Greetings, POJ!
As many of you know, Rev. Karen Stanley’s spouse passed away during the Advent/New Year season. This Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025, a memorial service will be held at Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church in West Point, VA, to honor Tony Stanley.
In her ministry, Karen was a mentor to one of the co-moderators of the PC(USA), Tony Larson. Tony will be in West Point to join the congregation in celebrating Tony Stanley’s life and to support Karen and the church community.
On Monday, January 20, 2025, Tony Larson will visit the POJ office for a brief “Meet and Greet.” Although this is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the office is normally closed, Tony wanted to take the opportunity to connect with us while in the area. From 1–3 p.m, we will host Tony Larson for this special occasion, and we hope some of you can join us.
Please continue to lift up Karen in prayer as she mourns her loss and serves in ministry at Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church. Additionally, we encourage you to celebrate the congregation’s 100th anniversary in your own congregations this weekend.
If possible, we hope you can take some time on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to visit with Tony Larson.
Thank you, and blessings on the many ministries happening across our presbytery.
In faith,
Kerry Foster
Temporary General Presbyter, POJ