Volume 2 | Issue 19 | January 5 , 2018
District News
Superintendent's Corner
Welcome to 2018! While it has been a frigid start to the new year, having all the staff and students back has warmed my heart; If you didn't see the Whitnall Schools tweet from our elementary schools yesterday, please check it out!

As a reminder, the school board approved a referendum resolution that will be on the April 3rd ballot. We will begin to provide opportunities to learn more about the projects and tax impact included in the referendum question.  

On January 15 , we will be holding a meeting for anyone who would like to share ideas on how we can best communicate information related to the referendum. We want to be sure that our communication will adequately inform voters. Please join us at 6:30 PM in the Community Board Room.

Next week, we pick up the pace again with a school board meeting, Parent Learning Academy, WMS concerts, PTO meetings, and WHS athletic events. Please join us for any or all of these activities!

Feel free to contact me at lolson@whitnall.com and follow me on Twitter !

K4 & New K5 Tours and Informational Meeting
At the end of January, Whitnall will hold tours and an informational meeting for parents of prospective K4 and K5 learners. Click here for more information!
Winter Assessments
Winter progress assessments started this week at Whitnall. While the dates span multiple weeks, your individual student(s) will only be testing for one or two days during that time. The exact dates of testing for your child’s class may be obtained by contacting their classroom teacher. Students will be taking one or more of the following exams. Click the name of each test to be taken to the parent information site for that test.

Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS): K4 - 2nd Grade : January 4th - January 19th
Running Record/Reading Benchmark  K-5: January 4th - January 19th
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): K-5 (Math) | 2-5 (Reading): January 16 - January 31
STAR Reading & STAR Math:   6th - 10th Grade: January 16 - January 31

Here is a great article outlining what you can do as parents to help make the testing experience a positive one for your child. If you have any questions about the winter assessment process, please contact Amy Stenzel, Whitnall Data and Assessment Coordinator: astenzel@whitnall.com 414-525-8515 .
Indoor Basketball
The Hales Corners Recreation Department is offering an indoor basketball program! For more information and to sign up, go here !
HCL Winter and Spring Offerings
Don't forget to register for the winter and spring programs offered by Hales Corners Library! For more information, go here !
Parent Learning Academy
Join us for a the next Parent Learning Academy session on social emotional learning (January 9). There will be an opportunity to learn about how social emotional learning is taking place in our district and then a chance to dive deeper into a breakout session of your choice. Attendees will have the chance to choose between the topics of:

Mental Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention (high school students are welcome to join)
The Zones of Regulation (strategies to help our children regulate their emotions)

In order for us to properly prepare, please  sign up .

Whitnall High School
Girls Varsity Soccer Coach
WHS is in search of a girls varsity soccer coach. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Dave Pentek, Athletic and Activities Director.
Donate While You Dine
The Whitnall Dance Team is hosting a "Donate While You Dine" night at Culver's in Hales Corners on Monday, December 8th. Please help support the dance team in their last efforts to fundraise for Nationals. To access the flyer needed when checking out, please click on this link .
The Next Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad

The next Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad is on Monday, January 8th!
8th Grade Open House and Course Night
Save the date: January 25th at 5:30 PM is the 8th Grade Open House and Course Night at the high school. Learn about the course pathways for college and careers. Attendance at this evening event is highly encouraged.
Whitnall Middle School
Upcoming Concerts and WMS PTO Meeting

January 9th
6th Grade Band / Orchestra / Choir Concert (7 PM)

January 10th
WMS PTO Meeting (6 PM)
7th Grade Band / Orchestra / Choir Concert (7 PM)

January 11th
8th Grade Band / Orchestra / Choir Concert (7 PM)
WMS Milwaukee Bucks Night
Tickets need to be ordered by January 12th
You can order online at Bucks.com/buckpass
Enter promo code  WMS  in the "Access An Offer" box
8th Grade Open House and Course Night
Save the date: January 25th at 5:30 PM is the 8th Grade Open House and Course Night at the high school. Learn about the course pathways for college and careers. Attendance at this evening event is highly encouraged.
Edgerton Elementary
Employment Opportunity
Edgerton Elementary is looking for someone to fill a noon hour supervisor position. This is a part-time position, Monday through Friday, 1.5 hours (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) per day. If you or someone you know enjoys working with children and is interested in applying, please visit the WECAN website or contact the school office 525-8911.
PTO Reminders
The January PTO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 11 at 7 PM in the EES library. Our Superintendent, Dr. Lisa Olson, will be joining us to share information about the upcoming district referendum. The next box top prize drawing is scheduled for Friday, January 12th. Keep clipping and sending those box tops to school!
After School Programs
The next Mad Science class at Edgerton will begin on Friday, January 12th. Class will take place after school for a 6 week session. This session’s theme is NASA - Junior Astronaut. Click here for more information and the registration form. Also, Chess Scholars will offer an eight week program on Tuesdays after school beginning February 6, 2018. The registration form and more information can be found here.
Coffee with the Principal
The next coffee with Mr. D’Acquisto is scheduled for Monday, January 15, 2018 from 8:45 am until 9:45 am. Please plan on stopping in to share ideas, ask questions, and discuss current and upcoming events at Edgerton Elementary.
Hales Corners Elementary
Happy New Year!
Hales Corners Elementary hopes everyone had a great start to the new year! Hello, 2018!