January 29, 2025

Information for ministers, educators, church administrators, clerks, and congregations

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Past Issues





In This Issue:

  • Zoom Discussion with Co-Moderator Rev. Tony Larson
  • 119th Stated Meeting Feb. 15 Info
  • Upcoming Disaster Recovery Trips
  • Spotlight on New Hanover Presbyterian L.A. Fire Relief Fundraiser
  • Pace Center Invitation to Churches
  • Into the Church Triumphant: Rev. Charles Clubb
  • One Great Hour of Sharing Resources
  • Church and Community Events
  • Employment Opportunities

The Mission Council has invited Tony Larson, co-moderator of the PC(USA), to join us for a Zoom discussion Monday evening, Feb. 10, 7-8:15 p.m. We will explore the amendments from the General Assembly that will be voted on at the Feb. 15 presbytery meeting.

The presbytery of Greater Atlanta hosted similar conversations on the amendments, which can be found on YouTube here (amendments 24-A and 24-C) and here (all other amendments). We want to be sure that commissioners to the Feb. 15 meeting are as well-informed as possible before the vote. (As a reminder, the amendments are "perfected" and thus not amendable; the presbytery's only choice is to vote yes or no on the text as it stands.)

This Zoom conversation is not an official presbytery meeting, and registration is not required. It is open to any members of the presbytery who wish to know more about these amendments.

To join this Zoom discussion, please refer to the copy of this publication you received in your inbox on Jan. 29 (if you are a subscriber) for the Zoom link. Additionally, subscribers will receive an email with the link just prior to the Zoom call. If you are not a Current subscriber, please contact the POJ office directly for the link.

For more information on the Feb. 15 stated meeting, please refer to the below article.

The 119th meeting takes place at First Church, Richmond and on Zoom on Feb. 15.

We will vote on proposed amendments to the Book of Order from the 2024 General Assembly. Since the amendments will not be read aloud, all voters must review them in advance. The vote will take place in an omnibus motion, though members may request separate consideration of specific amendments. No further changes to the proposed language will be allowed.

For full details on voting for the amendments, please view the recent communication from Stated Clerk Barry Parks and refer to the meetings page or General Assembly packet with the BOO proposed amendments. For questions, contact statedclerk@presbyteryofthejames.org.

Registration information will be posted on the Meetings page Jan. 30.

View Book of Order Amendments
More Meeting Info

POJ Disaster Relief Ministry is planning trips February 23–March 1 and March 2–March 8 to Augusta, GA to conduct desperately needed roof repairs due to recent hurricane damage. Six to eight able-bodied volunteers are needed per week, regardless of skill level. Accommodations will include a kitchen, with meals prepared by a volunteer cook or shared among the team. Volunteers must bring air mattresses and sleeping bags. This trip offers the chance to make a significant impact, gain new skills, and experience a deeply rewarding opportunity. A mandatory training session for new participants will be held on February 12, 6–9 p.m., at 2847 Rams Crossing, North Chesterfield, VA 23236.

Those interested should email Brown Pearson or Stan Parcell or call Stan at 804-445-3040.

Learn More

Are you looking for a way to help with wildfire relief? New Hanover Presbyterian Church Chef Tracey Sigmon will cook up two huge batches of hot and delicious soups: Chicken Tortilla and Broccoli Cheddar. Donations will be accepted and shared between World Central Kitchen (WCK) and Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service of Los Angeles (IRIS-LA). Both of these organizations are actively involved with the fire relief efforts in the Los Angeles area. The NHPC Missions Team will match up to $4,000 in donations.

Live music will be provided to top off this evening of food and community outreach. Reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors and invite them to come for dinner, to show support for those who have lost everything in the wildfires ravaging the L.A. region since January 7.

Learn More

Pace Center News and Ways Your Church Can Get Involved with Student Ministry at VCU

An update from our friends at the Pace Center:

This month, we extended a warm “welcome back!” to VCU students as they began their spring semester.

We’ve had an exciting first few weeks back with a lot of awesome church engagement: The Gayton Kirk PC(USA) prepared a hearty meal for our first Stories & Lunch of the semester. Students continued leading our Fridays at 5 Worship Service. After worship, a small group attended a performance by the American Spiritual Ensemble at First Presbyterian Church in Richmond. Over the weekend a group of students attended a worship service given by Pace Student Engagement Coordinator Rev. Russ Kerr at Grace & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. After the service, the group gathered to reflect on the liturgy over a meal. Finally, we are excited to welcome back The Black Awakening Choir at VCU as they rehearse for their upcoming Spring Concert (and tour!) this semester.


Wondering how your church can get involved with the Pace Center? Last year, local congregants served over 1275 meals to hungry college students at VCU. We need your help to continue fighting food insecurity on VCU’s campus this spring! Sign up to donate food or prepare a meal in Spring 2025 by clicking below.

Sign Up to Donate a Meal
Learn More about Pace

Into the Church Triumphant

Rev. Charles Clubb, a devoted pastor, passed away on January 23, 2025. A nurse’s aide who was with him at the time shared that he appeared to be dreaming and speaking to the Lord before taking his final breath.

Rev. Clubb faithfully served as pastor at Petersburg, VA, and Burkeville, VA, as well as churches in Tennessee and North Carolina. After retiring in 2006, he continued his ministry as supply pastor at Presbyterian churches in South Hill, Kenbridge, and Burkeville, VA. He also established an Alms House in Burkeville, VA (Nottoway County), which will celebrate its 20th anniversary later this month. A dedicated member of Presbytery of the James, he also served on the Commission on Ministry.

A graveside service will be held Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. in the Old Zion Church Cemetery, 10626 Swamp Fox Hwy E., Tabor City, NC. His full obituary can be found at Inman Funeral Home.

Denomination News

One Great Hour of Sharing publicity resources available for churches!

Learn More and Get Resources

Presbytery Calendar & Events

119th Stated Meeting

February 15, 9:30 a.m.

Annual Statistical Reports Deadline

February 15

POJ GA Disaster Recovery Assistance Trip

(Week 1 of 2)

February 23 - March 1

Augusta, GA

POJ GA Disaster Recovery Assistance Trip

(Week 2 of 2)

March 1-8

Augusta, GA

Overture Deadline, June Meeting

April 22

Agenda Time Requests Deadline, June Meeting

May 14

Report Submission Deadline, June Meeting

May 20

POJ Office Closed

May 26, Memorial Day

120th Stated Meeting

June 17

View  Presbytery Calendar

Church & Community Events

Registration for Camp Hanover Now Open!

Confirmation Retreat

January 31-February 2 Massanetta Springs

Randoph-Macon College Bailey Scholars / Pre-Ministerial Program Applications Due

February 1

Soup and Bread Dinner for L.A. Fire Relief

Feburary 2, 5-6:30 p.m.

New Hanover Presbyterian Church

Handbell Retreat

February 14-16

Massanetta Springs

Easter Respite

April 21-25

Massanetta Springs

View Church and Community Event Details

Employment Opportunities

  • Pastoral Director (Clergy/Lay) - Richmond Hill, Richmond, VA
  • Director of Children's Ministry (Lay) - Salisbury Presbyterian Church, Midlothian, VA
  • Part-time Bookkeeper - Bon Air Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
  • Part-time Clergy or Lay Leader - Bott Memorial Presbyterian Church, DeWitt, VA
  • Full-time Director of Christian Education (Clergy/Lay) - River Road Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
View Job Details
Submit an Opportunity

Calls and Jobs in Nearby Presbyteries 

National Capital Presbytery

Presbytery of Eastern Virginia

Presbytery of the Peaks

Shenandoah Presbytery

PC(USA) Job Board

Association of Partners in Christian Education Job Board

Past Issues





The Current is published weekly. Submit an announcement for an upcoming issue by emailing our associate for communications. Submissions due Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week. Send text (including a link to your website/Facebook page) in the body of your email or in a Word document. Attach photos to your email if desired. Please do not send graphics or flyers.

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To support leaders, congregations, and ministries in growing followers of Jesus Christ who joyfully live out God’s mission in the world.