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The Columns - February 2024

An Exciting Update from the Music Team:

The Music Team is pleased to introduce Adam Sampson as our new Organist and Pianist. He will attend worship and coffee hour this Sunday, Feb. 11th, and begin playing for worship on Ash Wednesday, Feb.14th.

In November, our team chose to promote two separate Music Ministries positions, with the option to apply for both. This approach allowed for more expansive discernment to meet the needs of our vibrant, intergenerational, music-loving church. Our team reached a unanimous decision to pursue this new staffing model with two excellent musicians. While we are not prepared to announce our hopeful Director of Music Ministries, it is an absolute joy to introduce Adam, and welcome him to LCC.

(Click button to the right or full letter)

Full Music Team Letter and Bio for Adam Sampson
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Children, Youth, & Family: News & Events 
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We are happy to let everyone know that Haynes has started early registration for Haynes families for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. We would also like to extend our early registration to those who attend LCC. If you are interested in becoming part of the Haynes family, please contact Shannon Lubas to ask questions or arrange a tour. Class information and registration forms can be found on our website at


Shannon Lubas 


216 260-5938


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LCC Volunteer Opportunities

LCC's Community Meal

We will be offering our monthly

Community Meal

Thursday, February 1

Our January community meal was assembled and distributed on January 4. We served pork roast with stuffing, Capri blend vegetables, rolls and butter, bananas, and brownies made by Vicki Smigelski and Joanne Ritschel. Our workers were Greg Robey, Nancy Fraunfelder, Bob Paraska, and Donna Leisinger. We had 20 people attend, and all meals were taken.

Peggi and Michael Mizen

Food delivery services have changed since the onset of Covid. If you have the means to donate, two local organizations that could be donated to are the Cleveland Food Bank and the Lakewood Community Service Center.

Each first Sunday of the month is our dedicated Hunger Sunday.

There are Hunger Envelopes at the back of the Sanctuary for your donation towards this LCC Ministry. 

Music Makers

Would you like to share your music talents as a vocalist or instrumentalist in LCC’s worship service?

Please let us know what you’d be interested in sharing and whether you’d want piano or guitar accompaniment. The Music Team will reach out to you several weeks ahead of time to coordinate.”

Sign Up HERE

Fellowship Hour Host

Sign Up to be a Host for our fellowship time after worship on Sundays. All information and training will be provided by Sarah and Paul Pierce (our Coffee Hour coordinators). Sign Up Here

Be part of a two-person team to count the offering following worship on Sunday mornings

  • It takes only about fifteen minutes each time
  • Sign up for as few or as many weeks per month as you wish

Contact Laura Sangree if you are interested in signing up. (Contact information is in the Instant Church Directory)

Sign Up HERE

LCC Meetings & Event Schedule

Be sure to check the weekly emails for any changes

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Save the Date/Upcoming Events

Power, Purpose & Love:

Becoming Change-makers in Our Communities

11th Annual Cavicchi Christian Education Seminar

featuring Keynote Speaker and Facilitator

Rev. Joy Fenton-Jones

(Pastor Joanna will be a panelist for the panel discussion)

Sunday March 3, 2024, at 4:00-7:30pm

at Rocky River United Methodist Church or on Zoom

Cavicchi Lecture Information and Registration
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Living Water Association News & Events

UCC Webinar—Black History:

Unsung Heroes of the Environmental Justice Movement


For Black History Month, the UCC will be celebrating past environmental justice leaders and their historic contributions to the movement. We will lift up and reflect upon the lives of champions for justice such as Dana Alston, Damu Smith, Hazel Johnson, and others. To fully appreciate their impact and legacy, we will hear from those in the movement who knew them. Featured speakers will include those who have been at the forefront of the movement: Robert Bullard, Vernice Miller-Travis, and Peggy Shepard. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time on February 14th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and you will receive a link to a recording of it. Register now!

Click Here for Instructions on How to Setup your Account
How do I Register for a Summer Camp Session?
How do I sign forms for my camper or myself?

The Faith-in-Action would like to help members of our church connect with the wider church outside of our own church walls. One of the best ways to connect is to join the Living Water Association mailing list. Subscribe here. There are a wide variety of adult education programs and events available year-round.

LCC Executive Team

Chair: Laura Germaine

Chair Elect: Emma Petrie Barcelona

Moderator: Dave Amen

Treasurer: Laura Sangree

Worship Life: Darren Toms

Buildings and Grounds: David Spahr

Congregational Life: Andy Barlow

Faith In Action: Kristina Kovach

Asst. Treasurer: Michael Daso

Welcoming Ministries: Audrey Hancock


LCC’s Membership Directory is online for you to use on the go! Or at home!

Only members whose email is in the directory can have access to the information. It is available on your computer or as an app on your phone.

Please make sure to update the office if you have any changes to your information.

Instant Church Directory

Offering and Contribution Collection

Financial gifts are always welcome, our church feels the call to respond to the needs around us as they arise. Financial stability allows us to do so more effectively. So, let us give generously of our time, talent, treasure to further the work of God in our community.

You can do so in the following ways:

  • Donate through our website: Give
  • Writing and mailing a check to Lakewood Congregational Church, 1375 W. Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, OH 44107
  • Sending a gift through your bank's online bill pay
  • Call the church office at (216) 221-9555 to discuss other options
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Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm