Tenth Grade Constitution Project:
When you walk into the Next Gen tenth grade advisory, the sense of community is palpable. Students are collaborating, the space is cheerful and inviting, and conversation is happening.

This sense of security and common good is not an accident. Ms. Gann has worked hard to create an environment where teachers and students feel respected, and boundaries have been clearly communicated.
(Pictured: Ms. Gann and students from her 2021-2022 Next Gen Advisory.)
Conversations about classroom success happen between students at Workshop. Work is designed with students in mind, and advisory teachers provide oversight and advice in order to see successful outcomes for their projects. Featured here is The Constitution Project which all three tenth grade advisories participate in; this includes "The Ville," "Next Gen," and "Rek City."

As part of The Constitution Project tenth graders first learn about the US Constitution and read excerpts from the founding documents exploring the ideals and challenges of our Democracy. Students also learn about important rights guaranteed to them by Constitutional Amendments.

In the Next Gen classroom, Ms. Gann's students have created a Constitution which clearly defines the rights and responsibilities that should exist for all students in their classroom. Next, students form small groups, and create presentations with detailed Declarations of how the Constitution tenets should play out in real time.

The project culminates on a celebratory day where each of the small groups present their Declarations in front of the class. After their presentation: community feedback is encouraged and questions are answered. Finally, each member of the class signs the Next Gen Constitution proudly displayed on the wall.
It would not be Workshop, or the Next Gen classroom, without one last thing meant to go the extra mile -- celebratory brownies -- baked with pride for the community Ms. Gann has helped to facilitate.

This is the work we do. Setting expectations, with buy in from every voice. Real world ideas and examples designed to make students know: they are the priority.
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