EPA will hold an Environmental Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM) on Tuesday, October 10th, with participation via in-person, phone, and webcast options. The EMPM provides a public forum for EPA and its stakeholders to discuss current issues related to modeling pesticide fate, transport, exposure, and ecotoxicity for pesticide risk assessments in a regulatory context. Learn more here and look for Waterborne's presentations during this event:
1) “VFSMOD Input Definitions, Literature References and Sensitivity Analyses for Evaluating Vegetative Filter Strips in Pesticide Risk Assessment”
Authors: Amy Ritter, Rafa Muñoz-Carpena, Jessica Chen, Jane Tang, Johnny Westgate, Eric Henry, Stephen Wente, Megan Guevara, Mike Winchell, Yuzhou Luo, Clint Truman
Presented from 11:15 to 11:35 am
2) “An Analysis of the Appropriate Sampling Frequency Necessary for Pesticide Monitoring Programs in Flowing Surface Waters Using SEAWAVE-QEX”
Authors: Andy Jacobson, Zechariah Stone, and Richard Brain
Presented from 2:10 to 2:30 pm