The mission of Corpus Christi Catholic School is to nurture every child by providing the opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus
Dear Parents,
What an exciting first few days we have had at Corpus Christi Catholic School! We are committed to working with our parents in a partnership to carry out the mission of our school, and parent communication is an aspect of this partnership. The school's primary way to communicate with parents is through our "Cougar Connection’’ electronic newsletter. This newsletter is sent electronically on a biweekly basis. You also can find archived links on our school website.
Each month students learn a Bible verse. We recite it together at school during our morning announcements and prayers. We also pray a particular prayer together each month. During the month of August our verse is:
Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”
Our prayer focus is Our Father.
We would love for you to practice the verse with your children at home.
This year all Archdiocesan schools will participate in the Education in Virtue program. This program focuses on the development of the whole person and equips our children to strive for holiness, which is where we will find true happiness. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines virtue as “a habitual and firm disposition to do the good.” Virtues are essentially those habits of doing good that lead us to Christ. The three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. The Cardinal virtues are justice, prudence, fortitude, and temperance. Flowing from these 7 core virtues are countless other virtues that help us to be in a relationship with God. Everyone is born with a capacity for virtue, but we need education and practice to become truly virtuous people.
Each week, we will focus on a particular virtue as a school. Students will learn the definition as well as what living the virtue looks and sounds like in our actions and words.
The Cardinal Virtue we will focus on this week is Justice, and the related virtue is Affability.
Meaning - Being easy to approach and easy to talk to, friendly
Opposing Trait - Being mean, unkind, cruel, or unflattering
Ways to Cultivate
Ages 6 and Up- Smile, greet people,
Ages 10 and Up- Smile, acknowledge others, take time to listen
Ages 12 and Up- Smile, acknowledge others, try to see Jesus in others.
Back to School Open House, K-8 Grades
Our Back to School Open House for parents is scheduled for this Tuesday, August 24, at 6:00 p.m. In order to create a safer environment for our families, we are not going to have our large meeting in the Banquet Hall. Instead, we will have three sessions in which you can choose to visit your student’s classroom.
In these sessions, teachers will provide you with information concerning class policies and procedures.
The sessions will begin at 6:00. After 30 minutes, the bell will ring and if you have more than one child, you may visit the next teacher. Teachers will repeat the same information each session. If you do not have more than one student, you can choose the session time you would like to visit (6:00, 6:30, 7:00)
Please enter the classroom through the back doors in order to alleviate congestion in our hallways. Also, please remember that visitors to our campus are required to wear face masks.
Middle School will follow a similar format but with shorter sessions, allowing you to visit more teachers. If you have a middle school student, you should visit their homeroom session first.
Please see the below waiver that the Archdiocese is asking all parents to complete. It is a fillable form. You may print out the form and return it, or save it and send it to my email, Only one form per family is required. Please return by Friday, August 27.
Blessings in a Backpack Ministry
Our school will once again participate in the Blessings in a Backpack program. Through this ministry, we will help provide meals for students in need on the weekends. Our students are asked to bring in donations on the first Thursday of each month. The donations are distributed through the direction of our St. Vincent de Paul society. Our first Food Pantry day of the new school year will be Thursday, September 2.
Students who donate items may wear their CCS spirit shirt with jeans or shorts (no shorts or athletic pants in Middle School) The following items are requested for the September Collection:
- K2-2nd: packs of instant oatmeal, instant grits
- 3rd - 5th: granola bars, snack crackers
- 6th-8th: fruit cups, applesauce cups
We are very excited about our new lunch program. Our first two days of serving lunch went very well! Please visit and click on the register button to sign up for your child’s lunch account, view menus, etc.
- Orders must be placed before 12:00 noon the day prior.
- Refunds are not given unless orders are canceled in advance. If your child is sick, you are welcome to make arrangements to pick up your child’s lunch if you wish.
- If your child does not have a lunch, a Lunchable and drink will be provided for them for a charge.
Parents are not allowed to bring fast food items in for lunch. Plans need to be in place to order lunch in advance, bring a lunch from home, or your child will be given a Lunchable option that you will be charged for.
- At this time parents are not allowed to eat lunch with their children.
Office of Protection of Minors and Adults (OPMA) Child Protection Training
All adults who plan to volunteer in any capacity at Corpus Christi Catholic School or Parish must receive training in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescent Training Program. We will offer this training on Tuesday, September 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the Adult Education room. Masks are required. If you are unable to attend the September 7th session, monthly sessions are held at St. Dominic Catholic School on the fourth Wednesday of each month. For parents who were trained in previous years, the renewal process is online.
All individuals wishing to renew must have an account with CMGConnect online. If you have attended training in the past, an account was set up for you. You may click here when you are ready to renew:
The retraining should be completed by October 31 of each year.
Each year we ask our parents to read our parent-student handbook together with their students. You can find our handbook on our website. After reviewing the handbook with your students, please fill out the form below. This form also includes acknowledgement of our Acceptable Use of Technology Policy. You may find our Acceptable Use of Technology Policy in our handbook as well.
After reviewing with your student, please access the acknowledgement form below. Please complete and submit by Friday, August 27.
Rediker Student Information System
Rediker is the student management system that is used by all Archdiocesan elementary schools. You can access Rediker to see your student’s grades and other important information. If you have not received your Rediker login information, or need assistance logging in, you may email me at and I will be glad to assist you.
After mass concludes on August 27, we will recognize students currently in grades 5-8 that received academic honors during the 4th quarter of the last school year. Students maintaining the status of principal list all four quarters of last year will also receive special recognition. Parents are welcome to attend Mass and this ceremony, but we do ask that you wear a mask and sit separately from our students.
Kona Ice will be on campus Wednesday, September 8. Students will be able to visit with their class during lunch waves.
In the event of the threat of severe weather that could lead to an early dismissal, please monitor the local news. It is important to remember that Catholic Schools do not always do the same thing as public schools. If a decision is made for our schools, please know that you will get a phone call, email, and a text message through our student management program. Let’s pray that severe weather will not be a threat to us this school year.
School Mass and Classroom Blessings
Last Friday we celebrated our first school mass together. It was beautiful to be in the church together! After Mass, Father Pat blessed our classrooms and all areas of our campus.
We have established an account with AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support our school every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Below is the link to our charity page where you can begin your shopping!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
September 2
Food Pantry Thursday
September 6
Labor Day Holiday, No School
September 7
Child Protection Training for New Parents/Volunteers (6:00)
September 8
Kona Ice during lunch waves (library fundraiser)
September 15
Mid Quarter Reports Sent Home
September 21
Pictures In Uniform K3-8
September 22
Pictures for K2
September 24
Grandparent's Day (more info how we will celebrate to come)
September 27
Book Fair Week
Corpus Christi Parish News
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.- 5 pm.
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:30 p.m.
Sunday Morning Masses:
7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
Weekday Mass:
6:30 a.m. Monday - Friday
8:15 a.m. Monday - Saturday
The Parish Office has moved to the 2nd floor of the Community Center.
If you would like to add a name to the prayer list, please call the Parish Office at 251-342-1852, or add the name to the list in the chapel.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are heard 30 minutes before each Mass. Saturday is not the only day to go.
Gather each Thursday at 3:00 p.m. to reflect on the Sunday Gospel and pray together. Meetings are held in the Parish House. All are welcome. Contact Sister Deborah Kennedy, R.S.M. 251-753-4872
Our purpose is to help all men become the spiritual leaders of their families. All men are welcome to meet for prayer, Gospel reflection, fellowship.
Tuesday Mornings, 7 to 8 a.m. in the Family Room
Join the meeting in person or by phone.
Dial in: 251-665-2515. Conference ID: 102102#
Info: Jay Cox at 401-6070 or
Wednesday Evenings, 7-8 p.m. in the Parish House
Info: David Sheffield, 423-5666 or
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Join us in service, grow in spirituality, and open your heart in friendship to neighbors in need. The St. Vincent de Paul Society responds to local individuals and families with food, clothing, and emergency financial assistance. Your help will feed children, prevent evictions and so much more. Financial donations can be placed in the brass poor box in the church vestibule, and clothing and food donations can be left at the St. Vincent de Paul Society table. If you are in need of assistance, call 251-366-6443. To find out how to join us, contact Ann Mackie at For more info go to or follow St. Vincent de Paul Corpus Christi Conference on Facebook.
Walking with Moms in Need: Please remember to bring diapers and other baby items to the box in the vestibule for 2B Choices for Women Pregnancy Center and continue to pray for pregnant mothers.
Healing After Abortion: confidential, compassionate help -
Contact Mae and Chris Rehm for more information - 251-554-2032 or
Corpus Christi Catholic School | 251.342.5474 |