The District Office will be closed on Friday, December 2, Megan will be attending a Christmas Luncheon with the Conference staff. We will be closed Thursday, December 22 through Friday, January 6 for Christmas & New Year. We will reopen on Monday, January 9.
Reminder - 2023 Budgets are due to the District Office no later than December 1st.
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Akron Churches
Many of you may be enrolled in the Conference office gas aggregation program. The rates they have been able to offer through this program have been $4.14 per MCF (Dominion) and $5.66 per MCF (Columbia Gas). In January those rates are increasing to $7.24 and $8.99, respectively.
As a non-profit in the City of Akron you are eligible to participate in their residential aggregation program. Their current Dominion rate is $4.06 and is through 2024. Below is the link that provides you with the number to call if you would like to change. I recently changed a church in our district and by doing so their gas costs will be $3,000 less than if they had not made the switch. The person I spoke with at Constellation needed to verify if the church was eligible, but she was able to confirm that it was.
Please pass this information along to your Trustees or decision makers.
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Seville Community Food Pantry
Date: Third Saturday of each month
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
74 West Main Street, Seville, OH 44273
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Wedgewood Community Food Pantry
Date: 2nd Monday of the month
Times: 11 am - 3:30 pm
2350 Wedgewood Dr., Akron
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Trinity Action Project (TAP) Grants
Application Process for TAP - Any program/project from a Canal District local church that very clearly relates to the mission and vision of the Conference may submit an application. Funds for mission purposes are intended as “Seed Money” to be used as start-up funds to help initiate ministry and mission outreach. Programs/projects will be funded for a maximum of 3 years. Applications will have a specific plan and/or strategy for a program/project, a clearly defined method(s) in which the funds will be used, and a method for decreasing the “seed money” funding over the 3 year period. TAP Grant funding may not be used for capital expenditures or clergy salaries. Churches applying for a multi-year grant will submit a new application each year.
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East Ohio Conference News & Happenings | |
East Ohio Conference E-News
Find the information about what is happening throughout the East Ohio Conference through the biweekly newsletter. From appointments to mission opportunities to events....
See the latest E-News from HERE.
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Click the image below to see all the amazing work South St Ministries is doing! | |
Safe Sanctuaries
Join in on this online course that covers the basics of Safe Sanctuaries. Rev Gary Jones walks participants through the what is it, the why we do it, and common elements. This is a great course for churches reviewing or creating their policies, for ministry team leads, and for anyone working with vulnerable persons in your faith community.
Enroll anytime at
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Strategic Ministries
New Online Learning Platform
We are excited to share with you about another tool that your Connectional Ministries Office now has to help resource you and your church as we invite all to join our online learning platform! Designed for both lay and clergy this is a way to have learning happen on your own schedule. There are already many courses available from other conferences that we are in partnership with and in coming months we will be adding more and more of our own content.
Registration is at:
We just launched our Charge Conference course. This course would be particularly helpful to new clergy or lay who have not dealt with the paperwork before. The chapters can be done in any order so they can just engage with the parts that they want.
Among the courses, make sure to check out Rule of Christ. This resource helps learners to explore how to manage conflict in their church. While churches with new pastoral appointments should make sure to review this class, it can bring value to every faith community.
Rule of Christ Trainer Training - If you are interested in becoming a trainer for Rule of Christ please register here.
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Grandview UMC in Cuyahoga Falls is looking for Volunteers (Missions Teams, Youth Groups, Sunday School Teachers, Confirmation Classes, etc.) to lead children's Sunday school in our Nepali language worship service Sunday afternoons from 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. This could include a Bible lesson, games, snacks, music, etc. and your lessons will be lead in English. Interested? Contact David Hull-Frye by email.
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Hudson UMC is taking applications to fill its full-time Director of Family Ministries. We are seeking a dynamic person who will be responsible for leading, developing, engaging, inspiring, motivating, and coordinating Christian ministries with children, youth, adults, and families in spiritual growth, relationship formation, and community outreach. In addition, he or she will provide leadership for children, youth, adults, and family ministries focusing on Christian Education, intergenerational programs and mission service projects. Preferred candidates will have a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Christian Education, Christian Ministry, or a related degree; ministry service experience that includes working closely with children, youth, adults, and families; proven leadership and management skills; strong presentation and teaching skills; strong relational and team-building skills; and strong communication skills. See the following link for the position description. Interested individuals can apply for this position by emailing a resume to | |
Stow UMC is taking applications for Treasurer/Financial Supervisor. This person will work with our team of dedicated educators in our faith based child care center. Minimum of a high school diploma and be at least eighteen years of age. Qualifications include experience and ability to maintain financial records, time sheets, prepare payroll and assist with budgeting. Oversee financial aspects of tuition and enrollment as well as able to collaborate with the childcare director and board. We are looking for a capable, focused team member to help ensure the growth and quality of our childcare center. This position is part-time, with flexible hours and transition training is available. Employment will begin in January. If interested, please email the church at | |
Hudson UMC has 18 Gojo soap dispensers that they can’t use. They are new and they would like to give them to any churches who might need them. Can you send an email out, or put something in the newsletter? First come first serve. If interested, please contact Gary by email.
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Uniontown UMC has choir robes available to whomever needs some. If interested, please email the church. | |
Please submit your request for publication of an event, job ad, or announcement to Megan at by Thursday at 12:00 noon to run in the following Monday's newsletter. Please be aware that the less words the better and please note that flyers are not always easily readable in this format.
Please share this newsletter widely and encourage those that would like to receive it directly to share their contact email with the District Office.
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The Connector
Official Publication of the Canal District East Ohio Conference —
The United Methodist Church
Canal District Office
8800 Cleveland Avenue NW, North Canton, OH 44720
Phone: (330) 499-3972 ext. 106
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