Thursday, January 19th

Photo of the Week

Photo Credit: Mary Federle

Have your photo featured by emailing submissions or using the hashtag #LifeInCumberland on social media!
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Town Hall Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday: 8am - 5pm

Thursday: 8am - 6pm

Friday: CLOSED

Visit the Town Website
Contact Information
Administration/Finance – 829-2205
Clerk's Office - 829-5559
Fire – 829-5421
Police – 829-6391 
Public Works– 829-2220
Recreation – 829-2208
View the Town Calendar
Special Notices


Are you interested in learning more about your community? Can you spare a few evening hours? Would you like to meet other Cumberland residents with similar interests? Becoming a member of one of our committees is a great way to get involved!  

The following Boards/Committees have vacancies:

Board of Sewer Appeals

Prince Memorial Library Advisory Board

Personnel Appeals Board

Shellfish Conservation Commission 

Applications are available on the town’s website or by contacting Brenda Moore at Town Hall, 829-2205 or

Winter Parking Ban

With storms in the forecast, don't forget to keep the roadways clear for plows!

Make sure trash and recycling bins are out of the road and remember, the Town of Cumberland has a parking ban prohibiting parking on all public roads and streets between midnight and 7am, as well as during any snow/ice event.

Cumberland Veterans Monument

Are you a Veteran that calls Cumberland home? Do you have a family member who is?

The Town of Cumberland is preparing to add another group of names to the Veterans Memorial in Moss Side Cemetery. To have a name engraved on the Veterans Memorial, an individual must submit a form and be a Veteran or currently active in the Military, Reserves or National Guard. 

Deadline to apply for this engraving will be February 3, 2023.

To learn more and apply - click here!

Coffee Chat with a Councilor

Join a current Town Councilor(s) for a Coffee Chat! Learn how being a councilor can enrich your life and make a difference in your community.


Councilors will walk us through the process, from nomination papers to what happens after the campaign and what being a Councilor entails. Enjoy coffee, donuts, and Q&A.


February 2nd from 10-11am

Fire Department Community Room


For questions please contact Devon Galvan at or 207-829-2208 ext. 1042

If you would like to keep updated on happenings in the MSAD #51 schools, including short and long-term plans, please subscribe to the district's weekly newsletter by clicking here.

Council, Board, and Committee News

This Monday, the Town Council will hear a report from the Housing Task Force. The Housing Task Force Advisory Committee was assembled in July and tasked with making recommendations to the Town Council on ways to facilitate the creation of affordable housing in our town. Learn more about all their objectives here.


Thank you to the Committee for their dedication over the last six months. These community members have met twice a month and worked diligently to review findings and data, reflect on current conditions and formulate recommendations for future potential. This has been no small feat, and we appreciate all their commitment and enthusiasm. Thank you - James Broder (Chair), Brian Cashin, Rick Doane, Lu Gallaudet, Betsey Harding, Mark Lapping, Katie Magoun, Eben Sweetser, Gail Witherill, and Justin Wood.


Please join us Monday night to hear their report or tune in here. After hearing their findings and recommendations, the Town Council will meet in workshop at 6:00pm on Monday, February 13th to discuss possible next steps.

Town Council Meeting

Monday, January 23, 2023

7:00 P.M. Call to Order

Meetings can be watched live on Channel 2 or YouTube 

Back Row (L to R): Ronald Copp, Michael Edes, Tig Filson, Robert Vail

Front Row (L to R): Mark Segrist (Vice Chair), Allison Foster (Chair), Shirley Storey-King


To view the Town Council Agenda for January 23rd - Click here. 

Town Clerk News

Dog Registrations

There is one more week to register your dogs without a late fee!

🐶 Per state law, any dog licensed after January 31st will be subject to a $25 late fee. Avoid the fee by registering them online today!

Police Department News

Is your Home Alarm System Registered?

Cumberland Police Department and Fire Department need your help! If you have an alarm system which is capable of summoning emergency services, please register your alarm with the town. Registration is FREE, and it’s EASY.


Updated registration information makes it possible for our officers and firefighters to contact you in the event there’s an alarm or emergency at your home. Keep in mind, town ordinance provides penalties for 3 or more false alarms in a calendar year. Register, or learn more, here!

Fire Department News

Public Works Department News

Sand Available


Slick conditions are imminent! Throughout the winter, sand will be available to Cumberland residents.

Winter Sand is at TWO locations; the lower parking lot beside the Public Works Garage on Drowne Road and behind the West Cumberland Rec building on Blackstrap Road in West Cumberland.

Recreation Department News

Aging In Place News


Hannaford Nutritionist -

Wednesday, February 15th

Central Fire Department Community Room



Hannaford Dietitian, April Byron MS, RD, LD will be guiding us through “Eating as we Age”. Whether you have questions about the latest nutrition trends and products or concerns about diabetes, heart health, food allergies or other  nutrition needs, April can answer questions and guide you on your journey to overall wellness. This class will explore the unique nutrition needs as we age, share ideas that make healthy eating fun, and include a Q & A.


Mark your Calendar for Upcoming Dates: March 15th, April 12th

Portland Museum of Art

Featuring over seventy significant works from the American Folk Art Museum's collection, this exhibition offers insight into the diverse landscape of folk and self-taught art in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present day. Capturing thoughts and experiences, this dynamic artistic production functions as a witness to history, a carrier of cultural heritage and a reflection of the world at large, with a wide range of artistic forms from quilts to pottery, paintings, and sculptures. We will have time for a lunch or a snack (not included) at the Museums café.

Feb 3, 2023

Fri 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM


Register here.

Prince Memorial Library News

Be sure to check out the latest PML weekly newsletter! 

Prince Memorial Newsletter - Click here!

Music & Muffins

Gregoire Pearce

Classical Guitar

Saturday, January 21 at 10 a.m.

In-person at PML. Free!

No registration required.


Classical guitarist Gregoire Pearce graces our performance space with music that embodies 19th & 20th century classical, jazz, rhythm and blues, flamenco, and various peculiar incarnations of electric music. It's satirical and dramatic on one hand and delicate and fragile on the other.

A Camden Conference Event

What's in My Sandwich?

How GMOs and Hormones in Beef are Affecting Global Trade

Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. 

Virtual via Zoom. Registration is required.


Despite decades of efforts, the EU and the US have not been able to sign a comprehensive trade agreement. Meanwhile, other global actors like China are increasingly influencing international commerce. What can explain this failure and what does it say about the future? 

A key reason has been tension over GMOs, hormones in beef, and consumer health. 

Francesco Duina lives in Cumberland and is Professor of Sociology and European Studies at Bates College.

Community News

January Feature in Story Walk


Check out the current feature in the Town Forest Story Walk!

It is I am Birch, written and illustrated by Scott Kelley.

Cumberland/North Yarmouth Little League

Spring 2023 registration for CNYLL is now live! Register your little leaguer today - here!

We are excited to be hosting spring training again this year! All registered majors, minors and farm league players will be invited to weekly training sessions on Sunday afternoons throughout March. Register your player by 2/24 to receive a free spring training shirt.

We are also excited to showcase CNYLL’s new CNYLL brand. Stay tuned for lots of fun (and big) ideas for 2023 as we continue to expand playing opportunities, league happenings, and community involvement.

Important Registration Dates:

2/10 Early Bird Deadline

2/24 Spring Training Shirt Deadline

3/15 Majors and Minors Deadline

3/31 Farm, Pony and Tee Ball Deadline

Electricity Provider Rates

Please find the attached PDF which highlights the activities of the Office of the Public Advocate over the past month. Also attached is a PDF detailing current electricity supply offerings for residential customers of Central Maine Power and Versant Power – Bangor Hydro District.

January 2023 Highlights and Rates

Contact Scott for more information - this group meets Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30 in person and via Zoom.