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The Columns - May 2023

News from your LCC Leadership
Children, Youth, & Family: News & Events 

Haynes Nursery School News

If you or someone you know are looking for a preschool for the 2023-24 school year, Haynes currently has spots available for 3-year-olds and Pre-K kids! Check out our website for details on our new extended day class. Check out haynesnurseryschool.com or contact Shannon Lubas at haynes@lcc-church.org Spots are filling quickly! 


Caring for Creation butterfly garden installation.

Have a green thumb? Like to dig in the dirt or get know more about native plant gardening? Come join us for the installation of a butterfly garden along W. Clifton the weekend of May 20th. We will be installing @100 seedling plants.

If interested please see Heather Tuck-Macalla or Karen Wagner.

Reproductive healthcare 

We will be hosting petition signature events to help get reproductive healthcare rights on the ballot this fall. We will be hosting a table in the lobby as well as hosting a drive-thru signature collecting event(s). If you would like to help or have questions, please contact Heather Tuck-Macalla.

Global Ministries

At our last meeting we elected to select a second beneficiary to our Global Ministries collections. In addition to Mt. Selinda hospital, we will also help support a refugee camp in the Congo. We are also currently looking into hosting a future refugee family.

LCC Volunteer Opportunities

LCC's Community Meal

We will be offering our monthly

Community Meal

Thursday, May 4

Our April take away community meal was cooked, assembled, and distributed on Thursday, April 6 – we made turkey with gravy, scalloped potatoes and green beans. The vegetarians received a plant-based chicken marinara with the other sides. We also provided bananas and Paula Deal made Easter inspired rice crispy treats, and packaged them with Easter candy.

Our team was – Greg Robey, Susan Walker, Paula, Deal, Peggy, Shaw, Nancy, Fraunfelder, Wendy Summers, and Bob Paraska.

Twenty two people attended and all 44 meals were taken.

This committee continues to thank our congregation for your support with this very important ministry. -Michael and Peggi Mizen

Food delivery services have changed since the onset of Covid. If you have the means to donate, two local organizations that could be donated to are the Cleveland Food Bank and the Lakewood Community Service Center.

Each first Sunday of the month is our dedicated Hunger Sunday.

There are Hunger Envelopes at the back of the Sanctuary for your donation towards this LCC Ministry. 

Music Makers

Would you like to share your music talents as a vocalist or instrumentalist in LCC’s worship service?

Please let us know what you’d be interested in sharing and whether you’d want piano or guitar accompaniment. Ben Malkevitch will reach out to you several weeks ahead of time to coordinate.”

Sign Up HERE

Be part of a two-person team to count the offering following worship on Sunday mornings

  • It takes only about fifteen minutes each time
  • Sign up for as few or as many weeks per month as you wish

Contact Laura Sangree if you are interested in signing up. (Contact information is in the Instant Church Directory)

Sign Up HERE

LCC Meetings & Event Schedule

Be sure to check the weekly emails for any changes

Looking Ahead: Save the Date

Living Water Association News & Events

The Faith-in-Action would like to help members of our church connect with the wider church outside of our own church walls. One of the best ways to connect is to join the Living Water Association mailing list. Subscribe here. There are a wide variety of adult education programs and events available year-round.

LCC Executive Team

Chair: Bill Fraunfelder

Chair Elect: Laura Germaine

Moderator: Jan Young

Treasurer: Laura Sangree

Worship Life: Lauren Smigelski

Buildings and Grounds: Michael Fleenor

Congregational Life: Andy Barlow

Outreach Ministries: Heather Tuck-Macalla

Asst. Treasurer: Michael Daso

Welcoming Ministries: Vicki Smigelski


LCC’s Membership Directory is online for you to use on the go! Or at home!

Only members whose email is in the directory can have access to the information. It is available on your computer or as an app on your phone.

Please make sure to update the office if you have any changes to your information.

Instant Church Directory

Offering and Contribution Collection

Financial gifts are always welcome, our church feels the call to respond to the needs around us as they arise. Financial stability allows us to do so more effectively. So, let us give generously of our time, talent, treasure to further the work of God in our community.

You can do so in the following ways:

  • Donate through our website: Give
  • Writing and mailing a check to Lakewood Congregational Church, 1375 W. Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, OH 44107
  • Sending a gift through your bank's online bill pay
  • Call the church office at (216) 221-9555 to discuss other options
office hours.jpg

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm