October 2020
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Welcome new faculty!

Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies
Photo of Renae Mayes with a burnt red background. She is wearing a yellow blouse and a pretty red and purple scarf.
Associate Professor RENAE MAYES joins the college from Ball State University where she served as an associate professor and director in the School Counseling Program. She completed her Ph.D. in Counselor Education at The Ohio State University where she was a Todd Anthony Bell Fellow. Mayes completed degrees at the University of Maryland, College Park (M.Ed. in School Counseling) and University of Missouri (B.S. in Middle School Math and Social Studies Education) where she was a McNair Scholar. Mayes was also a Gates Millennium Scholar as an undergraduate and graduate student. Her line of research focuses on gifted education, special education, urban education, as well as students of color in K-12 schools. She is currently investigating the intersection of gifted and special education in K-12 schools and recently started a line of research focused on school counselor partnership and collaboration with school administrators.
Photo of Lisa Furr. She has blonde curly hair and is wearing a black and white dress and is standing in front of a green bush
Lecturer LISA FURR considers herself a native of Tucson, Arizona since she has lived here most of her life. She earned a Business Administration, B.S., with a minor in Entrepreneurial Studies from Gallaudet University and holds a Master’s in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix. Currently, she is a lecturer teaching American Sign Language classes at the University of Arizona. Previously, she was the account manager for Hamilton Relay and managed the states contracts and oversaw culture training for all relay personnel. She developed the culture training modules and provided the Deaf, Deaf World activities to the communication assistants. Furr has enjoyed volunteering for a wide array of organizations. She held various positions with National Association of the Deaf, Arizona Association of the Deaf, Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, and Deaf Women United and she also served as a commissioner on the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission. She also provided parliamentary procedure consultation.  
Garrison Tsinajinie headshot
After graduating this December, special education doctoral student GARRISON TSINAJINIE will be joining the college as an assistant professor of practice. His research as a doctoral candidate focuses on finding ways to support people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, especially those in Indigenous communities. Being of the Black Streak Wood People (Tsi’naajinii) born into the Big Water Clan (Tótsohnii) from the Navajo Nation, he is committed to finding ways to support members of Indigenous communities who have visual impairments. As a doctoral candidate, his focus is on how students can access the Navajo language using assisted technology. A major part of his research has been focused on how to integrate details of the Navajo language, like the unique symbols on top of the letters that are used to indicate whether tones are high or if they are nasal tones, into assisted technology.
Department of Educational Policy Studies and Practice
Photo of Keiron Bailey standing on university campus with trees in background. He has short hair.
Associate Professor KEIRON BAILEY’s research interests focus on the design and delivery of effective group processes, including public involvement in complex, real-world applications, under the rubric of Structured Public Involvement or SPI (yes, you can Google it). His methodology expertise centers on collaborative geovisual and geospatial systems, including GIS. He has also published on international education with a focus on English language learning in Japan. At the University of Arizona, Bailey has taught undergraduate classes and graduate seminars including data handling and visualization, introduction to GIS, advanced GIS and geovisualization, research methods, collaborative decision support and group processes, and introductory applied statistics for development. Previously he taught introductory geography, sociology and western culture as well as English language in Japan.
Photo of Judy Kiyama standing in front of green brush. She is wearing a blue blazer with a white shirt and a red necklace.
Raised just northeast of Tucson, we are excited to welcome JUDY MARQUEZ KIYAMA as both a professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education and associate vice provost for faculty development in the Office of Faculty Affairs. In her role as associate vice provost, she is working on implementing efforts that further the aims of the University of Arizona to excel in its Hispanic Serving Institution designation through increasing institutional capacity among faculty. This includes developing equity-focused recruitment, hiring, and retention practices; and developing faculty capacity in research, teaching and curriculum, and service. Although Professor Kiyama won’t be teaching classes in the college, she is enthusiastically connecting with higher education students and open to participating as a thesis or dissertation committee member for students who share her scholarly and research interests. A nationally renowned scholar, you can learn more about Kiyama and her research in this research spotlight from the University of Denver.
Department of Educational Psychology
Photo of Katherine Cheng standing in front of trees and a handrail. She is wearing a purple blouse smiling and looking to the left.
KATHERINE CHENG (also known as Kat) is a new assistant research professor in the Department of Educational Psychology. She graduated with her PhD in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University with a specialization in Measurement and Statistical Analysis. She also holds a Master’s in Psychology from New York University with Developmental and Social Psychology concentrations. Cheng completed her two-year postdoc fellowship at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools. Before joining the University of Arizona, she spent one year as assistant professor in human development at California State University, San Marcos. Her research and teaching interests involve children, youth, and young adult well-being in high-risk family and educational contexts, particularly relating their emotional and motivational development to correlates in stress regulation (manifested from survey data and biomarkers such as salivary cortisol). She is also a yogi and cat/dog lover and enjoys biking and hiking in her leisure time.

Congratulations to the following career-track faculty members on their promotions:

Department of Educational Psychology
Heidi Burross: promoted to full professor of practice
Elizabeth Pope: promoted to associate professor of practice
Professor of Practice Heidi Burross
Associate Professor of Practice Elizabeth Pope
Congratulations to this year’s Paul Lindsey interns!

We are excited to announce that the following graduate students have been selected as this academic year’s Paul Lindsey interns.
Jinseok Park
Esther Page
Mandy Becker
Quinton Tran
Ruby Valencia
Ricardo Dominguez
Lakyn Kearns

The students’ academic interests span the programs offered in our college, including School Psychology, Visual Impairment, Ed Policy, Higher Ed, Counseling, Teachers and Teacher Education, and Environmental Education. The college is well represented!

These agencies in our community have honored the need to host interns in a new, digital format while providing a path for our students to participate fully in each community impact program: Girls & Boys Club, the Cooper Center for Environmental Learning, Bisbee Science Lab, SARSEF, Ironwood Tree Experience, CommunityShare, and AAUW.

Congratulations, students, and thank you to Paul Lindsey for supporting this program in its 13th year!
Desiree Vega appointed as JSP associate editor

After serving as a guest associate editor for several submissions over the past couple of years, DPS Associate Professor Desiree Vega has been appointed to serve as the associate editor of the Journal of School Psychology. The JSP is an official publication of the Society for the Study of School Psychology and is one of the top tier journals in the field, with a five-year impact score of 4.19. Congratulations, Desiree!
headshot of Marcela Kepic
Marcela Kepic awarded the Outstanding Adultspan Journal Article Award

Congratulations to DPS Associate Professor of Practice Marcela Kepic on being awarded the Outstanding Adultspan Journal Article Award by the Association for Adult Development and Aging. We are so proud of Kepic as she continues the strong tradition of the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies in research and service that leads the field of adult development, aging, and counseling across the lifespan.
Jina Yoon headshot
Jina Yoon selected as a member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology

Congratulations to DPS Professor Jina Yoon on being selected as a member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology – an honor that only a handful of school psychology leaders are selected for each year. Considered criteria include 1) sustained contributions to the field of school psychology, 2) awards and honors, 3) originality of contributions, 4) impact on training, 5) impact on practice, 6) impact on science, and 7) depth and breadth of contributions.
Corey Knox headshot
UA CURE Training Institute will offer undergraduates guided research experience to explore diversity and equity in educational settings

Congratulations to Research Scientist Corey Knox, who was recently selected to participate in the UA CURE Training Institute, which includes funding, training, and support that culminate in an undergraduate research course in TLS. Knox proposed an applied research course focusing on access, equity, and inclusion in education and STEM.

The course, which will launch in spring 2021 as a 2-credit undergraduate TLS course, is dedicated to developing an applied understanding of the processes of using social science/educational research methods to investigate questions related to educational access, equity, and inclusion. This guided research experience will leverage students' own experiences and those of their peers to explore and ultimately design individual mini-research projects that explore diversity and equity in educational settings.

2020-2021 Cohort for the UA CURE Training Institute

  • Research Scientist Corey Knox, College of Education, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies
  • Associate Professor Jessica Braithwaite and Assistant Professor Frank Gonzalez, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Government & Public Policy
  • Graduate Research Assistant Raine Ikagawa and Associate Professor Wendy Moore, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Entomology and Insect Science
  • Professor Janet Nicol, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Department of Linguistics and College of Science, Department of Psychology
  • Postdoctoral Fellow Alise Ponsero and Assistant Professor Bonnie Hurwitz, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences & College of Engineering, Department of Biosystems Engineering
  • Staff Instructor Martin Pepper, College of Science, Department of Geosciences
Flyer for the NAAEE conference. Photo has blue background with yellow font that says 49th Annual Conference and 17th Annual Research Symposium
College of Education at the 17th Annual NAAEE Research Symposium

This month, a number of faculty, students, and staff members of the college will virtually attend and deliver presentations at the 17th Annual North American Association for Environmental Education Research Symposium. Research Scientist Corey Knox will speak on a keynote panel titled Pedagogies that Inspire Change in Environmental Education. In her presentation, she will discuss the ways that community voices and immediate environmental justice issues and topics should inform education in schools and in out-of-school environmental education. 

Knox will also present with Assistant Dean Sara Chavarria and language, reading, and culture doctoral student Tony Viola on the Linking Southwest Heritage through Archaeology project. The title of their presentation is Outdoor Recreation, Identity, and Land Stewardship: Renarrating our Past to Re-vision Our Future.

Professor Alberto Arenas will also present at the symposium. He will deliver a keynote presentation titled COVID-19 and a Pedagogy of Eco-solidarity in which he will discuss intersecting forms of solidarity—interclass, interracial, intergender, international, intergenerational, and interspecies—as the foundation for a new pedagogy that brings together social and environmental justice. His second presentation will be on a panel discussion titled The Journal of Environmental Education: Increasing your Chances to Publish.

Also presenting is Dean Bruce Johnson alongside Cooper Center Director Colin Waite and College of Education retiree Mike Mayer. The title of their paper presentation is Educating for Action: How Do We Help Children Lessen Impact? Mayer will also present a paper titled Muir Treks: Exploring a Wild Place in the Spirit of John Muir.

Cooper Center representation continues with a poster presentation by disability and psychoeducational studies doctoral student Michelle Silvers and Cooper Center staff Paige Humphrey, Mariah Kuehl, Brittne MacCleary, Colin Waite, and Deanna Kulbeth. The title of their presentation is Supporting Inclusive Practices in EE Programs for Exceptional Learners.

Dean Bruce Johnson will also present a poster, titled Values Education in Outdoor Environmental Education from the Practitioner Perspective, with Masaryk University Associate Professor Jan Cincera.
Curtis Acosta headshot
Curtis Acosta speaks at learning series about how to teach racial justice in P-12 schools

Last month, Assistant Professor of Practice Curtis Acosta was invited to be a guest speaker at a virtual five-part discussion and learning series about how to effectively teach racial justice in P-12 schools. The series, titled Teaching Racial Justice in P-12 Schools, was hosted by Paul Gorski and the Equity Literacy Institute. Acosta and other guest speakers explored what it means to engage youth of various ages in critical conversations that transcend celebrating diversity; how to cope with resistance from colleagues, parents, and others; where to find powerful resources; what it means to approach teaching for racial justice in "age appropriate" ways; and how to make sure we're teaching racial justice in the most transformative, pedagogically sound ways. 
Sheri Bauman presents on aggression, social networks, and cyberbullying in adolescence

Earlier this year in April, DPS Professor Sheri Bauman delivered a keynote presentation titled Aggression in adolescence at the virtual Adolescent in the Megalopolis conference in Moscow, Russia.

Last month, she gave a presentation and poster session at the virtual European Association for Research on Adolescence conference in September. The presentation, titled Social network preferences of teens: Do affordances matter?, was delivered by Bauman and Leah Zachariah, a counseling master’s student. The poster session, titled Social networks and moral disengagement: Associations with cyberbullying and cybervictimization, was presented and prepared by Bauman and Denisse Navarro Rodriguez, a doctoral student at Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.  
Cover of Counseling the Contemporary Woman book. Photo has peach background with six hands coming together at the center of the cover.
A unique perspective of the development, challenges, and needs of women as they navigate through life

Last spring, DPS Associate Professor of Practice Marcela Kepic’s book Counseling the Contemporary Woman: Strategies and Interventions Across the Lifespan was released. The book provides a comprehensive exploration of the challenges women may face as they navigate the multiple roles that they carry. Attention is given to the unique cultural identities that women embody and suggestions are provided to help counselors acknowledge the various aspects of each client's intersectional identity.
A special issue of the Educational Psychologist co-edited by Paul Schutz

Educational Psychology Interim Department Head Paul Schutz co-edited a special issue of the Educational Psychologist entitled Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research in Educational Psychology. Schutz and Elmhurst University Education Professor Debra Meyer served as guest editors and opened the issue with the question Why talk about qualitative and mixed methods in educational psychology?
Photo has seven children in a desert landscape holding up Thank you signs
The Cooper Center for Environmental Learning just wrapped up their 2020 Crowdfunding campaign exceeding their $30,000 goal with a total of $32,601 raised in donations! Gaining this support was critical to ensure that the Cooper Center can continue to serve Tucson-area students.

Both the college and the Cooper Center want to thank all of those who donated and helped spread the word about the campaign. This support will allow the Cooper Center team to continue sharing the wonders of our beautiful Sonoran Desert with learners of all ages.
Submit Your News
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We're interested in upcoming workshops, publications, stellar students to feature, awards, presentations, and so on! Click the link below to submit.

Major: Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies
Minor: Cognitive Science
Expected graduation: May 2022
Hometown: North Brunswick, NJ
Research interests: Data literacy as a construct of new literacies

What led you to the University Of Arizona College Of Education?
I’ve lived in Tucson for 33 years and when I decided to make a career change, to leave the practice of accounting and consider becoming a researcher and an educator, The University of Arizona, as a research 1 university, seemed like the natural choice.

What have you learned in the College of Education that's made a difference to you?
The stance that the TLS department takes around equity and social justice has really helped me refine my interrogation of data from this perspective. Adopting this stance has helped me recognize the many ways that data is subjective and that the people who know how to work with and analyze data have power. 

Tell us about the Data Science Ambassador program that you’re involved with. What kind of resources and opportunities are available to the college community with you in this role?
In this role I’ll be holding workshops for the students, staff, and faculty within the college. We are currently devising a survey to determine these needs and will then design workshops around them. I’ll also be holding drop in office hours to work on specific issues around data, for example where datasets can be accessed, how to store and manipulate data, how to communicate with data. I’m proficient in Excel and R, and can serve as a resource to the college for these skills, as well as a resource for where they might find help around campus with other data science issues.

What are your post-graduation plans as of now?
I am passionate about teaching; I love working with the students, seeing and experiencing their meaning making processes informs my research, so I envision myself in this role.

Do you have any advice for undergraduate students who are considering a graduate program?
Follow your passion. Graduate school is hard work, but when you are doing what you love it doesn’t seem that difficult.