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Emails have been redacted for security. Please contact the office to RSVP for any events.
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December 2024, January & February 2025 | |
Dear Church,
Every few years, the First Sunday of Advent happens the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This is one of those years. If I’m honest, I much prefer the years with a nice little week in-between, but the Creator of Time didn’t consult me first. So here we are.
Click below to read Pastor Joanna's full letter.
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Listen, those who have ears to hear……
Look, those who have eyes to see?
O God, give me the
humbleness of those shepherds
who saw in the cold December darkness
the Coming of Light
the Advent of Love
-Ann Weems
“To Listen, to Look” from Kneeling in Bethlehem
Sunday, December 1st invites us to enter into the 1st day of Advent and the last month of this year 2024. We certainly understand where we’ve been- joys and challenges, endings and beginnings that include celebrations and loss. Let us endeavor to take a deep breath to honor the experiences and emotions of the past eleven months.
Click below to read Rev. Catherine's full letter.
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As I settle into my role as your new Director of Music Ministries, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the warm welcome my family and I have received. From our very first Sunday, we have felt embraced by your kindness. Your graciousness has made our transition to this community not just smooth, but truly joyful.
I believe that music has the unique power to uplift our spirits and deepen our faith and have experienced this personally. As Psalm 95:1 reminds us, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” Whether through the musical gifts of our Chancel and Bell Choirs, the harmonious blessings that come from our children and youth, or from the many individuals that choose to share through special music, I look forward to collaborating with the talented individuals at LCC to create a rich and vibrant musical experience that honors this call to worship.
In the coming weeks, I hope to meet each of you personally (if I haven’t already) and learn about your musical passions and talents. Thank you once again for your incredible welcome – I am excited to continue on this musical journey with all of you!
Craig Reynolds
Director of Music Ministries
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Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Information | |
Fall 2024 Children, Youth, and Family Ministries (CYF)
Hello church family!
Welcome to a new year of Faith Formation classes and activities for our children and youth!
This fall, our young people will learn about Jesus welcoming youth, praying for one another, and more.
PreK-5th grade will once again be using a curriculum called Whirl Lectionary.
Click below to read Rachel's full letter.
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12/1: 10am, Worship for All Ages with Angel Tree
11:30am: Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
12/8: 10am, Faith Formation
(grades PK-12)
11:30am, Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
11:30am: Confirmation Class
12/14: Musical Rehearsal and
Parent/Guardian Meeting
12/15: 10am, Faith Formation
(grade PK-5)
11:30am, Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
12/21: 10am, Christmas
Pageant Rehearsal
12/22: 10am, Faith Formation
11:30am, Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
3:30pm: Christmas Pageant
and Reception
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1/5: 10am, Worship for All Ages
12pm, Musical Rehearsal
1/12: 10am, Faith Formation (PreK-12th)
11:30am Confirmation Class
12pm: Musical Rehearsal
1/19: 10am Faith Formation
11:15am, Youth Group
(grades 6-12)
12pm, Musical Rehearsal
11/26: 10am, Faith Formation
12pm, Musical Rehearsal
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2/2:10am, Worship for All Ages
Annual Meeting with youth lunch fundraiser
12pm Musical Rehearsal
2/9: 10am, Faith Formation (grades PK-12th)
11:15 Homeless Awareness Sleep Out (HASO) meeting for youth and parent/guardian
12pm Musical Rehearsal
2/15-16: Homeless Awareness Sleep Out (HASO)
2/16: 10am, Faith Formation (grades PK-5th)
12pm Musical Rehearsal
2/23: 10am, Faith Formation (grades PK-12th)
11:30 Confirmation Class
12pm Musical Rehearsal
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The annual Christmas pageant will be held on Sunday, December 22 at 3:30pm. We will begin learning the songs for the pageant during faith formation time beginning on December 1, and we will have pageant rehearsals after church leading up to the performance. More details on that to come soon. Please note that the pageant will be in the sanctuary this year because of the ongoing construction on the social hall.
The children and youth are invited to be a part of the 5pm Christmas Eve service. The elementary school-aged children will sing a song from the pageant in the service, and the youth will perform special music.
-Tim Hampton, Director of Children and Youth Music
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LCC Youth Musical Update
We have a lot of music making coming up this winter for the children and youth. We held auditions for the 2025 spring musical, The Wizard of Oz, on November 24.
There will be a read through and parent meeting for the musical on Saturday, December 14. Please enter by the Chapel.
1-2pm: Parents/Guardian Meeting
1-2pm: 3rd-5th graders
1-3:30pm: 6th-12th graders
Starting on Sunday, January 5, there will be musical rehearsals every Sunday from 12-4 until tech week begins on March 16.
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We’re officially headed down the Yellow Brick Road! Nearly 60 incredibly talented youth auditioned for the youth musical. Our 3-month rehearsal period will commence in January, and before we know it, these kids will be transporting us to Oz! Thank you to the entire LCC community for your support of the youth theatre program!!!
Directors: Domenic Farinelli-Martinez and Lindy Warren
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Registration schedule for 2025-2026 school year:
- January for current families
- February for new families
Reach out to our Haynes Director, Shannon Lubas for more information about the different classes. LCC families receive priority entrance, but classes do fill up fast.
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It is time again for our Angel Tree Project! For those new to this program, the national organization, Prison Fellowship, organizes Angel Tree to help children connect with their incarcerated parents at the holidays.
Each year, LCC members purchase gifts for these children on behalf of their parents to help them feel close and know they are loved. The children who benefit from the program receive gifts far beyond those we purchase—they get a chance to feel that their parent is near on Christmas.
Our Angel Tree will grace our sanctuary with the names of 100+ children from 46 families and their gift requests. The requests are for one toy and one article of clothing – at $25 for each gift - totaling $50. Angels will be available in the sanctuary on Sunday, December 1 during church service.
After selecting an angel, you will wrap your gifts, attach the angel tag, and bring the gifts to the church no later than Wednesday, December 18, for our delivery on the morning of December 21. Please check in with Karen in the office when you drop off your gift so that we can keep track of which gifts have been returned.
We will need 10 drivers from 9 am until 11 am (at the latest) on Saturday, December 21, to deliver our presents to the children’s homes in the Cleveland area. It is best to deliver gifts with a partner, so bring a friend or family member to ride along with you. Please sign up by emailing Nicky Wills -
If you would like to contribute but not do the shopping and wrapping, you can sponsor a child by making a financial donation in the church office - volunteers will then purchase and wrap the gifts for that child.
The families we serve are really looking forward to that morning. And we receive a gift as well—the chance to serve others and provide a connection between those children and their parent, whom they miss and love.
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The Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) is a faith and community-based, non-profit, justice-focused organization that presently has over 39 Congregations and other groups on its membership roll, LCC being one of them. We focus on reforming any aspect(s) of our legal system that is not fair or equitable for all, with the thought that justice for even just one is justice for all.
We are so disappointed in the massive efforts we put into banning gerrymandering/Issue 1 for this past November’s General Election but will continue to push forward to do what is necessary to bring about the necessary change(s) for fair district mapping for Ohio.
Also, our work continues to focus on examining the policy(ies) in Cuyahoga County on Youth Bind0vers and the procedures for utilizing Pretrial Justice Service. As I work with GCC, I find that itis especially rewarding to be able to commune with, think with, discuss with people of varied religious, economic, and racial backgrounds.
A great way to get a taste of GCC is by attending its monthly GCCENGAGE meeting the fourth Thursday of every month. Information about it and other GCC activities is posted on the bulletin board in the West Clifton hallway.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Greater Cleveland Congregation and/or become a part of LCC’s GCC Core Team, see Patti Komperda or Reverend Joanna.
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MIRACLE JAR - Heifer International
Many of you may be familiar with Heifer International as LCC has supported the organization in the past and has sent our youth to their farm in Massachusetts for two mission trips.
Their mission is to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way by supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their communities throughout the world. They provide a seed investment of livestock or agriculture and then mentorship to help project participants build a business, ultimately gaining access to supply chains and markets. Families are able to earn a living income and pass on their knowledge to the next generation of leaders.
This year, the children's Miracle Jar collection will be donated to Heifer International. We will also hold a Living Gift Market in December, offering members the opportunity to "purchase" animals in honor of a loved one at Christmas. Our children will be learning more about Heifer International in Faith Formation.
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Food delivery services have changed since the onset of Covid. If you have the means to donate, two local organizations that could be donated to are the Cleveland Food Bank and the Lakewood Community Service Center.
Each first Sunday of the month is our dedicated Hunger Sunday.
There are Hunger Envelopes at the back of the Sanctuary for your donation towards this LCC Ministry.
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LCC Volunteer Opportunities
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Communion Stewards Needed
Sign up to be a Communion Steward on the first Sunday of each month. We need volunteers to prep before the service and serve during worship. The Worship Team will prep you with everything you need to know.
Communion Steward Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
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Fellowship Hour Host
Sign Up to be a Host for our fellowship time after worship on Sundays. All information and training will be provided by Sarah and Paul Pierce (our Coffee Hour coordinators). Sign Up Here
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Flowers for the Altar
If you would like to purchase flowers for Sunday worship, please contact the office with the information: in honor/memory of and any color preferences.
We are happy to place the order for you with our florist. The recommended minimum amount is $75 for an arrangement. The flowers are yours to take after worship, if you choose.
Please give a week or more notice of your request.
Flower Request: OFFICE
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Be part of a two-person team to count the offering following worship on Sunday mornings
- It takes only about fifteen minutes each time
- Sign up for as few or as many weeks per month as you wish
Contact Laura Sangree if you are interested in signing up. (Contact information is in the Instant Church Directory)
Sign Up HERE
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LCC Meetings, Opportunities & Events Schedule
Be sure to check the weekly emails for any changes
(click the calendar to be take to see details)
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Come to Adventures in Reading
(LCC Book Club)
the second Wednesday of each month
(September - May)
Wednesday, September 11 - 12:30pm
All are welcome
Our December meeting will be a bring your lunch and a potluck item to share - appetizer, salad, or dessert. We will begin at 12:00 - shared potluck foods will be on a table in the parlor. Join us for this time of Christmas joy!
Books, dates, and discussion leaders are listed for the following three months.
December 11: I’ll Push You (2017) by Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck. Susan Walker - Discussion Leader
January 8: Wild, Beautiful, and Free (2023) by Sophronia Scott.
Cathy and Peg Calamia-Downing - Discussion Leaders
February 12: Remarkably Bright Creatures (2022) by Shelby Van Pelt. Chiquita Matthews - Discussion Leader
All are welcome. Please R.S.V.P. to Kathy MacDougall.
There are copies of many of the Adventures in Reading books available for borrowing for LCC members.
The books are in the library/archives and can be signed out.
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Please join us for Second Saturday on
Saturday, December 14, January 11 and February 8, at 9 am
Please join us for Second Saturday. We meet at 9 am in the church parlor for an hour of discussion, reflection and prayer. All who identify as female are welcome to join this intergenerational group. It's a great chance to get to know each other better in a relaxed setting. Hope to see you there!
(There is no September meeting due to the Women's Retreat.)
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The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on the following Tuesdays at 7pm, in the Parlor
December 10
January 14
February 11
Bring whatever project you are working on, even if not a shawl. We have a pretty creative group, and the conversation is always terrific!!!Questions? Call or text Debi Kasper 440-554-8798
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Men's Group
We meet for fun and conversation monthly. For more information email Tom Leatherman. Mark your calendars for these dates:
- December 10 - Christmas Party at the Kaspers
- January 15, Michael Mizen, host (look for location details in January)
- February 12
Look for more information in the weekly emails. Sign Up to host: HOST
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Pub Theology meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7pm (new time). The locations vary: see the monthly updates for location details. Join our Facebook group at LCC Pub Theology.
Be sure to check out the weekly emails/bulletins for other dates and locations
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Our LCC Boomer Gals Thanks again to our "Hostess with the Mostest", Susan Walker, for hosting another pleasant evening at Clifton Beach in October.
Our next Boomer Gal event will be Monday, January 20 at 6:30pm in the LCC Parlor as we watch a movie, snack on popcorn, and catch up. Please email Patti Komperda at for your movie suggestion…the last time we viewed The Graduate together…from the viewpoint of Mrs. Robinson?!
Listen for and watch your emails for updates about the evening.
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Tai Chi at LCC
Just a reminder that we have been finding our Chi and experiencing Zen (and a lot of laughter) for over 15 years in our LCC Parlor during our weekly Tai Chi class led by Jeannie Koran. The class is for beginners right up through experienced tai chi-ers and is held in the LCC Parlor on Mondays from 5-6pm. There is NO FEE for your first time, and then the cost is $10 per class. See Patti Komperda or Ceil Dorsch if you have any questions.
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GET OUT YOUR CALENDARS NOW!…OUR 2025 LCC WOMEN’S RETREAT DATE HAS BEEN SET…We will be spending September 27-28, 2025 at Hopewood Shores in Conneaut, Ohio beginning at 10:00am on Saturday and ending around noon on Sunday. Your Retreat Planning Team (Reverend Catherine, Melissa Parlanti-Klein, Julie Warren, and Patti Komperda) is very excited…and, btw, if you would like to be part of or have suggestions for the Team, let Patti Komperda know. | |
Living Water Association News & Events | |
The Faith-in-Action would like to help members of our church connect with the wider church outside of our own church walls. One of the best ways to connect is to join the Living Water Association mailing list. Subscribe here. There are a wide variety of adult education programs and events available year-round.
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Chair: Laura Germaine
Chair Elect: Emma Petrie Barcelona
Moderator: Dave Amen
Treasurer: Laura Sangree
Worship Life: Darren Toms
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Buildings and Grounds: David Spahr
Congregational Life: Andy Barlow
Faith In Action: Kristina Kovach
Asst. Treasurer: Michael Daso
Welcoming Ministries: Audrey Hancock
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LCC’s Membership Directory is online for you to use on the go! Or at home!
Only members whose email is in the directory can have access to the information. It is available on your computer or as an app on your phone.
Please make sure to update the office if you have any changes to your information.
Instant Church Directory
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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
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