The Cougar Connection
The mission of Corpus Christi Catholic School is to nurture every child by providing the opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus
October 31, 2022
Dear Families,

We will join the National Catholic Education Association in celebrating Catholic schools as we participate in Discover Catholic Schools Week, beginning November 13th. This week was created to be a partner with National Catholic Schools Week (held in January) and is designed to help schools connect with prospective families and community members. 
If you know of any families that may be interested in learning more about our outstanding school, please encourage them to schedule a tour. Please contact Tracey Netto,, for more information.

Bible Verse and Prayer Focus of the Month
Our Bible verse focus for the month of November is: Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God” 

The prayer we will focus on is the Memorare:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.
Education in Virtue
This year all Archdiocesan Schools will participate in the Education in Virtue program. This program focuses on the development of the whole person and equips our children to strive for holiness, which is where we will find true happiness. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines virtue as “a habitual and firm disposition to do the good.” Virtues are essentially those habits of doing good that lead us to Christ. The three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. The Cardinal virtues are justice, prudence, fortitude and temperance. Flowing from these 7 core virtues are countless other virtues that help us to be in a relationship with God. Everyone is born with a capacity for virtue, but we need education and practice to become truly virtuous people.
Each week, we are focusing on a particular virtue as a school. Students have been learning the definition as well as what living virtue looks and sounds like in our actions and words.  

The Cardinal Virtue we are focusing on is Justice, and the related virtues we will focus on the next two weeks are Prayerfulness and Respect

 Responsibility (Week of October 31st)


Fulfilling our just duties, accepting the consequences of one’s words and actions, intentional and unintentional 

Ways to Cultivate
  • Ages 6 and up: Complete your tasks 
  • Ages 10 and up: Be responsible for your homework and duties, admit when you are wrong or when you have done something wrong
  • Ages 12 and up: Be accountable for decisions and actions at home, at school, and in personal relationships


Dear Jesus, please help me to be faithful in all the duties You have entrusted to me this day, fulfilling each with great care and love! 

Sincerity (Week of November 7th)


Trustful words and actions, honesty, and enthusiasm toward others. 

Ways to Cultivate
  • Ages 6 and up: Pay attention when others are speaking, saying “May I help you?” 
  • Ages 10 and up: Spelling and acting honestly
  • Ages 12 and up: Say what you mean, build trust by your words and actions, state when you are sorry and what you are grateful for. 

Dear Jesus, please give me the grace to be honest in all my words and actions. When someone is speaking, give me the patience to listen attentively. 
Food Pantry Friday
Remember the 1st Thursday of the month, our school helps support our Parish Food Pantry and the Blessings in Backpack ministry. Our next Food Pantry Day is Thursday, November 3rd. Students who bring in an item for our Food Pantry are able to come out of uniform with their spirit shirt. The following items are requested: 
PK-2: fruit or applesauce cups
3-5: ritz or saltine crackers
6-8: canned green beans, canned pasta
Thank you for your generosity! 
Toy Bowl
We are so proud of the sports teams and students that represented our school during the fall CYO sports season that culminated with the Toy Bowl this weekend. We had 24 of our 8th-grade students represent our school as members of the Toy Bowl Court. Thank you to all of our families that supported them. 
Red Ribbon Week Recap 
We also are very proud of our Red Ribbon Leader, Lindsey Nguyen, and the outstanding activities planned last week to promote healthy choices. It was a fun and informative week! 
Middle School Information Night
Parents of current 4th and 5th-grade students, please make plans to attend our Middle School Information night on November 29th at 6:00pm. You will be able to tour our middle school, meet our teachers, and learn more about the wonderful opportunities available to students in grades 6th-8th at our school.  

Directory Information Available Online
For those that may be unaware, there is a parent directory that is available to you in your Rediker parent portal. You can search by name, grade, and class. If you wish your information to not be available, you will need to opt-out of the directory. This can be done by clicking on your child’s name in the top right corner and choosing directory. You can then choose what information you would like hidden. 
PTO Pop Up Shop
The PTO is partnering with Booster Spirit Wear to offer CCS short and long sleeve shirts for both youth and adults. 
The shirts will be delivered to school for free (or can be shipped for $8).  
Hurry up!!!! The sale ends soon! 

Carpool Reminders
Please remember that after 7:20am, parents should not pull into our main parking lot. Parents are more than welcome to walk with their students to their entry point in the morning and walk to the veranda to pick up their child in the afternoon. However, you must park in the parking lot next to the preschool building or in the lot across the street from the main lot. This is for the safety of all of our students. 
School Calendar
Remember that you can always access our online school calendar via this link from our website:

Once on the page, you will need to scroll to the bottom to access the online calendar.
Parish Ministry Fair

Corpus Christi Parish is hosting a ministry fair this coming weekend following each Mass. Please make plans to stop by.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
November 11: Veteran’s Day

November 12: Booster Club Meeting, 6:30pm

November 13-18: Discover Catholic Schools Week 

November 16: PTO Meeting, 6:00pm

November 21-25: Thanksgiving Holidays

November 29: Middle School Information Night

Corpus Christi Parish News
Parish Information
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., second floor of the Community

Parish Office: 342-1852, Fax 342-6313
School Office: 342-5474, ext. 1
Fax 380-0325

Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Saturday
Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and11:00 am

8:15 am Mass: Monday - Saturday
5:30 pm Mass: Monday - Friday

Every 1st Friday of the month following the 8:15 am Mass until 5 pm. Sign up sheet in the chapel.

Sundays during the school year, 10:05-10:55 a.m. in school buildings.

Please call the parish office (342-1852) for information about scheduling a baptism, marriage, or anointing of the sick.

Confessions are heard 30 minutes before each Mass.

Please see the published schedule for dates and times, or call the parish office, 342-1852.

Please fill out a Census Form. Census. Forms are available in the church vestibule and parish office.

For rental information, please call the parish office at 342-1852 or 342-1420.
Parish Staff
Fr. Pat Arensberg, Pastor

Fr. Alex Crow, Parochial Vicar

Mrs. Kristy F. Martin, School Principal

Mrs. Jennifer S. Pritchett, Parish Catechetical Leader

Mr. Peter J. Stoyka, Youth Ministry Coordinator

Ms. Ashley Kovaleski, Parish Secretary

Mrs. Wendy Tulo, Parish Bookkeeper
Divine Mercy Prayer and Rosary
Join us every Tuesday at 3:00 PM in the Chapel to pray the Divine Mercy and Rosary.
Women of Mary
Gather Thursdays at 3 p.m. to reflect on the Sunday Gospel and pray together. Meetings will be in the Community Center, 2nd floor Conference Room. All are welcome. Contact Sister Deborah Kennedy, RSM 251-753-4872
Men of St. Joseph
Our purpose is to help all men become the spiritual leaders of their families. All
men are welcome to meet for prayer, gospel reflection, and fellowship.
Tuesday Mornings, 7-8 am, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Info: Jay Cox at 401-6070 or
Wednesday Evenings, 7-8 pm, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Info: David Sheffield, 423-5666 or
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Please consider donating clothing items to
Goodwill-Easter Seals by leaving them at our
table in the vestibule. This allows our St. Vincent
DePaul Society at Corpus Christi to receive $5
certificates for our neighbors in need. Thank
you, PARISHIONERS, for your participation and generosity. Please contact Ann Mackie should you have questions. Meetings on the 1st & 3rd Monday, 6:30 pm, Conference Room, 2nd floor of the Community Center. For more information, contact Ann Mackie:, or go to or follow St. Vincent de Paul Corpus Christi Conference on Facebook.
Women’s Bible Study
All women are invited to join us on Thursdays from 9:15-10:45 am in the conference room, 2nd floor of the Community Center.  Beginning February 10, we will begin a new video series titled "The Wild Goose". Fr. Dave Pivonka narrates this engaging and beautifully presented study on the gift of the Holy Spirit. Info: Patti Hughes at 251-401-9623 or
If you are considering joining us and are in need of child care please contact Cynthia Wentworth, 251-767-0532 or
Youth Group
Grades 9—12, meetings are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 in the Parish House.  For more information contact Fr. Crow:
Funeral Reception Committee
Volunteers are needed to donate food, serve, and clean up. For more information please contact Ophelia Gillespie at 251-610-6503.
Sacred Grounds
All are welcome in the Atrium after each Mass for a cup of coffee and fellowship. If you would like to volunteer to prepare coffee, serve, or clean up, please call Glenna Cannon, 251-666-6552
Meetings on the last Monday of each month, 7:00 pm in the Parish House.
Contact: Chad Pugh 251-232-0648.
Corpus Christi Women's Club
The CCWC is a group of women in our parish that helps our community through fundraisers which include the Angel Tree, an area nursing home, and Penelope House. We also have meetings on occasion at area restaurants to discuss ideas and planning. All ladies in the parish are welcome to attend. Contact info: Lois, 251-209-2163
6:30 p.m., Tuesdays in the Adult Ed Room, Community Center. September 21, we will begin a new series titled "A Biblical Walk through the Mass" which is a five-part video series taught by Edward Sri. Dave Burchette, 367-6660 or Please join us!