Smith, Boyle, Convery, and Wolfe

with The Crossing

at The Grammys

We woke up this morning to the crazy news that we are nominated for two Grammy Awards for Best Choral Performance.  And, our recording of Julia Wolfe's Fire in my Mouth received two more nominations: Best Contemporary Classical Composition and Best Engineer: Classical.  
Our two nominations are for VOYAGES, works of Benjamin C.S. Boyle and Robert Convery, and Kile Smith's The Arc in the Sky, in which Kile sets Robert Lax's words:
music can speak,
and words played
like music can speak;
but words played like
music are not the same
as words just played
like words.
Never truer words...
We want to thank these composers (all Philadelphia-based at some point!) for their generosity of spirit in writing such inspiring works for us, all commissioned by The Crossing and/or Donald.
We are grateful for the team of singers, string players, composers, staff members, board members, producers, engineers, interns, record label personnel, designers, supporters, listeners, and the ever-growing community of The Crossing. (We thought we'd take a second and actually list everyone directly involved in producing the nominated CDs. That list is below - take a look - it's a big crowd!)
A special thank you to Pam Prior and Debra Reinhard who commissioned Benjamin C.S. Boyle's Voyages, dedicated to their daughter Lindsey; and a warm thanks to an Anonymous donor whose continuing friendship and support make these recordings possible.
Congratulations to the other nominees in our category! They include our close friends Craig Johnson and Conspirare and Bob Simpson and Houston Chamber Choir.  The 62nd Annual Grammy Award ceremony will be held in Los Angeles on January 26.
What an amazing time to be a choral musician in this country, especially since choral music requires that we listen carefully to each other and don't shout! If only this were the case in all corners and stages of our society.
for we must seek
by going down,
down into the city
for our song.
deep into the city
for our peace.
            - Robert Lax

How many people does it take to reach four Grammy nominations?

Tanisha Anderson
Katy Avery
Gabrielle Barkidjija
Sarah Batts
Nathaniel Barnett
Jessica Beebe
Kelly Ann Bixby
Karen Blanchard
Steven Bradshaw
Sharon Byrne
Veronica Chapman-Smith
Abigail Chapman
Hai-Ting Chinn
Colin Dill
Micah Dingler
Meg Dudley
Robert Eisentrout
Allie Faulkner
Ryan Fleming
Joanna Gates
Dimitri German
Ilana Goldstein
Dianna Grabowski
Barbara Hill
Steven Hyder
Michael Jones
Heather Kayan
Lauren Kelly
Michele Kennedy
Heidi Kurtz
Kim Leeds
Kate Maroney
Hannah Dixon McConnell
Laura Mercado-Wright
Maren Montalbano
Rebecca Myers
Rebecca Oehlers
Christine Papania
Ellen Peters
Alexandra Porter
Daniel Schwartz
Rebecca Siler
Julie Snyder
Tiana Sorenson
Daniel Spratlan
Elisa Sutherland
Dan Taylor
Elizabeth van Os
Jason Weisinger
Shari Wilson
John Grecia
Mark Livshits
Tuomi Forrest
Mary D. Hangley 
Cynthia A. Jarvis
Mary Kinder Loiselle 
Michael M. Meloy 
Donald Nally 
Eric Owens 
Pam Prior
Andrew Quint
Kim Shiley
Carol Loeb Shloss
John Slattery 
Elizabeth Van de Water
Jonathan Bradley
Alexandra McFadden
Shannon McMahon
Kevin Vondrak
Mitchell Bloom
Elizabeth Dugan
Ryan Strand
Kile Smith
Robert Convery
Benjamin C.S. Boyle
Julia Wolfe
The New York Philharmonic
Jaap van Zweden
Anne Kauffman
Jeff Sugg
Kenny Savelson
Marion Talan
Mark Grey
Molly Houlahan
Pamela Walsh
Jason Kaiser
Young People's Chorus of New York
Francisco J. Núñez
Elizabeth Núñez
Nancy Bloom
Bob Hanlon
Ian Good
Lawrence Rock
Richard Blackburn
Brandon MacNeil
Levi Brown
Sam Renshaw
Chris Campbell
Tim Igel
John Neuchterlein
Adrian Peacock
Paul Vazquez
Dante Portella
Will Brown
Christopher St. John
Paul du Coudray
Kyle Sackett
Jeremey Edelstein
Marshall White
Hunter Gregory
Connor Newkam-Ulrich
James Jordan
John Wilkinson
Esther Cole
Jo Ann West
Ken Lovett
Austin Shelley
Brian Russo
Evelyn Carpenter
Felix Delgado
Owintier Charles
The entire congregation at the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill
John Zirkle
Natasha Colkett
Alexandra Cutler-Fetkewicz
Abigail Fayette
Rebecca Harris
Margaret Humphrey
Christof Richter
Petula Perdikis
Daniela Pierson
Tom Kraines
Mimi Morris-Kim
Tim Ressler
Gail Malcolm
David and Rebecca Thornburgh
Jeff and Liz Podraza
Beth Vaccaro,
Linda Lipscomb
Corbin Abernathy and Andrew Beck
David Newmann and Laura Ward
Dave Coyle and the entire staff at Tavern on the Hill
300 Supporters
2 very special anonymous benefactors
Countless Friends

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New music only happens through your support.