation development in that context is important for the overall balance of our natural resources in Wyoming
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Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaboratives | |
The Northeast Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaborative latest meeting featured 2 guest presenters- BLM Recreation Planner Rachel Woita updated the group on their current priorities, and USFS Bear Lodge District Ranger Emily Reif spoke about upcoming projects in the Forest. Kim Taylor representing the Gillette Camporee attended to speak to the Collaborative about some service projects for their campers in summer of 2024. Members of the Upton Gun Club proposed some upgrades to their range as a potential Collaborative-supported project. Collab members are reviewing their full proposal. The remainder of the meeting was spent on the upcoming Cave Man Fun Run and grant re-opening of the Flying V Trails on May 20. | |
The Park County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative recently voted on a new member, solidly becoming the largest Outdoor Recreation Collaborative in Wyoming. Not only are they the largest, but PCORC has the most consistant attendance. A guest presenter from Sheridan-based ACR Consultants talked about the option of hiring private contractors for support in expediting the Federal NEPA process. The idea of creating a bouldering park in Cody was discussed, although no formal proposal was made. Other discussions included the possibility of adding or re-vamping a boat launch at Beck Lake, along with improvements at Deaver Reservoir outside of Powell. A site visit to the Lane 17 bridge area is being planned for those interested supporting in that project. | |
The Bighorn Basin Outdoor Recreation Collaborative meeting was kicked off by Rick Tryder, BLM Recreation Planner. He recently attended a River Symposium in San Antonio which gave him some great information on trends in river-based recreation which he shared with the group. Discussion was held on the Bighorn Blueway project. A river event/group float was proposed to help raise awareness of the Blueway project. CJ Grimes gave several updates on possible projects including the Worland Riverside Park, several trail connectors near Meadowlark Lake in the Bighorns, and climbing access via a new bridge at Canyon Creek. Additionally, the Hot City Alliance has been hard at work creating new single track trails outside of Thermopolis.
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Sweetwater County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative: Collaborative members will meet in subcommittees over the month of April to discuss a variety of Rail-to-Trail opportunities, the idea of a non-motorized trail between communities in Sweetwater County, and ways the collaborative can partner with Southwest Wyoming Offroad Trails (SWOT) on the enrollment of county roads in the Wyoming State Trails Program. Ideas and action items from these groups will be brought back to general Collaborative members in May. Collaborative members will be re-signing the revised SCORC Charter this Spring and welcoming new signatories to the document. Members of SCORC are partnering with the Sweetwater Mountain Biking Association for National Trails Day on June 3rd. The event will feature a bike raffle, guided rides, clinics, and more! There will also be clean-up days throughout the county during the month of May. | | |
Wind River Outdoor Recreation Collaborative: Collaborative members will meet over the next few weeks to form subcommittees to discuss a handful of topics. At previous meetings, Collaborative members have run out of time for longer discussions and some topics require a core group’s attention to be accomplished. The Winter Recreation Solutions subcommittee will focus on the development of partnerships, an understanding of current conditions and management at various winter recreation sites, and a plan for the 2023/2024 season. The subcommittee on the Squaw Baldwin Multi-Modal Lane will provide time for interested parties to have discussions on this potential project. The Collaborative is starting to attract more engagement from the community of Dubois! WRORC will be helping with the Wyoming Outdoor Weekend & Expo (WOW) in Lander on May 19th and 20th. Join us! | |
The Natrona County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative had a special guest at their last meeting. Dr. Dan McCoy from the University of Wyoming introduced the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Report to the group, which is a great resource for Collaboratives who are seeking project funding. The Casper Mountain Motorized project subcommittee reported on a recent meeting between members of the snow mobile club "Snow Gypsies", County Parks, and the State Trails Program. Some areas of concern have been identified, and the Collab will provide support to the County as they work to write grants to pay for trail repair. Hell's Half Acre continues to be a viable project. The next step for the Hell's Half Acre subcommittee will be a field trip to check out the site. Other County priorities include improvements to the campgrounds and picnic areas on Casper Mountain. Then they will begin discussing signage. | | |
The Southeast Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Collaborative: Great news from SWORC! Collaborative members are in the process of signing the SWORC Charter (woohoo!). Also, members have been hard at work to finalize the Southeast Wyoming Outdoor Recreation User Survey. The survey will be dispersed to the public via email, social media, and print materials. It will provide valuable data that focuses on specific outdoor recreation sites in Carbon and Albany Counties, as well as a deeper dive into the recreationalists that enjoy Southeast Wyoming. There will be four subcommittees meeting before the next general meeting in May. This includes a final meeting for the user survey, a continuation of a meeting topic on Snowy Range winter recreation, a discussion of recreation along HWY 130 and other scenic byways in Southeast Wyoming, and a new discussion of a trail that would connect small communities.
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Coming Soon...
Outdoor Recreation Collaborative #8
Sheridan/Johnson Counties
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Congress Reintroduces
America's Outdoor Recreation Act (AORA)
The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable reports, "This groundbreaking legislation not only boosts local and national economies, it also gives more Americans — especially those in underserved areas — greater access to green spaces and public lands and waters while not costing taxpayers a dime to implement."
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Outdoor Recreation in Wyoming- April 26-28, Laramie
Emerging Issues Forum
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Wyoming Outdoorsman 2023 Banquet- May 6, Cody
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Two Fly Foundation Fly Fishing Tournament- May 10-12, Casper
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Wyoming Outdoor Weekend & Expo- May 19-20, Lander
Wyoming Game and Fish Department
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Cave Man Fun Run - May 20, Flying V Trails, Newcastle
Bent Sprockets
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John Wesley Powell Festival- May 21, Powell
Powell Chamber of Commerce
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Trails Day- June 2-3, Green River
Sweetwater Mountain Bike Assoc.
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Platte River Clean Up- June 3, Casper
Platte River Trails
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Jackalope Days Ride, Row, Run- June 10, Douglas
Outdoor Enthusiasts of Converse County
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Wyoming Youth Hunter Education Challenge- June 10, Upton
Upton Gun Club and The Wyoming Game and Fish Department
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Wind River Overlanding Rally - June 15-18, Hudson
Journal of Lost Time
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Bighorn Trail Run- June 15-18, Sheridan
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Bear Bait 8- June 24, Casper Mountain
Fat Fish Racing
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International Climber's Festival- July 13-16, Lander
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Magpul Wyoming Governor's Match- July 14-16, Casper
Casper Shooter's Club
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Antelope Butte Summer Festival- July 22
Antelope Butte Ski Area
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Laramie Range Epic- July 29, Laramie
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Jurassic Classic- August 17-20, Lander
Lander Cycling Club
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Lake Louise Nature Trek- August 29, Dubois
Wind River Historical Center
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Bearlodge Mtn Classic- Sept. 17, Sundance
Sundance Chain Gang
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