The Counseling Corner
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SENIORS/PARENTS: Are you interested in attending a college with selective admissions? LHS will be hosting a virtual information session on selective college admissions November 8 at 6PM! The guest speaker is an admissions representative from a selective college. Click HERE for the Zoom link to join us!

SOPHOMORES/JUNIORS: Applications will be available starting on 11/1 for both the Northland Career Center and the Area Career Center. Current 10th and 11th graders: if you are interested in attending for the 24-25 school year, please visit the Off-Campus Opportunities page on our website (linked here) to view the available programs at both career centers. Shadows are required for both career centers. The link to the applications are included on the website as well. Please contact your counselor with questions!


SOPHOMORES/JUNIORS:  Interested in an internship next year through NCAPS? If yes, please use this link to sign up for the NCAPS Showcase at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church on 12/6. 

STUDENTS: U.S. Naval Academy Admissions Forum: November 19, 2023: Admissions Forum

STUDENTS: Grow Your Own Teachers check out the link: GYOT

STUDENTS: HBCU College Fair and Showcase November 2, 2023:

STUDENTS: Take time to review the most high demand jobs collected from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center.

STUDENTS: Saturday STEM Seminars. For more information check out the link

SENIORS: If you are wanting a different name listed on your diploma other than what is listed in PowerSchool, please email before the end of the semester.

ALL STUDENTS: College visits are In Person and located in the Eagles Nest. Make sure you are registering for the visit through SchooLinks. Check back often as new visits are scheduled almost daily.

Kansas State University - October 31st @ 10:00

Northwest Missouri State University - November 13 @ 10:00

November Military Lunch Visits

Tuesday the 7th - Army Reserve

Thursday the 9th - Navy

Friday the 10th - Army

Monday the 13th - National Air Guard

Tuesday the 14th - Air Force

Monday the 20th - Marines

Tuesday the 21st - Army

Lauren Eikel Last Names A - Cl 736-5549

Jessica Miller Last Names Co - Go 736-5512

Jill Brock Last Name Gr - Ko 736-5516

Neil Corriston Last Names Kr - Or 736-5523

Gabbi Day Last Names Os - Sp 736-5547

Staci Harwell  Last Names St - Z 736-5513

Nakia Wilson Social Worker 736-5548

Breonna LindseySocial Worker 736-5531

Gail Stark Registrar 736-5537

Elizabeth Stukes Admin Assistant 736-5538