January 15, 2025

Information for ministers, educators, church administrators, clerks, and congregations

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Past Issues





In This Issue:

  • Message from Temporary General Presbyter
  • Invitation to Meet PC(USA) Co-Moderator Rev. Tony Larson, Jan. 20
  • Board of Pensions Update
  • SDOP Grant Workshop Jan. 25
  • 119th Stated Meeting Feb. 15
  • Spotlight on Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian
  • Week of Prayer Resources
  • Support Church's Response to Wildfires
  • Church and Community Events
  • Employment Opportunities

Honoring the Life of Tony Stanley and Welcoming Rev. Tony Larson: A Message from the Temporary General Presbyter

Greetings, POJ!

As many of you know, Rev. Karen Stanley’s spouse passed away during the Advent/New Year season. This Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025, a memorial service will be held at Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church in West Point, VA, to honor Tony Stanley.

In her ministry, Karen was a mentor to one of the co-moderators of the PC(USA), Tony Larson. Tony will be in West Point to join the congregation in celebrating Tony Stanley’s life and to support Karen and the church community.

On Monday, January 20, 2025, Tony Larson will visit the POJ office for a brief “Meet and Greet.” Although this is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the office is normally closed, Tony wanted to take the opportunity to connect with us while in the area. From 1–3 p.m, we will host Tony Larson for this special occasion, and we hope some of you can join us.

Please continue to lift up Karen in prayer as she mourns her loss and serves in ministry at Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church. Additionally, we encourage you to celebrate the congregation’s 100th anniversary in your own congregations this weekend.

If possible, we hope you can take some time on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to visit with Tony Larson.

Thank you, and blessings on the many ministries happening across our presbytery.

In faith,

Kerry Foster

Temporary General Presbyter, POJ

We are thrilled to welcome PC(USA) Co-Moderator Rev. Tony Larson to the Presbytery of the James Monday, Jan. 20! Come meet and fellowship with Rev. Larson if you are able!

Seasonal Update from Keenan Rodgers, BOP Church Consultant

Remember to Update Effective Salaries for the New Year

Any changes to effective salaries must be reported to the Board of Pensions via Benefits Connect within 30 days of the effective date. Details about forms of compensation included in effective salary are found in Understanding Effective Salary.

Keenan Rodgers, Church Consultant, m: 215-341-8143

We at the Board of Pensions are working hard to serve our churches, ministers, and employees of the Presbyterian Church (USA). I am here to support you and your congregation should you have any questions about the Board’s benefits and programs. I look forward to our continued partnership in the new year.

Contact Member/Employer Services: 800-773-7752, M-F 8:30 am to 6:00 pm ET

View Full Jan/Feb BOP Update

Attendees will receive guidance for the Self-Development of People (SDOP) grant application process. Refreshments will be provided. Registration opens January 11, and seats are limited; early registration is encouraged.


Brett Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church

A Note from Temporary General Presbyter Rev. Kerry Foster on His Visit

I would like to share a moment with you all, letting you know that on January 5, 2025 Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church allowed me to be a part of their Sunday worship, It was indeed a blessing to be there and to share in God’s Word and celebrate Communion with them. I even met the son of one of my fellow Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church members who is a member at BRMPC!

If you are not familiar with BRMPC, here are a couple of photos I took while there!

Looking forward to spending more time with the congregations of the James!


Learn More about Week of Prayer 
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Presbytery Events

SDOP Grant Workshop

January 25, 10:00 a.m.-noon

Chesterfield County Central Library

119th Stated Meeting

February 15, 9:30 a.m.

View full Presbytery calendar

Church & Community Events

Digital Power and Play Training: Social Media's Impact on Adolescents' Spiritual Development and Identity

January 23, 10 a.m-1 p.m.

The Hermitage

Missional Entrepreneurship Training: For Pioneers at the Intersection of the Marketplace and God’s Mission

January 29-31

Riverside Presbyterian Church, Sterling, VA

Confirmation Retreat

January 31-February 2 Massanetta Springs

Randoph-Macon College Bailey Scholars / Pre-Ministerial Program Applications Due

February 1

Handbell Retreat

February 14-16

Massanetta Springs

Easter Respite

April 21-25

Massanetta Springs

View Church and Community Event Details

Employment Opportunities

  • Director of Children's Ministry (Lay) - Salisbury Presbyterian Church, Midlothian, VA
  • Part-time Bookkeeper - Bon Air Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
  • Part-time Clergy or Lay Leader - Bott Memorial Presbyterian Church, DeWitt, VA
  • Full-time Director of Christian Education (Clergy/Lay) - River Road Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
  • Full-time Children’s Ministry Director (Clergy/Lay) - Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC
View Job Details
Submit an Opportunity

Calls and Jobs in Nearby Presbyteries 

National Capital Presbytery

Presbytery of Eastern Virginia

Presbytery of the Peaks

Shenandoah Presbytery

PC(USA) Job Board

Association of Partners in Christian Education Job Board

Past Issues





The Current is published weekly. Submit an announcement for an upcoming issue by emailing our associate for communications. Submissions due Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week. Send text (including a link to your website/Facebook page) in the body of your email or in a Word document. Attach photos to your email if desired. Please do not send graphics or flyers.

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To support leaders, congregations, and ministries in growing followers of Jesus Christ who joyfully live out God’s mission in the world.