Church in the Age of
Social Distancing
Join Us on Zoom for Sunday Worship and Many Other Activities
Meeting ID 212 683 4988
Password 10016
Call in by phone, call: 1-929-436-2866
Use the same Meeting ID and Password
A Live Link for Sunday Worship will also be
on our Homepage -

Youth & Children's Chapel - Sundays
Followed by Learning Workshops
10:30 am on Zoom
Contact Jil Novenski -
for Zoom ID Number/Details
Sunday Worship, February 14
Noon on Zoom

Side with Love Sunday
Carrie McEvoy
Intern Minister

Chalice Lighting
During worship each Sunday, we are all invited to light our home chalices. Consider purchasing one for use while we are worshiping at home, together. Lighting and extinguishing our chalices is one way for us to honor our shared spiritual path.
Have you missed past sermons?
View them on our new YouTube channel:
Remember to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel!
Let's try for 100 subscribers by the end of the year!
For Children and Youth
Join us on Sundays for Youth & Children's Chapel and Learning Workshops
at 10:30 - 11:50 AM (Eastern).
Visit our Religious Education page for more information about our programs.
Contact Jil Novenski,Director of Religious Education for Children & Youth
for Zoom ID# / Password -
Other Events / Save the Dates!
For Young Adult Visitors, Friends and Members
Monday, February 15, 7:30 pm

Join a community of young adults (18–30s) dedicated to exploring the potential of Unitarian Universalism at the Community Church of New York! Everyone of all backgrounds and experiences are welcome in the group. Become part of a space where we work together to further the spiritual growth of each individual member. Meets on the first Sundays from 10:45 am - 12 pm and third Mondays from 7:30 pm to 9 pm of each month!

We will be hosting a special virtual gathering on February 15th starting at 7:30 pm to meet with any young adult Community members who would like to check out the group! If you’re interested and not able to attend on this date, we would be more than happy to welcome you at another time. Please reach out to Anthony Cruz, Intern Minister, at for Zoom details. 
Join Our Intern Ministers
New Sanctuary Coalition
NY Poor Peoples Campaign

NSC/Jericho Walk
 For over ten years, the New Sanctuary Coalition, NYC’s multi-faith immigration justice organization, has circled the 26 Federal Plaza immigration building in prayerful community at our weekly Thursday 11am Jericho Walk. In this continuing time of physical distancing, those physical Jericho Walks are still on hiatus, but the Jericho Walk in our hearts continues, especially as so many of our immigrant Friends sit in detention, particularly vulnerable to the threats of the coronavirus.
Join us every Thursday at 11am via Zoom for a Virtual Jericho Walk when we sit in silence together, pray our Jericho Prayer out loud, read the names of our currently-detained friends, and breathe together in solidarity, rage, love, faith, and hope.

Also - Anthony will be hosting an NSC event on Sunday, February 21 at 3 pm. Details will be available soon.

If you are interested in attending a meeting and/or learning more about ways that Community Church can work with the New Sanctuary Coalition and NY Poor People's Campaign, please email Carrie McEvoy and Anthony Cruz

Circle 'Round for
Justice ● Healing ● Courage
General Assembly 2021
June 23-27, 2021

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. GA will be a virtual event again this year due to the pandemic. Everyone is welcome to attend. Scholarships are available. Three delegates will be needed to represent Community Church (a stipend will cover the registration fee - $200). Voting Members are welcome to apply to serve - contact Valerie Lynch, Community Coordinator, for the application or more information.

GA General Information - link

Journey to Jordan – Building Bridges
with Meagan Henry, Intern Minister
If you missed Intern Minister, Meagan Henry’s presentation on January 10 and would like to view the recording of her slideshow, or if you would like to be added to her outreach email list about this project, contact Meagan at Keep watching for announcements about learning seminars and project updates.
Gallery35 @ Community
Under Southwest Skies

A Virtual Presentation by Virginia Asman
February 2021

Virginia Asman made her first trip to the Southwest 30 years ago, immediately fell in love with its beauty, and in 2014 left NYC to finally fulfill her dream of living in the “land of enchantment.”

The show is featuring work that is the result of Virginia’s experimenting with new styles and techniques, while increasingly using digital drawing and painting tools to render her recent work. Visit:
Calendar for this Week (and Upcoming)

Please join us for our offerings! Everyone is invited!
Meeting ID 2126834988
Passcode 10016
(unless otherwise noted)
Call in by phone, call: 1-929-436-2866
Use the same Meeting ID and Password


Worship on Zoom @ 12:00 Noon
Fellowship Hour follows the service.

Youth & Children's Chapel and Learning Workshops with Jil Novenski @ 10:30-11:50 (REFM)
Contact Jil for Meeting ID number -

Young Adult Group
1st Sundays@ 10:45/3rd Mondays@ 7:30
Next dates: 2/15 & 3/7
Contact Jen Chard for Meeting ID for these sessions.


Poetry Circle @3:15 - No Session on 2/15 -Presidents Day
Bring poems to share, everyone is welcome.

Elder Matters Chat @5:00 - No Session on 2/15 -Presidents Day
This is a supportive space to be with members and friends discussing age related concerns. Hosted by Esther Rosado

Young Adult Group
2/15 - Special Virtual Young Adult Gathering
Whether a member, friend or just visiting - you are invited to check out the group!
3rd Mondays @ 7:30 / 1st Sundays @ 10:45
Next dates: 2/15 & 3/7
Contact Jen Chard for Meeting ID for these sessions.

Evening Centering with Janice Marie @ 8:00


Breathing Exercises and Guided Meditation with Nafisa @ 6:00
We will begin with a short 10-minute check-in and then proceed with exercises that focus your attention on your breath, the inhale and exhale. Join us as we set aside this designated time to reduce stress and increase calm in our day. We will end with a short-guided meditation. Total time is 30 minutes.

Parent Circles - Hosted by Jil Novenski, DRE and Carrie McEvoy, Intern Minister
@ 8:00-9:00 pm


Watch for upcoming offerings


Check-In & Meditation with Rev. Chris @ 12:00

Art with Ellen @ 2:00
For non-artists and artist alike. See things in different ways. Have paper and pencil, markers, crayons, watercolors or charcoal handy.

UU Kids Connect (Grade 6-8) First Thursdays. 7pm- 8pm
UU Kids Connect (K-5) Third Thursdays. 6pm- 7pm

La Hora del Café-Spanish Language Appreciation @ 7:00


Evening Centering with Janice Marie @ 8:00


Anti-Racism Action Group: Building a Just Community
Saturdays @ 12:00
Facilitated by Rose Crayton - (Preregistration is required to participate -

Social Hour with Leonore Tiefer @ 7:30

Questions? Suggestions? Contact Valerie Lynch, Community Coordinator, at 212-683-4988, ext 126 or
Pledge l2021 ogo
Pledge Drive 2021 is underway. Gifts at all levels matter and make a difference. Please join others in financially supporting Community Church with an annual Pledge. Pledge forms have been mailed to members. Please return by mail or email to Valerie Lynch Forms are available on the website -
Making Donations to Community Church

Electronic Contributions:
* Set up a payment with your bank for one-time gift or automatic payments
* Text Giving - Text ccuugive to 73256. Follow the prompts.
* On-Line Giving from website- Link here - Everyone is welcome to use this feature. Questions? Contact Valerie Lynch, Community Coordinator, at 212-683-4988 or

By Postal Mail
Send checks to:
The Community Church of NY UU
40 E 35th St,
New York, NY 10016
If you are making a donation to a specific fund, please note it on the memo line.

Donate to Community Church while Shopping:
Holiday Shopping on Amazon? – Use the Amazon Smile feature. When you shop at and you choose The Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist, a portion of your sale is sent to the church. An easy way to offer a free donation!  
Hope & Heresy
Podcast with Rev. Peggy and Rev. Sarah
Recent Episodes

As news headlines swirl about religion and its role in public life, Rev. Peggy and Rev. Sarah Lenzi take a step back to examine the bigger picture. What is religion? How are religion and spirituality connected? And what is the role of community-building in religious practice?

Enjoy this timeless conversation about the sociology of religion, presented from a perspective that centers equality and liberation for all. Hope & Heresy is available on all your favorite podcast platforms, and on CCNY's YouTube channel:

Write back to us at and remember to like and subscribe!
Special COVID-19 Message - Do You Need Help?
The New Leaf Fund is closed. We collected nearly $10,000 to help our members during this dramatic economic downturn. If you need help, please contact Rev. Peggy or Rev. Chris to access this fund. And, thank you to everyone who helped generate such a large net for our community to fall back on.
Members Out and About
David D. Strachan, long time Community member, presents a series on YOUTUBE. Check out Brother David from Brooklyn Speaks. Link here
Thank you!

Thank you for being a part of The Community Church of New York UU. Please call or email us for additional information about any of our Worship Services or activities.

We send e-publications to Members and Friends of Community Church. Please send us your thoughts, comments and suggestions. If you wish to be removed from this e-list, please contact Valerie Lynch, Membership Coordinator by return email reply or unsubscribing below.

Yours in Community,

Valerie Lynch
Community Coordinator
The Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist
40 East 35th Street
New York, NY 10016