Helpline 0345 123 2304
Always answered by a bereaved parent who is willing to listen
whether your loss is recent or some time ago.
Sunday 8 December at 7 pm

The Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting gives bereaved families everywhere the opportunity for a time of quiet reflection and to remember their children, siblings and grandchildren

...that their light may always shine.. .

2019 Annual Book of Remembrance Opens 1 December

 T hroughout December you can post a message of remembrance and photo of your son, daughter, brother, sister or grandchild .

Facebook profile picture frame #WWCL2019

If you use Facebook, you can use the link below to add a frame for your profile picture to coincide with the Worldwide Candle Lighting. Change your picture to a photo of your child, sibling or grandchild if you need to.

Coping with Christmas
As the shops start to fill with gifts and the lights go on, this run up to Christmas can feel unbearably hard for bereaved parents and their families.

Our short guide - Coping with Christmas - offers support and understanding, as well as some practical advice to get through the 'festive' season.

Sharing Grief, Finding Hope
at 50th Anniversary Gathering

Maria Ahern, Chair of Trustees, reviews the weekend of 1-3 November when 250 ‘compassionate friends’ gathered in the Buckinghamshire countryside to commemorate our charity’s Golden Jubilee year.

Last chance to buy 50th Anniversary souvenirs!
Limited edition commemorative cotton shopper and tea-light holder
Join us at a 2020 supportive weekend
Please do join us at a supportive event. Our weekends are welcoming, safe places where nothing is expected of you but where you can talk of your child or sibling and your grief with others who truly understand. Please don't worry about coming on your will be among 'friends' as soon as you step through the door.
Places are limited so please book early.
Weekend Retreat for Parents in Early Bereavement
at the Ammerdown Centre near Bath,
28 February - 1 March 2020
A special weekend for parents in the first few years of bereavement. Come and meet with others who understand the pain and rawness of early grief, and immerse yourself in the comfort and warmth of a dedicated team of bereaved parent supporters.
Booking now open...
Scottish Gathering
at Stirling Court Hotel 1- 3 May 2020

"Being with friends old and new in a secure environment gives me renewed strength to continue my journey".

"You feel not so alone meeting with other parents ...Gives me hope".

Sibling Overnight Retreat, Birmingham 2-3 May 2020
North East England Supportive Weekend, Bishop Auckland, 22 – 24 May 2020
Bereaved by Suicide & Drug/Alcohol Supportive Weekend, Birmingham 19-21 June 2020
Childless Parents Retreat Weekend, Oxfordshire, 24-26 July 2020
Summer Supportive Weekend, Derbyshire 14-16 August 2020
National Gathering at Sedgebrook Hall Hotel, Northamptonshire 6-8 November 2020
NEW 2 nd Sibling Overnight Retreat, Near Bath 28-29 November 2020

Stunning charity everyday and Christmas cards
These beautiful cards were painted especially for The Compassionate Friends by Clare in memory of her daughter, Annaliese.

All cards are blank inside for your own message. Envelopes included. All proceeds to TCF .
Everlasting Love
For any occasion
Christmas Leaves
Christmas Robin
Just published...

Upright With Knickers On - Surviving the Death of a Child
by Gina Claye with members of The Compassionate Friends

Gina shares how she survived the death of her two children - what helped to keep her going and, after experiencing the pain and despair of traumatic grief, how she now lives her life again with hope and meaning.

Impact Report and Annual Review
"Don’t honestly know what I would do without this wonderful charity. They have kept me sane. They have kept me able to get up in the morning and given me a place where I can drop my mask and say things as they really are and the people there just get it. You are and have been my lifeline”.

Read about the work of The Compassionate Friends and the difference our charity can make to grieving families.
We are supporting National Grief Awareness Week 2-8 December 2019
Watch out for more in the media and on social media
For more information on support and services for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents see our website at the buttons below.