A Publication of the Holy Cross
The Cross
May 2018
Articles and News
Thank you to Lydia Abbott and all her helpers for another successful Seder Dinner!

Thank you Sue Crossley & Tina Paul o ur wonderful Easter brunch hosts and their helpers:  Carol Van der Veen, Joe Self, Mari Victory-Daw, Kelvie Comer, Warren Paul, Glenn Crossley, Dianne Commo, Vicki & Jim McDivit, Marilyn & Richard Lidicker.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who brought food to share. Someone told me she thought it was the best brunch ever!
We had lots of delicious and varied options for everyone and that doesn't happen without the efforts of the congregation.
Guest Preacher Malcolm McLaurin -
Sunday, May 6th @ 10:00am
Malcolm is the Canon for Youth and Young Adult Ministries at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Program Director for the Seattle Episcopal Service Corps and Postulant for Holy Orders.
The mission of Episcopal Service Corps is to develop and support a national network of intentional communities in the Episcopal Church for young adults serving others, deepening spiritual awareness, and living simply in intentional Christian community. Come Sunday to hear about the Seattle Service Corps and their work with the Holy Cross, the Mission to Seafarers and other Puget Sound organizations. 
Please join in raising funds and helping the Corps grow stronger, more sustainable, and better able to serve the church and the world. With your support, the network that is the Episcopal Service Corps is able to invest in strengthening our programs through resources, gatherings, and mentorship and in growing our impact through the development of new programs and the recruitment of corps members from a broader and more diverse pool of applicants.  Our loose plate offering on May 6 th is designated for the Seattle Episcopal Service Corps.
Spiritual Freedom: Spring Kairos Weekend 2018
Kairos Changes Lives
Twenty-five inmates at the Monroe Correctional Facility encountered the risen Christ during the Kairos Prison Ministry spring weekend, April 19-21. Holy Cross served as the “Base Camp” for the 30 Kairos Volunteers, including Jerry Whalen, Lin Lindsey and Mark Schaffer. As always, Christ was vividly present and lives were changed; this year there were 3 deaf inmates with interpreters, one of whom shared “I love Kairos, and what it does for the guys inside!”
Special thanks go to the Holy Cross volunteers who cooked and organized meals for the Base Camp meetings: Susan Lindsey, Joe Self, Teresa Guenther, Carol Van der Veen, Tina Paul and Caroline Whalen.
Holy Cross Seniors April Luncheon With Julia Duin
                              By Melissa Holmes
The answer is uncertain. The question is “How many snake handling churches are there in the U.S.? This sect of Christianity is found mostly in states in the Appalachian region and in parts of the south. Many are very small churches in very rural areas. Author and journalist Julia Duin, spent time embedded with these congregations and wrote about them in her 1917 book, In the House of the Serpent Handler. Julia was the guest speaker at the Holy Cross Seniors luncheon on Thurs. April 26 th . Julia and Fr. Jim met when they were in seminary at Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry near Pittsburgh . She now lives in the Seattle area with her daughter. She graciously accepted his invitation to be our luncheon speaker. She has Master’s Degrees in religion and a second one in journalism. She speaks French, Spanish, German, and parts of Kurdish, Arabic, Russian, and Italian. She’s had five books published along with numerous magazine and newspaper articles. She’s worked for five different newspapers and taught journalism at four colleges. She wrote the article on Fr. Jim and the Food Bank Farm in the Nov./Dec. 2016 issue of the “425” magazine. Julia has received awards for her work and been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize three times. Her presentation on the serpent handling worship services was detailed, fascinating and empathetic. We went away with a greater understanding of why the people in these churches believe so fervently in this practice. For further information on Julia see: juliaduin.com. Her books are available for sale on Amazon. 
Google serpent handling churches for further information on the subject.
Of course, the luncheon was scrumptious. Seniors created a variety of nutritious and delicious salads, desserts and Fr. Jim’s special nachos to tingle our taste buds. (No snake meat allowed).
Many thanks to helpers who gave their time and energy to make this event successful. They are Fr. Jim, Heidi Leto, Carol Van der Veen, and Diane Williams. 
Save the date for Thursday, May 24 @ Noon
Luncheon and Speaker..."Scam-Proof" your life!
How can you protect and defend yourself from malicious predators?
Presentation from Bob DeWald of AARP Fraud Watch. Bob comes to us highly recommended by our own Sandy Archdale.
Potluck lunch at noon ~ Salads & Desserts
followed by the speaker at 1:00pm.
RSVP: Melissa Holmes - #425-483-2721
Food Bank Farm
Women's Retreat!
Build a bridge bonding activity
Group poster coloring
Bible study with Lydia
Joyful voices
Build a bridge bonding activity
Puzzles time with Sara & Tracy
Musical offerings with Beth & Amy
Faith Formation
Holy Communion Class Celebration May 13th
NO SUNDAY SCHOOL - Sunday school children and youth will all attend church to celebrate, recognize, and support the Holy Communion Class on the completion of their study. The Holy Communion kids will assist Fr. Jim in celebrating the Holy Eucharist and
participate in the service.
YMCA Odyssey
High-Ropes Course Woodinville
JUNE 3rd 12:30 PM -4:30

SAVE THE DATE!! - Get excited!
Join us for the YMCA Ropes Course followed by a Family Cookout. Parents & siblings are invited to join the group at 4:30 for dinner.
Bring: substantial sack lunch to eat before the course, water, & rain gear.
Wear: sturdy closed-toe shoes and snug fitting clothes.
The Cost of $25 per youth will be covered by Faith Formation. So that NO MONEY is wasted, please RSVP to Sue ASAP and no later than May 13th .
Family Cookout: Families are invited to arrive at 4:30 for dinner at 5 PM.
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and beverages will be provided.
Please bring a dish to share.
Needed: Parent to lead- Cook-Out, start grill, & boss everyone around!
Where: Reserved Picnic Shelter at Cottage Lake park.
Questions? Email Sue here : Sue Dimmitt  
The Odyssey High Ropes Course is a unique challenge course located at Cottage Lake Park in Woodinville, Washington, in partnership with King County Parks and Recreation. The Odyssey Course is a 40ft tall, two-level course that includes 10 different challenges and obstacles that you must navigate and work together with your group to accomplish. It is accessed by large cargo nets, and finishes with a dual hydraulic zip line to the ground.
The course was built in 2007 by Alpine Towers International, a certified and professional vendor of challenge course technology.
Forms you need:
Coming Youth Events
CityServe for Youth SEAFARERS’ Mission May 19th-20 
Vacation Bible Camp  July 9-12
Camp will be held outdoors!
Registration forms here
Monday through Thursday 9:30-Noon
Ages 4 – 10; Middle School & High School & Adult Helpers needed.
Our Camp includes LEARNING, FUN, FOOD, MUSIC, GARDENING, and LAUGHTER. Won’t you join us this year as we explore new adventures?
Graduating Seniors! Please allow us to celebrate your achievements on Sunday, June 11 th at the 10:00am service.
"Camping with Floyd!" All are invited!
No, it’s not an 80's sitcom… but it'll be fun! 
Join us on Friday, June 1 st @ 5:00pm for outdoor games, a campfire, and s’mores! Learn some tricks and tips setting up a tent, building a fire, and other camp-y things. Try out your gear, or find out what you need, for the upcoming excursion to Camp Casey. If you’re feeling adventurous, bring your tent and camp out in the back yard of the church overnight. (It won’t be too rough - we can still use the bathrooms inside.) Wake up to coffee and pancakes! 
Floyd Bishop for more information:  floyd@bishopanimation.com
Book Club ~ May 8th @ 7:00pm
It seems as over 75 years have passed since World War II that lots of good historical fiction has been written in the last 5 years about the war. This months book, Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly, is the story of 3 young women as the war approaches. With the voices of an American, the author tells the story of isolationists in America, French orphans and their US supporters, a female German doctor who believes the way around sexist discrimination is joining the military medical corp and a Polish girl swept into the concentration camps due to her tangential I interaction with the resistance. As the war concludes, each of these women must now deal with the trauma of war scars, both physical and emotional. Please join us for Book Club this month, hosted by Mary Shifton. 
We’ll meet at church on Tuesday, May 8th at 7pm in the Parish Hall.  
Green Elephant ~ June 2 @ 10:00am
Rain or shine, Pacific Northwest gardeners gather to exchange and share plants, seeds, cuttings and gardenalia with all. Whether you feel the budget crunch or just want to grow your own delicious healthy food, the vegi-swap is offered so we can exchange and share vegetable seeds and plant starts for our own Beat-the-Economy Victory Gardens. It’s too late for bare root plants but potted trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals and tropicals are most welcome.  Arrive at 10 am for the best selection. What if I have nothing to trade? Cookies and chocolate work like money at the Green Elephant!
New Member Celebration
On Sunday, June 3rd at the 8:00am & 10:00am services the Newcomers Ministry group would like to introduce our Newcomers. 
After the 10:00am service we will have an celebration to welcome them. If you would like to be officially welcomed as a new member contact: 
Heidi Leto -Publisher@HolyCrossRedmond.org.
or call #425-885-5822. 
Thank you Eric Fan & other Boy Scouts who made the memorial garden look so beautiful.
Retirement Party for Sally Smith.
Some of the finest ladies you could ever hope to work with. Past & present staff of Best Beginnings Preschool.
    Women's A.M. Bible Study
Come join us on Tuesday mornings starting @ 9:30am.
Questions: Contact Pam Stanton-Wyman -  pamstwy@gmail.com
Flower Chart ~ The 2018 Flower Chart is now available. 
Write your name on the date you wish to make a dedication. More than one name can share a date. Complete a “Flower Donation Card” and place it in the provide envelope along with your donation.
($35.00 suggested donation.) Write “Flowers” on the memo line.
 Drop the envelope in the offering basket or Office Mail Box located in the Narthex.
May We Pray For You?
Contact Karen Smith to be placed on the Holy Cross Prayer Chain.