The mission of Corpus Christi Catholic School is to nurture every child by providing the opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus
Dear Families,
We are so proud of our students for working so hard over the past few weeks on our ITBS tests. Thank you for your help in preparing the students for testing each day.
We would like to extend an invitation to all of our families to join us next Wednesday at 2:00 as the 7th-grade students present the Living Stations of the Cross. This presentation is a beautiful remembrance of Jesus’s journey to his crucifixion. As we prepare to conclude Lent and welcome the Easter Season, we hope that you have time for reflection together as a family.
Bible Verse and Prayer Focus of the Month
Our Bible verse focus for the month of April is Matthew 22:37
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
Our prayer focus is The Divine Praises:
Blessed be God.
Blessed be his Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.
Each week, we are focusing on a particular virtue as a school. Students have been learning the definition as well as what living the virtue looks and sounds like in our actions and words.
This week we are learning about humility.
Humility (Week of April 4)
Meaning: Awareness that all one’s gifts come from God and appreciation for the gifts of others.
Ways to Cultivate
- Ages 6 and up: Clap for someone who does a good job, “God gave me this talent.”
- Ages 10 and up: Give compliments to others and accept compliments from others
- Ages 12 and up: Show deference to others, acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and look honestly at your strengths and weaknesses.
Dear Jesus,
You said, “Learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart.” (Matthew 11:29) You are God, yet you became little out of love for me. I desire to become little for love of you. Help me to be honest about my strengths and weaknesses. May you be glorified in everything I do!
We will begin our Easter Break on April 15. We return to school on April 25.
Please join us for Stations of the Cross this Friday. Our K-5th grade students will participate in Stations at 2:00. Our 6th-8th grade students will participate in Stations at 2:30. Also, the 7th graders will be presenting the Living Stations of the Cross for our students and families on April 13 at 2:00. Please make plans to join us for this wonderful service.
Vocations Visit with Father Victor Ingalls
We welcomed Father Victor Ingalls last Tuesday to our campus. After celebrating Mass together, he visited classrooms and spoke about Vocations with our students
We will support our Blessing in a Backpack ministry this Thursday (4/7) with our Food Pantry day. Students who bring an item for our Food Pantry may come out of uniform with their spirit shirts. The following items are requested:
- Preschool-2nd: plastic jars of peanut butter or jelly
- 3rd - 5th Grade: canned pasta, canned meat, or tuna
- 6th - 8th Grade: Ritz/saltine crackers
We are accepting registration for our 2022 Summer Camp Program. It is open to students in grades K2-K5 (entering K3-1st grade next year.) The program begins Tuesday, May 31, and will conclude two weeks before the first day of school. Please see the registration form below for program hours and tuition. The deadline to register is April 14.
Our PTO supports our school by helping to fund various needs including technology, recreational, educational, and building maintenance projects. Please support our PTO at our Fish Fry Fridays. Volunteers are always needed. You can sign-up at the link below:
Cougars of the Month for March
The following students were recently nominated for Cougar of the Month by their teachers for the month of March:
GeeGee Blum Fox
Caroline Bohannon
Ava Alidor
James Green
Rita Spadafora
James Mezick
Archer Higdon
Savannah Orso
Henry Barnhill
Margaret Franklin
John Luke McBroom
Hayley Stock
Maria Jose Lozada
Teegan Evans
Zoey Grimes
Emma Haba
Will Gillespie
Evelyn Campbell
Heaven-Leigh Davis
Sam DeVilbiss
Anna Nguyen
The following students were recognized as overall Cougars of the Month for their grade levels:
Preschool - Caroline Bohannon, sponsored by Patrick Lursen, EA
K-2 Grade - Margaret Franklin, sponsored by Azalea City Lawn Service
3-5 Grade - Zoey Grimes, sponsored by Payne Environmental Service
6-8 Grade - Sam Devilbiss, sponsored by Professional Estimating Service
In addition, preschool teacher Beth Klein was recognized as Teacher of the Month, sponsored by Donaghey Orthodontics.
To join the Partners in Education group, you may contact our school office, 342-5474, or Richard March, 401-0466.
Yearbook Deadline - April 27th
The deadline to purchase a yearbook is Wednesday, April 27th. As we did last year, the yearbooks will include the entire school year so they will not be delivered until the summer. Don't miss out, purchase your yearbook TODAY!
We have had many students earn Cougar Character awards recently. Students can build Cougar Character by displaying our virtues and showing these traits:
Students earn “paw points” when these character traits and virtues are displayed. Once a set number of paw points are earned, students receive a certificate along with a few other incentives. Congratulations to those who recently have earned Cougar Character awards.
Kentucky Derby Fundraiser - May 7
40 Days for Life Campaign
40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-Day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a perpetual, peaceful, empathetic presence on the sidewalk in front of abortion businesses (Local campaign site: Planned Parenthood, 717 Downtowner Loop W, Mobile, AL). The Spring 2022 campaign began Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, and ends Palm Sunday, April 10th. During this campaign, volunteer your first time on the sidewalk with a Certified Sidekick, even if simply for a second, then you will want to commit to sign-up for one hour per week! For the signup calendar and more information, visit, or for assistance, contact George Lundy, Campaign Sidewalk Manager at
Spring2022 Closing Rally Sunday, April 10th, 3:30-5:30
Bring the whole family for a celebration of Hope, Mercy, and Redemption on Palm Sunday for the closing of our Spring 2022 Campaign! The event begins at 3:30 at 718 Downtowner Loop West, with Father Crow performing a prayer service over the property at 4 PM, followed by our guest speaker, Erin Akey. Then we will enjoy Karaoke, provided by Billy and Eddie Burns; participation is encouraged from everyone! We will also draw our Teen Sidewalk Selfie Raffle winners during the rally. Visit our website for more information.
CYO ADULT BIG FIELD DAY - May 14 Lipscomb Athletic Complex
Upcoming Dates to Remember
You can view our school calendar for the entire year on our school website (you may need to scroll down to see it): School Calendar
A printable copy of the April calendar can be found HERE.
April 12
8th Grade will attend the Chrism Mass
April 13
Living Stations of the Cross (2:00)
April 15
No school - Good Friday, Easter Holidays Begin
April 25
School Resumes, A is for Africa Just. 25
Corpus Christi Parish News
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., second floor of the Community
Parish Office: 342-1852, Fax 342-6313
School Office: 342-5474, ext. 1
Fax 380-0325
Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Saturday
Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and11:00 am
8:15 am Mass: Monday - Saturday
5:30 pm Mass: Monday - Friday
Every 1st Friday of the month following the 8:15 am Mass until 5 pm. Sign up sheet in the chapel.
Sundays during the school year, 10:05-10:55 a.m. in school buildings.
Please call the parish office (342-1852) for information about scheduling a baptism, marriage, or anointing of the sick.
Confessions are heard 30 minutes before each Mass.
Please see the published schedule for dates and times, or call the parish office, 342-1852.
Please fill out a Census Form. Census. Forms are available in the church vestibule and parish office.
For rental information, please call the parish office at 342-1852 or 342-1420.
Fr. Pat Arensberg, Pastor
Fr. Alex Crow, Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Kristy F. Martin, School Principal
Mrs. Jennifer S. Pritchett, Parish Catechetical Leader
Mr. Peter J. Stoyka, Youth Ministry Coordinator
Mrs. Theresa Jernigan, Parish Secretary
Mrs. Wendy Tulo, Parish Bookkeeper
Stations of the Cross are in the church immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass each Friday during Lent.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:15 am and 5:30 pm
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper: 7:00 pm
Good Friday, Celebration of the Lord's Passion: 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday, The Easter Vigil Mass: 7:30 pm
Easter Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
Divine Mercy Prayer and Rosary
Join us every Tuesday at 3:00 PM in the Chapel to pray the Divine Mercy and Rosary.
Gather Thursdays at 3 p.m. to reflect on the Sunday Gospel and pray together. Meetings will be in the Community Center, 2nd floor Conference Room. All are welcome. Contact Sister Deborah Kennedy, RSM 251-753-4872
Our purpose is to help all men become the spiritual leaders of their families. All
men are welcome to meet for prayer, gospel reflection, and fellowship.
Tuesday Mornings, 7-8 am, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Info: Jay Cox at 401-6070 or
Wednesday Evenings, 7-8 pm, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Info: David Sheffield, 423-5666 or
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Please consider donating clothing items to
Goodwill-Easter Seals by leaving them at our
table in the vestibule. This allows our St. Vincent
DePaul Society at Corpus Christi to receive $5
certificates for our neighbors in need. Thank
you, PARISHIONERS, for your participation and generosity. Please contact Ann Mackie should you have questions. Meetings on the 1st & 3rd Monday, 6:30 pm, Conference Room, 2nd floor of the Community Center. For more information, contact Ann Mackie:, or go to or follow St. Vincent de Paul Corpus Christi Conference on Facebook.
All women are invited to join us on Thursdays from 9:15-10:45 am in the conference room, 2nd floor of the Community Center. Beginning February 10, we will begin a new video series titled "The Wild Goose". Fr. Dave Pivonka narrates this engaging and beautifully presented study on the gift of the Holy Spirit. Info: Patti Hughes at 251-401-9623 or
If you are considering joining us and are in need of child care please contact Cynthia Wentworth, 251-767-0532 or
Grades 9—12, meetings are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 in the Parish House. For more information contact Fr. Crow:
Funeral Reception Committee
Volunteers are needed to donate food, serve, and clean up. For more information please contact Ophelia Gillespie at 251-610-6503.
All are welcome in the Atrium after each Mass for a cup of coffee and fellowship. If you would like to volunteer to prepare coffee, serve, or clean up, please call Glenna Cannon, 251-666-6552
Presence on the sidewalk 6AM- 6PM every day. 717 Downtowner Loop W in front of the abortion clinic. Visit to register and sign up for vigil hours.
Support women in our community who are facing unplanned pregnancies. Also, please place baby items in the box in the vestibule.
Meetings on the last Monday of each month, 7:00 pm in the Parish House.
Contact: Chad Pugh 251-232-0648.
Corpus Christi Women's Club
The CCWC is a group of women in our parish that helps our community through fundraisers which include the Angel Tree, an area nursing home, and Penelope House. We also have meetings on occasion at area restaurants to discuss ideas and planning. All ladies in the parish are welcome to attend. Contact info: Lois, 251-209-2163
6:30 p.m., Tuesdays in the Adult Ed Room, Community Center. September 21, we will begin a new series titled "A Biblical Walk through the Mass" which is a five-part video series taught by Edward Sri. Dave Burchette, 367-6660 or Please join us!
Corpus Christi Catholic School | 251.342.5474 |