Welcome to the latest issue of The Connection, APHSA’s newsletter offering updates and resources pertaining to employment and economic well-being, child and family well-being, and H/HS integration.
Special Announcements
APHSA has been awarded a $3 million grant by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), to advance equitable systems change by advancing family-centered economic mobility approaches. Building on work already underway in the state of Mississippi, this funding will advance local, regional, and national system alignment to support public and private family-serving systems toward family economic mobility. The grant totals just over $3.1 million and kicked off on January 1, 2021. Read press release here.
APHSA is launching a new Rental Assistance Community of Practice in response to the recently authorized Emergency Rental Assistance Program, for state and local public human services agencies to engage in peer exchange on the new program. Through the Community, APHSA will host recurring meetings for members to discuss questions, strategies, challenges, and best practices among themselves and provide opportunities for members to pose questions to their peer network regarding program design and implementation. APHSA will also use these conversations to lift up urgent matters of concern to the federal administration regarding the program. Agencies are encouraged to register key staff that will be involved in administering the program to participate in the peer exchange. Indicate your interest in participating here.
Mark the Third Thursday! Our next Third Thursday session is on March 18. Slated to take place every month through June, each event in our new virtual mini-series will offer rich content equivalent to a day spent at a traditional conference, with an array of sessions and networking opportunities. Bringing policy, practice, and program together on one platform, this unique series will showcase best practices and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and will also zoom in on agency management in child welfare, SNAP, TANF, IT, performance management, and childcare. One registration provides you full access to entire series. Group discounts available. Learn more & register here.
State SNAP E&T Administrators and Program Staff: Have you taken our APHSA SNAP E&T State Survey yet? There’s still time! Information from this survey will help us, and our fellow SNAP E&T National Partnership grantees, to understand how best to engage state agencies through the projects, state agency's goals and perspective around third-party partnerships. APHSA will produce a cumulative, national snapshot of the survey. Individual survey results will not be shared with FNS. Click this link to take this very short, 10 minute survey.
Impact Findings from Demonstrations Serving Noncustodial Parents, January 2, 2021 - This blog from OPRE details three recently completed federal demonstrations examining the impact of different program models designed to increase the earnings of noncustodial parents and improve the well-being of their children. All three demonstrations found positive impacts, suggesting that these types of program models can benefit noncustodial parents and their children.
Advancing Population Health in Rural Places: Key Lessons and Policy Opportunities, January 2021 - This report from Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) assesses the role of rural health care organizations in rural populations' health through Medicaid and Medicare policies. This report shows how health care organizations can be instrumental in creating community buy-in and participation, fostering collaboration within and across entities, engaging a diverse workforce, utilizing various funding streams, and leveraging existing infrastructures.
Building a More Equitable Economy Post-Pandemic, February 8, 2021 - This blog post by APHSA's Ann Flagg, Senior Director of Policy and Practice, details how economic stability is a key social determinant of health, and state human services agencies are well positioned to address this key area. In order to help American families recover, state officials are working across sectors and with local communities to make sure services are reaching families in need.
Wednesday, February 10, 2:00-3:30 PM EST
Wednesday, February 17, 4:00-5:00 PM EST
Thursday, February 18, 4:00 PM EST
Wednesday, March 3, 2:00 PM EST
New Allies Request for Application (RFA) - New Allies is seeking applicants for a multi-year, strategic system transformation engagement and want to work with state, county, or tribal child welfare systems. New Allies helps systems make strategic choices about what problems they most need to solve; works with system stakeholders to develop strategies that directly target those problems; and sticks around to turn plans into actions.
Immigrant Families and Child Welfare Systems, May 2019 - This report from the Migration Policy Institute draws on interviews with child welfare officials from 14 states, six counties, and New York City to explore the development of specialized policies and practices for working with children in immigrant families.
Thursday, February 11, 12:30 PM EST
Creating an Analytics Literacy Program, October 16, 2020 - This article from Upside shares how organizations must develop the knowledge and skills to use analytics to drive better business decisions, and that successfully implementing a data strategy is directly related to and aligned with your business strategy.
Thursday, February 25, 3:30-5:00 PM EST