Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve
2018 National Blue Ribbon School
The Crusader Times for August 19, 2021
From the Principal's Desk
On behalf of the Saints Peter and Paul School community, I want to extend a warm welcome to our new families and to our returning families!
Finding the best school for your child is a significant decision, and I thank you for choosing SSPP School and entrusting the faculty and staff to partner with you on your child's elementary and middle school journey. SSPP School is dedicated to nurturing the whole child and we understand the importance of meeting each child's needs academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally.
We take pride in being a vibrant, faith-filled school community celebrating 20 years of excellence in Catholic education. We are also proud of our academic rigor and our goal of preparing all students for high school. In 2021 our school was honored to have two eighth-graders receive the Saint Neumann Scholarship. This is a four-year scholarship to an archdiocesan school of their choice. Only thirty-five eighth-graders in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia qualify for this distinction. This year we have thirteen students eligible to take the scholarship exam in the Fall of 2021. The eighth grade class of 2021 earned over $760, 000 in scholarships.
I am proud to say the school provided in-person instruction from September through June of 2020-2021. This could not have been possible without our dedicated teachers, nurses, and the commitment and support of parents, the Board of Limited Jurisdiction, Father Monica, and Monsignor Citino. Our school stayed the course and followed our mission regardless of COVID-19.
I believe this year we will continue to do the same and rally together in support of each other despite the challenges we face. Saints Peter and Paul School community values the importance of the Catholic faith with an emphasis on living out our faith each day. Partnering and communicating with parents to ensure every student's success during their years at SSPP is part of the mission. Providing a safe environment where students are respected is also an integral part of each child's success. Our goal is to guide all students to embrace empathy, kindness, and a sense of service. Each student is guided to reach their full potential by a dedicated and caring faculty and staff who challenge SSPP students to discover Catholic core values at SSPP and beyond. When a child graduates in eighth grade, they will be equipped for a successful future based on a solid foundation of education, faith, service, and leadership.
Your daily participation in the education and faith formation of your child is key to his or her success. Saints Peter and Paul School is blessed to have parents who have supported each other and the school since it opened in 2001. The presence and support of parents at SSPP School and parish over the past 20 years has been strong and has provided our students with many opportunities from Pre Kindergarten through eighth grade. We look forward to partnering with you on your child’s years at Saints Peter and Paul School
I am excited to see you and your children in about two weeks! I wish you and your family a wonderful year with many blessings.
With warmest regards,
Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal
Aug 24: Class lists are posted
Faculty Retreat
Aug 31: First Day of School K-8. Full-Day- No CARES
9:30 AM - Lunch Volunteer Meeting
7 PM Pre-K Parent Meeting
Sept 1: Pre K visit with parents
Grade 3-5 Parent Meeting 7 PM
Sept 2: CARES forms are due
Sept 3: No school
Sept 6: No school
Sept 7: Pre K begins, CARES begins
Grade K-2 Parent Meeting 7 PM
Sept 8: Band Parent Meeting 7 PM
Sept 9: 8th Grade parent graduation meeting 6 PM
Grade 6-8 Parent Meeting 7 PM
Sept 10: Opening Liturgy 9:30 AM
Early Birdie Special for the Monsignor Foley Golf Outing Ends Tomorrow, August 20th
Take $40 off the Registration Fee of $265
Volunteers Needed!
The response to this year's golf outing has been amazing! To date, we have 96 golfers with room for only 32 more. This year's hole-in-one prize is a Subaru Legacy donated by Rafferty Subaru. Other prizes for longest drive and top foursomes will be awarded as well.
Please submit your registration forms as soon as possible to secure your spot!
Proceeds benefit the Saints Peter and Paul School Teacher Enrichment Fund.
Thank you for your support!
If you can volunteer at the event, please contact Christine Parsons at cm7855@gmail.com
You can mail your registration form and payment to the school to the attention of Diana Poole, or email your completed form to advancement@sspeterandpaulrc.org and make payment online https://school.sspeterandpaulrc.org/pay-now Please make a notation that it is for the golf outing. Sponsorship questions may be directed to the event chairperson, Christine Parsons at cm7855@gmail.com
Alumni News
Class of 2017 Is Off to College and Beyond
Saints Peter and Paul School Congratulates the Class of 2017
On August 8th at the 9:30 mass, was the blessing of our community's college students. Saints Peter and Paul School would like to recognize the accomplishments of the graduating class of 2017. The hard work and dedication of this class bring great honor to their families and school.
The class of 2017 had 36 graduates. During their high school careers, they achieved inductions into the National Honor Society, Tri-M Society, Spanish Honor Society, French Honor Society, Italian Honor Society, and Scroll and Quill Honor Society. There is a National Merit Finalist among their ranks. The class continued showing their hearts to love and hands to serve by earning four Eagle Scout Awards and one Gold Award for Girl Scouts, not to mention the numerous service hours the class participated in
Our alumni will be attending the following colleges and universities: Catholic University, Central Michigan University, Champlain, Colorado State University, Delaware County Community College, Gettysburg College, High Point University, Johnson & Wales, Loyola University, Pennsylvania State University (University Park), Quinnipiac University, Saint Joseph’s University, Thaddeus Stevens for Carpentry & Construction, University of Maryland, University of Pittsburgh, Villanova University, Virginia Tech, West Chester University, and Xavier University. Two students earned over $170,000 in athletic scholarships and will be playing men’s lacrosse and D1 field hockey for their respective schools.
One of our alumni has chosen the path of military service by enlisting in the United States Marine Corps. Thank you for your service!
The class of 2017 are the recipients of a multitude of academic scholarships inclusive of Presidential and Stamps Scholarships. The total academic scholarships awarded to our class of 2017 totals over 7 million dollars (as of 7/23/21). Congratulations to the SSPP graduating class of 2017. We are so proud of you!
God bless the class of 2021 as they head off on the next part of their journey!
If you are alumni, or parent of alumni and have exciting news to share, please let the Advancement office know! We want to celebrate you!
Please click on the 2019-2020 GIF to link to our school's Annual Report
Support the SSPP Community by shopping with Amazon Smile !
Access the website: smile.amazon.com and select "SS. Peter and Paul Church and School" as your charity of choice. Products and prices are the same as regular Amazon, but using Smile.Amazon means a portion of your shopping dollars will be donated to Saints Peter and Paul School.
"Talk to Us"
Visit these social media platforms to stay connected with your school and other SSPP Parents!
Follow your school on Instagram:
@ssppschoolwc and @ssppschoolart
Our facebook page is:
Just a friendly reminder.
Please take a moment to support SS Peter and Paul School and our students.
Click on our school link. Even if you fill one prescription it will help us raise funds.
Participation Requirements: Only new Rite Aid customers and any existing Rite Aid customers who do not fall within the specified cure periods for qualifying prescriptions can participate in the RXfundraising program. Qualified prescriptions include maintenance medication and acute medication Prescriptions. Any potential supporter who has bought a maintenance medication Prescription from Rite Aid during the prior 365 days will be excluded from this program. Any potential supporter who has bought an acute medication Prescription from Rite Aid during the prior three years will also be excluded from this program. Qualified in-store purchases include Front End Products (products and services provided in a Rite Aid store other than Prescriptions) except for tobacco products, alcohol products, lottery tickets, gift cards, licenses, money orders, money transfers, newspapers, other mail services and dairy products.
Our school governing body is called the SSPP Board of Limited Jurisdiction.
Members are Dan McKinney (Chair), Gary Davis (Finance Chair), Rand Ginsburg (Facilities Chair), Frank Hanna (Governance Chair), Mary Cunningham (Development Chair), Michael Parsons (COVID Chair), Allison Hall (Marketing & Enrollment Chair), Andrew Parsons, Cynthia Wein, Frank Burrell, Joshua Benson, Martin Roddy, Richard Fonash, Brian Meilinger, Mark Drinker, Erin Heinerichs, Veronica Chandler, and Monsignor Angelo Citino.
Saints Peter & Paul School
1327 Boot Road
West Chester, PA 19380
p. (610)696.1000
f. (484) 631.0181
Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal
Mr. Joe Devine, Board Chairman
Mrs. Diana Poole, Advancement Director