Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve
2018 National Blue Ribbon School
2021 School of Distinguished Instruction
The Crusader Times for June 2, 2022
June 2: Last Day of School and Picnic for Pre K
June 3: Last day for Kindergarten and 8th Grade. Last day of CARES
June 6-8: Noon Dismissal. No CARES
June 7: 8th Grade Graduation 7 PM
June 9: Last Day of School End of year Mass 8:30 AM, Dismissal 10:30 AM
The Crusader Times is published on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Please contact the Advancement office for any news that you would like to schedule.
Attention, Parents!
The school year is almost over and so is this year's Annual Fund campaign! Won't you please help us make our budgeted goal of $175,000? What a wonderful way to say "thank you for a great school year!"
If you are unsure if you've made your gift, please contact the advancement office.
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
Photos Available to Purchase from Roaring 20s Event
7th Grade Neumann Scholarship Qualifiers Announced
In honor of St. John Neumann, the Connelly Foundation awards approximately 35 scholarships to the highest academic achievers who have a strong desire to attend an Archdiocesan High School. Along with tuition benefits, Neumann Scholars receive academic/college counseling and opportunities to apply for various summer enrichment programs. The following students meet the eligibility requirements to compete for a scholarship. To be eligible to sit for the scholarship, a student needs to have a National Percentile (NP) Total Score of 90 OR a Cognitive Skills Index (CSI) of 120 in the 7th grade Terra Nova Test combined with an academic average of 92 or above. These students are among the best and the brightest in Chester county! It is quite an honor to be a candidate.
SSPP congratulates our 7th Grade students who qualify to sit for the Neumann Scholarship next year. They are:
Lydia Baker, Alyson Burns, James Cassalia, Evan DeBellis, Tyler Ginsburg, Ryan Greene, Emery Hess, James Kyle, Finn Lavin, Kayla Malicki, Alyssa Nichter, Gideon Praveen-Dhas, Aaron Ronafalvy, Gavin Smith, Travis Treacy, and Ava Zapata.
SSPP Golf Outing- Register Now!
Parents, don't forget to order your child's math Summer Solutions book! Please order the grade level that your child just completed.
Important notice from the Nurses Office:
PA State mandated immunization, physical and dental requirements for the 2022-23 school year:
All students are required to be up to date with PA state-mandated immunizations within the first 5 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Only medical exemptions are accepted for missing immunizations or if a student is on a delayed immunization schedule. In these cases, a note from a licensed doctor is required that reflects the medical diagnosis as to why the student is medically exempt or on a delayed schedule for immunizations. Parents' choice to delay immunizations for their child(ren) is not accepted.
All kindergarten students and any student enrolling at Sts. Peter and Paul for the first time must submit an updated physical and dental examination report to the school nurse within the first 60 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Reports can be dated in/after August 2021.
**Kindergarten through 8th-grade students must receive:
4 DTaP (diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis) with the last dose given after the child’s 4th birthday
4 IPV (polio) with the last dose given after the child’s 4th birthday
3 Hepatitis B
2 Varicella (chickenpox)
2 MMR (measles/mumps/rubella)
All 6th-grade students must submit an updated physical examination report to the school nurse within the first 60 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Reports can be dated in/ after August 2021.
All 3rd and 7th-grade students must submit an updated dental examination to the school nurse within the first 60 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school. Reports can be dated in/after August 2021.
All 7th-grade students must receive a Tdap and meningitis vaccine within the first 5 days of school in order to avoid being excluded from school.
If you have questions about these requirements, please contact Mrs. Hopton at lhopton@wcasd.net or Mrs. Dugan at cdugan@wcasd.net. Please contact Mrs. Foytack at mfoytack@sspeterandpaulrc.org for any questions related to Preschool.
Absences related to exclusions for non-compliance with PA State school health mandates are considered unlawful.
2018 Graduates Honored at Archdiocesan Honors Convocation
Congratulations to 2018 graduates, Jack Onderdonk and Patrick Bracken. The boys were in the top 3% of their graduating classes from Malvern Prep and Bishop Shanahan respectively.
The Honors Convocation for students across the Archdiocese was held at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul on May 19th. Each student received a medal of Saint John Neumann in recognition of their diligent work.
We are so very proud of you and know you will continue to succeed in your future endeavors as disciples of Christ with hearts to love and hands to serve!
If you are alumni, or a parent of alumni and have exciting news to share, please let the Advancement office know! We want to celebrate with you!
The Quo Vadis Days program is open to all young men who are graduating 8th grade up through those who are graduating from high school. Please watch the attached promo video that gives a sense of what Quo Vadis is all about (available here).
Father Daughter Day of Reflection
2020-2021 Annual Report Now Available
Support the SSPP Community by shopping with Amazon Smile !
Access the website: smile.amazon.com and select "SS. Peter and Paul Church and School" as your charity of choice. Products and prices are the same as regular Amazon, but using Smile.Amazon means a portion of your shopping dollars will be donated to Saints Peter and Paul School.
"Talk to Us"
Visit these social media platforms to stay connected with your school and other SSPP Parents!
Follow your school on Instagram:
@ssppschoolwc and @ssppschoolart
Our facebook page is:
Our school governing body is called the SSPP Board of Limited Jurisdiction.
Members are Dan McKinney (Chair), Gary Davis (Finance Chair), Rand Ginsburg (Facilities Chair), Frank Hanna (Governance Chair), Mary Cunningham (Development Co-Chair), Erin Heinerichs (Development Co-Chair), Allison Hall (Marketing & Enrollment Chair), Andrew Parsons, Michael Parsons, Cynthia Wein, Frank Burrell, Joshua Benson, Martin Roddy, Richard Fonash, Brian Meilinger, Mark Drinker, Terry Gillin, TR Lavin, Nancy Bucceri, Veronica Chandler, and Monsignor Angelo Citino.
Saints Peter & Paul School
1327 Boot Road
West Chester, PA 19380
p. (610) 696-1000
f. (484) 631-0181
Mrs. Veronica Chandler, Principal
Mr. Dan McKinney, Board Chairman
Diana Poole, Advancement Director