The DDA Connection

June 20, 2024

As we move into the summer months, the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) celebrates the exciting season where many youths transition (“TY”) into receiving services as adults. We recognize that this involves an important collaboration among families and individuals with developmental disabilities, coordinators of community services (CCS), providers, stakeholders and the DDA, all committed to ensuring that youth continue to receive the services they need to live their best lives. With hundreds of youths moving along this path, we understand that each is on a unique journey to establish their goals. Together with our partners, we aim to make sure they succeed.

Coupled with our TY season, more than 2500 providers are in the process of going through Medicaid’s recertification (known as revalidation) process. All DDA providers are required to revalidate their Medical Assistance (MA) numbers in ePREP every five years, and many of you have a deadline that is quickly approaching. Thank you to each provider who has already successfully submitted their application. If you need support, please reach out to your DDA Regional Provider Relations staff for assistance. 

Each of you plays an integral part in DDA’s collaborative effort to support people in living their lives in the communities of their choice. We are charged with making sure that all home and community-based services are delivered within the framework of the federal and State authorities and with quality. Thank you for your continued shared commitment!


Marlana R. Hutchinson, Deputy Secretary

Developmental Disabilities Administration

Operation Updates

Updated DDA Provider PCIS2 and LTSS Rate Files for FY 2025

The DDA is pleased to announce that the updated rate files for FY2025 are now available on our website. These files include the rates that will go into effect on July 1, 2024. We encourage you to visit our website and review the new files linked below at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the DDA Director of Finance, Nicholas Gabor, at

UPDATE: General Ledger (GL) Data Collection Template Training

The Maryland Department of Health Rate Review Advisory Group (RRAG) was established to provide Maryland stakeholders with the opportunity to collaborate with the DDA through a formal, consistent and unified approach in reviewing Medicaid rates for Home and Community-Based Waiver services. To support a data-driven rate development process, the DDA has worked with the RRAG, stakeholders and providers to develop and implement the GL Data Collection Template to obtain standardized cost and utilization data from providers who collectively serve approximately 18,000 Maryland citizens. This template was first shared with providers in May 2023, when it was announced that all DDA Medicaid Waiver Service providers would be required to submit data for fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024).  

Hilltop will offer providers additional virtual training and technical assistance on the GL Data Collection Template.

Training Schedule:

Thursday, June 27 – 12 noon to 1 p.m. 


Programs Updates

Financial Management and Counseling Services Contact Information

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) wants to be sure that you receive timely feedback when you have questions concerning your Financial Management and Counseling Services. For issues related to budget modifications, please contact our Statewide Coordinator for Self-Direction, Kristi Culbreth at, (410-409-9158). Please continue to contact your chosen FMCS agency for questions regarding invoices, employee payroll, or other payment concerns.

GT Independence, (877) 659-4500 

Public Partnerships LLC, (833) 660-2509 

The Arc Central Chesapeake Region, (866) 252-6871 

We encourage you to continue collaborating with your team members and your FMCS to address any concerns you may have.

2023 NCI State of the Workforce Survey 

The 2023 State of the Workforce Survey submission deadline is quickly approaching. You should have received an email with your unique provider link from the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) portal on April 15, 2024.

DDA will be using this survey data in place of the annual required wage survey per Md. HEALTH-GENERAL Code Ann. § 7-306.1, which states:

Providers shall submit a wage survey by the later of:

  • (i) 60 days after the last day of the pay period for which the data is requested; or
  • (ii) 60 days after receipt of a request from the Administration for wage survey information.

The NCI Staff State of the Workforce Survey will be the required document that you must complete and submit by June 30, 2024 to meet the above requirement. This survey will ask about the status of your agency’s DSP workforce employed between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. If you have any questions or do not receive the link in your email, please contact Leslie Thompson, Acting Director of Programs, at or 443-842-0066.

ePREP Disenrollment Applications

What is a disenrollment application?

This application will automatically disenroll the provider from Maryland Medicaid, effective immediately upon submission. Disenrollment applications should be completed when a provider closes a site or is no longer an active provider.

What happens to payments after a disenrollment application is submitted?

Payments will stop immediately from the date the disenrollment application is submitted.

What happens if a disenrollment application is submitted in error?

Once submitted, a disenrollment application will immediately disenroll the provider from Maryland Medicaid and cannot be undone. If incorrectly submitted, the provider will have to submit a new application to re-enroll in Maryland Medicaid, granting them a new effective date. 

Medicaid Revalidation Applications Due July 1, 2024

Medicaid (MA) providers must revalidate their Medicaid billing numbers in ePrep every five years. If you enrolled on July 1, 2019, your revalidation date will be July 1, 2024. You have already received a notification via your ePREP inbox and a hard copy via USPS informing you that you need to revalidate your MA account(s) and providing direction on next steps. 

It is critical that you revalidate your MA accounts in ePREP once you receive this notification. A delay in revalidating all of your MA accounts on time will result in your account being suspended and a delay MA payments.

For any questions regarding this communication please contact For any technical questions regarding your ePREP account, please contact the ePREP helpdesk at 1-844-463-7768.

Person-Centered Plan Reminder

To promote a timely and comprehensive Person-Centered Plan (PCP) process for individuals and their support teams, the DDA has well-established planning and timeline submission requirements for CCS since October 2017. Comprehensive annual PCPs are required to be submitted no later than 20 business days prior to the PCP annual plan date.

In addition to timely PCP submission, the DDA also requires that all PCPs be accurate, complete and representative of a person-centered planning process. Remember that PCPs should request only the services for which the person has a demonstrated need supported by required documentation. Plan pre-approvals will not be given, nor should meetings with the DDA be requested outside of the established PCP planning and submission process. 

Resources: DDA Person-Centered Planning Manual, Guidelines for Service Authorization and Provider Billing Documentation

LTSS System Support - Reminders

The DDA has been made aware of instances where LTSSMaryland system requests are being directed to incorrect contacts. To streamline LTSSMaryland system resolution, please follow the established protocols below and utilize available resources to troubleshoot:

Thank you for your continued collaboration.

Save the Date: Technology First Anniversary 

The DDA is excited to celebrate our third Technology First Anniversary on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Please stay tuned for details!

DDA - RN/Case Management/Delegating Nurse Orientation

A two-day DDA RN Case Manager/Delegating Nurse /MTTP Trainer Orientation is being held via webinar on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 and Thursday, July 25, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please note: This is a mandatory course for ALL RNs working in the intellectual disabilities community setting. RNs new to the intellectual disabilities community practice setting should enroll in this class immediately after hire or within the first three months of employment. The RN attendees must register themselves for the training and ensure that all information entered is correct.

The RN taking this course must currently work with a DDA provider agency or person in Self-Directed Services. You must provide the name of the employer or the individual you are contracted/working with when registering for the session. The RN’s Maryland RN license must be current and active to attend.

NOTE: This course cannot be taken for assisted living, schools, DSS/DJS or any other arena where nursing delegation occurs.  

The 16-hour training course will be held bimonthly. Visit the DDA Training Calendar to view any other training that the DDA offers.

The deadline for registration is Tuesday, July 16, 2024 or until we reach class capacity. For questions about the training dates and/or link, please contact Alison Johnston at 

For questions about the orientation process and RN requirements, please contact the Western Regional Office Health Services Liaison, Melanie Pepple, at


Central Maryland Regional Office


Kelly Jones (Health Services Liaison):

Mardi Adams (Quality Enhancement):

Eastern Shore Regional Office


Ramona Bradley (Health Services Liaison):

Naomi Holochwost (Quality Enhancement):

Southern Maryland Regional Office


Michelle Howell (Health Services Liaison):

John Miller (Quality Enhancement):

Western Maryland Regional Office


Melanie Pepple (Health Services Liaison):

Wendy Shaffer-Yingling (Quality Enhancement):

***This is an interactive session. You must log in to this event by computer, type answers to questions, take quizzes and pass them. Your attentiveness is measured by the computer system. You cannot get credit by attending by phone or not being attentive. Please carve two days out of your busy schedule to attend this mandatory training.***

Federal Programs Updates

Transitioning Youth (TY) Reminders

The DDA has a special category of eligibility and priority for services through the Transitioning Youth Initiative for eligible people 21 through 22 years of age. This makes it possible for the DDA, working with the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS), to fund employment services and other day services for eligible students leaving school who otherwise may have gone on the DDA Wait List. Below are reminders regarding important processes and due dates based on the year the youth will be transitioning.

TY 24

  • TY 24 refers to young people between the ages of 21 to 23, who graduated or aged out of school last year in June 2023
  • TY 24s must submit a Medicaid (MA) Waiver Application on or before June 30, 2024 to be eligible for funding this fiscal year (July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024).
  • If your MA Waiver application is more than six months old, work with your CCS to complete a new MA Waiver Application as soon as possible.

TY 2025

  • TY 25 refers to young people between the ages of 21 to 23, who will be graduating or aging out of school in June 2024
  • TY 25s may submit their MA Waiver Application now to begin waiver services on July 1, 2024. It is important to note that services cannot start before July 1, 2024

For more information about TY please visit: 

If you have questions, please contact the appropriate DDA Regional Office lead as noted below:

  • Central Maryland Regional Office 

Beryl Parker at 

Supporting: Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Harford County, Howard County

  • Eastern Shore Regional Office

Daniel Sabo at

Supporting: Caroline County, Cecil County, Dorchester County, Kent County, Queen Anne's County, Somerset County, Talbot County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County

  • Southern Maryland Regional Office

Nicole Sheppard at 

Supporting: Calvert County, Charles County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, and St. Mary's County

  • Western Maryland Regional Office 

Cassie Logan at

Supporting: Allegany County, Carroll County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Washington County

Transitioning Youth Reminders for Coordinators of Community Services:

Please note:

  • All DDA Waiver Packets should follow the new DDA Concurrent Eligibility Process (see below).
  • Individuals transitioning from the Autism Waiver will need a Notice of Case Activity (NOCA). 


If you have questions, please contact the DDA Regional Office lead as noted below:

Central Maryland Regional Office 

Rashawn Moore at

Supporting: Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Harford County, Howard County

Eastern Shore Regional Office

Renee Benjamin at

Supporting: Caroline County, Cecil County, Dorchester County, Kent County, Queen Anne's County, Somerset County, Talbot County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County

Southern Maryland Regional Office

Desiree Pennington at

Supporting: Calvert County, Charles County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, and St. Mary's County

Western Maryland Regional Office 

Tina Swink at 

Supporting: Allegany County, Carroll County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Washington County

Lunch and Learn Series:

Supporting Participants with Higher Support Needs

The DDA is offering a webinar titled “Supporting Participants with Higher Support Needs.” During the webinar, the DDA will share information on various topics, including but not limited to:

  • DDA-operated Medicaid Waiver Services
  • Person-Centered Planning and Plans
  • Non-DDA Funded Services and Resources
  • Behavioral Support Plans
  • Nursing Care Plans
  • Services Utilization
  • Regional Office Case Examples

Webinar Dates:

  • Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 1 p.m.
  • Friday, July 19, 2024 at 1 p.m.
  • Monday, July 22, 2024 at 1 p.m.

Please note that the same information will be presented at each webinar.


If you have any questions, please contact:

Upcoming Events

June 26, 2024 Monthly Self-Directed Services Informational Session

June 27, 2024 General Ledger (GL) Data Collection Template Training

July 9, 2024 DDA Lunch and Learn - Supporting Participants with Higher Support Needs

July 10, 2024 MDH/DDA Rate Review Advisory Group

July 17, 2024 SIS-A® Second Edition Informational Webinar

July 19, 2024 DDA Lunch and Learn - Supporting Participants with Higher Support Needs

July 22, 2024 DDA Lunch and Learn - Supporting Participants with Higher Support Needs

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694

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