Volume 6 | Issue 4 | September 10, 2021
Board Agenda | September 13
Interested in the items being considered at the next board meeting? Check out the agenda for September 13 on our Agendas & Minutes page. The agenda will be posted no later than 5 PM today.
Annual Notices
Please review all of our annual notices for the 2021-2022 school year. They can be found  on our district website under Families or you can follow this direct link: WSD Annual Notices.
Community Movie Night
Our Community Movie Night on Falcon Field was originally scheduled for September 25. We are rescheduling, with a tentative date of October 15. You can expect further details in future issues of the Connect, but please plan to celebrate our new video/scoreboard by joining us for the Community Movie Night!
What's Up Whitnall?
Check out this week's What's Up Whitnall? from the Athletics and Activities Department!
Canvas Parent Observer Accounts
Parents are encouraged to create a Canvas Parent Observer account to view their student(s) course content, weekly plans, and academic feedback. Parents will require a Student Pairing Code to connect their Observer account to their student's. Students can generate their own Pairing Codes from their Canvas account; however, parents of younger elementary students can request a Pairing Code from their student's elementary teacher. For more information and tutorials, please visit our Canvas Information page.
Infinite Campus Parent/Guardian Contact Information
The start of every new semester is a good time for families to review their contact information and preferences in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Messages sent to all Whitnall parents, students, and staff, such as school closings or other important events, will be sent through Infinite Campus messaging. To ensure that you are receiving all communications, please log into your Parent Portal account and verify your contact information and message type preferences. Follow the link to Parent/Guardian Contact Information for a step by step guide.
Yard Bird Sale Coming to a Close!
It’s not too late to participate! You have through 8 pm today (Friday) to order your pallet and through 8 pm on Wednesday, Sept 15 to place your order for your lawn painting. By clicking here you can order your own Falcon to be painted on your front lawn for spirit week (Sept 20-24). Please click here and the students will deliver a pre-painted pallet to your home or business to be displayed to show your Whitnall spirit! Don’t forget you can customize your pallet with your student's jersey number, graduation year, or sport logo. 
Those of you who have purchased your Booster Club Membership but not picked up your cards as of yet – they will be available tonight at the gates to Falcon Field. All cards not picked up this evening will be mailed out to your billing address on Monday.
Hales Corners Library
This week our Take & Make Craft is crunchy fun. Pick up your very own Paper Plate Apple craft kit then use to serve yourself a sliced up apple! Kits are free to all library visitors, while supplies last.

The Virtual Library Card allows Whitnall students in grades 1 and up access to a wide range of digital resources offered by the library. The V-Card gives students the ability to use free e-books and e-audiobooks, free movies, music and comics, free college prep tools and to use the public computers at the library. See flyer for details.
The supplement to the 2020-21 yearbook is in! If you purchased a 20-21 yearbook, stop by the high school office to pick up your copy. If you are interested in picking up a supplement for someone else, make sure you bring in the student's ID or a copy of the student's ID number. The supplement was designed to fit in the book between pp. 152 and 153 of the 20-21 yearbook.
Don't forget to purchase a 2021-22 yearbook before the price increases. Go to www.yearbookforever.com to reserve your copy. Senior photos for the yearbook are due November 1, 2021. Families can also purchase ads to recognize their 2022 graduate by January 7, 2022. For details on how to upload senior photos or purchase an ad, go here.
AP Courses & Exams
All students taking an AP course need to be registered with the college board by October 1. See your AP teacher for join codes. Registering with the college board automatically registers students to take the exam. The exam fee of $96 will be added to Infinite Campus Fees after October 1 and needs to be paid by November 1. Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch should see Mrs. Freyer regarding their fee. Exams can be cancelled with a parent approval prior to November 15 by emailing rfreyer@whitnall.com. After November 15, a $40 cancellation fee will be charged by the college board. The cancellation fee will apply to free and reduced students cancelling after November 15.
For more information, visit the Advanced Placement Program site for parents hereOr the student site here.
Free & Reduced Applications
As some of you may know, Whitnall High School will be offering free breakfast and lunch to all students for the 2021-2022 school year! The free meals must consist of three things: an entree, fruit and/or vegetable, and milk. Ala carte items are still available for an additional cost. Families can deposit funds into the student lunch account through Infinite Campus.  

Even though breakfast and lunch are free for everyone this year, families are encouraged to fill out the free and reduced application. If you qualify after filling out the application, there may be additional benefits. 
  • School fees could be waived 
  • ACT fees waivers available for students who want to retake the ACT
  • AP test fee waivers 
  • Some college application fee waivers  

To obtain fee waivers for ACT or AP and application fees, students should speak with their counselor. Unfortunately we cannot offer waivers unless you qualify. 

To find out more, and where to apply, you can visit the Whitnall High School Food Service page found here: Free and Reduced Lunch
Spirit Wear
Whitnall spirit wear is on sale now! Please order by Monday, September 20, 2021. https://wmsspiritwearfall2021.itemorder.com
Athletic Picture Day at WMS
Monday September 13th
MS Cross Country - 3:15 East gym at middle school
MS Girls Basketball - 3:45 East gym at middle school
MS Dance team - 4:00 East gym at middle school
Photo Retake/Makeup Date
The photo retake day for WMS is October 12 and it will take place at Whitnall Middle School during school hours. This is for families who would want to retake their child’s photo, or for any student who did not get their photo taken during our original picture days prior to school starting. If you ordered a picture package, but would rather have a retake on this date, your child will need to bring the original package back on this date.
PTO Updates
Please help support WMS PTO’s fundraising efforts by participating in one or both of the following programs.

Go to smile.amazon.com and select “Whitnall Middle School PTO” as your charity. Sign-in to smile.amazon.com each time you shop and AmazonSmile will donate .05% of eligible purchases to the WMS PTO.

Box Tops for Education:
Use the Box Tops app on your phone to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add cash to WMS PTO’s earnings online. For more information please go to: https://www.boxtops4education.com/  If you discover a traditional Box Tops clip on a product, you can still clip it and send it to school. Every valid Box Tops clip is still worth 10¢

Questions? Contact us at wmspto@whitnall.com.

Find us on Facebook and Instagram at Whitnall Middle School PTO and/or follow us on Twitter @WhitnallMSPTO
Girl Scout Information Night
Monday 9/27/21 from 6 to 7 PM in the library at Edgerton. If you are interested in having your child join Girl Scouts and/or are interested in becoming a leader, join us on 9/27! If you cannot make the meeting but still would like GS info, please call Lisa Kaczmarek at 414-308-2812 or Amanda Schwartz at 262-424-3405.
PTO Updates
We still need volunteers for the concessions at the football game tonight. The Whitnall Falcon Booster Club has given each of the other three schools' PTOs an opportunity to run the concessions at one of the home varsity football games and in return our PTO will receive $500! In order to pull this off, we need 13 people to help us during the game. Sign up with this link: September 10th Concessions
Membership enrollment is now open for 2021-2022 school year.  You can click this link and pay via Venmo!
Our Fall spirit wear sale is live now and ends Sunday September 19! Follow the link to order! https://edgerton2021.itemorder.com/ Orders will be handed out at school. The anticipated delivery date for the order is approximately 2-3 weeks of end date pending product availability.
Noon Hour Supervisors Needed
Edgerton Elementary School has two openings for noon hour supervisors to help in our cafeteria and during recess. Interested candidates should apply on WECAN (Wisconsin Education Career Access) Position # 120778  or contact Ms. Zei at 414-525-8900 for more information.
Cub Scouts
Edgerton's Cub Scout Pack 574 will be hosting a New Scout Information Meeting on Wed, September 15 at 6:30 PM in the Edgerton library. All children in K5-5th grade are welcome to join in the fun of scouting.  If you have any questions, contact:
Jessie Olin, Committee Chair, burnsj13@gmail.com or 
email Pack 574 directly at eespack574@gmail.com
21-22 Community T-Shirts
Our year-long theme is “The best me I can be.” In order to prepare we are requesting that every student purchase a t-shirt to be worn on special community t-shirt days throughout the school year. The t-shirt will have our theme printed on it and the color will be coordinated per grade. The cost will be $4 per student. Please use this LINK to order for your child(ren). The form will need to be filled out for each child. Make sure you select their 2021-22 grade level. Orders due by September 17.
Late Arrival / Pick Up Before End of Day
Students arriving late or being picked up before the end of the school day MUST enter/exit at DOOR 1 only. If you are arriving to pick up your child, please come to door 1 (main entrance), ring the buzzer, and office staff will assist you.
Food Service Help Needed
Do you have extra time to spare? We need kitchen help from 10:15 am to 1:15 pm daily to help prep and serve food. If interested, please email Karen Stichart at kstichart@att.net or call 414-525-8431.
Spirit Wear Sale
The PTO is sponsoring a spirit wear sale. Get your items and wear them on Spirit Wear Days each month. The items available to order can be found here. Don’t delay - the sale ends Sunday, September 19!
Principal Chat & PTO Meeting
We hope you will join us on September 21 in person or virtually for the first Principal Chat at 6:30 PM followed by the HCE PTO meeting at 7:00 PM. To join virtually follow this meeting link.