The DDA Connection

August 16, 2024

Moving through change is difficult work! I continue to be encouraged by your commitment to partnering with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) to ensure that people with disabilities are able to live their best lives in the communities of their choice. We realize that it is only through open communication and collaboration with you that we can support the transition of youth into the DDA Medicaid waiver programs, work with you and your Financial Management and Counseling Services providers to ensure those of you who are self-directing are able to pay those who support them, and continue to highlight resources that support more independent living. 

After three years of state service, Leslie Thompson, Acting Director of Programs, will be returning to the private sector to continue supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. On behalf of our DDA team, I want to express our sincere gratitude for all the hard work, dedication and leadership Leslie has brought to our team. Her commitment and contributions have left a lasting impact on our team and on many of those Leslie has served. We will miss Leslie and wish her nothing but success in the next chapter of her career!

I must take a moment to thank Dr. Jennifer McIlvaine for her partnership and for co-leading DDA’s Rate Review Advisory Group (RRAG) for the past three years. After 12 years of state service as Medicaid’s Office of Finance Director, Jen has accepted a leadership position with the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services. We will miss Jen’s expertise, knowledge, and kind spirit—especially when she had to deliver hard news and make tough decisions. Jen will be missed, and we wish her all the best!

I am excited to attend this year's Technology First Anniversary and celebrate Maryland’s third year as a Technology First state! I understand that each year, the DDA has brought technology vendors to the event to introduce you to ways technology can enhance your lives. This year’s theme, “Power Up Your Life,” promises new opportunities to engage with technology in exciting ways.

While my focus remains on aligning our practices with policy, COMAR and CMS regulations, I have also been inspired by my visits with some of our providers who are creating innovative and unique opportunities for people with disabilities to live fulfilling lives. Over the last few months, I have visited several providers including Howard County Parks and Recreation, St. Peter's Adult Learning Center, Jubilee Association of Maryland, and ICAN Bike through the Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks, just to name a few! 

It often goes without saying, but I try to say it often… YOU ARE APPRECIATED. Your continued feedback is important and welcomed. Your collaboration and support are essential. Together, we will continue to improve services that we hope will enhance the quality of life for those we serve.


Marlana R. Hutchinson, Deputy Secretary

Developmental Disabilities Administration

Operation Updates

DDA Provider Portal Manual Update Announcement

We are excited to share a detailed overview of the latest update to the DDA Provider Portal System and Service Billing Guide v4.0. This update has been carefully designed to improve the participant-centered system for service and case management, as well as to enhance the efficiency and productivity of our billing system in LTSSMaryland.

We encourage you to visit our website and review the new upload at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact

Visit our Website

General Ledger (GL) Data Collection Template—CCS Providers Training

The Maryland Department of Health Rate Review Advisory Group (RRAG) was established to allow Maryland stakeholders to collaborate with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) through a formal, consistent, and unified approach to reviewing Medicaid rates for Home and Community-Based Waiver services. 

To support a data-driven rate development process, the DDA has worked with the RRAG, stakeholders and providers to develop and implement the General Ledger (GL) Data Collection Template to obtain standardized cost and utilization data from providers who collectively serve approximately 18,000 Maryland citizens. This template was first shared with providers in May 2023, when it was announced that all DDA Medicaid Waiver Service providers and Targeted Case Management providers would be required to submit data for fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024).  

The Hilltop Institute will hold a training session specifically for CCS providers on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 from 1––2 p.m. to review how to complete the template with targeted technical assistance.


The GL Data Collection Template, instructions, sample template, frequently asked questions, and recordings of past training sessions are available on the DDA Website.


All questions, clarifications and technical assistance requests regarding the GL Data Collection Template should be directed to The Hilltop Institute:


All providers are required to submit a GL Data Collection Template with FY 2024 data by September 30, 2024.


Programs Updates

Update for the DDA’s Third Anniversary of Technology First: Power Up Your Life!

The Developmental Disabilities Administration is excited to celebrate our third Technology First Anniversary with a live, in-person event on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. This year, we will highlight technology and housing, featuring unique smart home technology that may help promote independent living. We have also invited new and returning vendors who will be available to showcase technology for you to explore. 

Our morning session is now full, but there's still plenty to experience! Please register to join us in the vendor room from 2-4 p.m. Explore featured technologies and see how they can enhance independent living.

Please click here to register to attend the Vendor Fair.


Can't make it in person? Tune into our Facebook livestream to hear from innovative technology providers and users and discover how assistive and remote technologies can benefit you and your family. Visit the Maryland DDA Facebook page at 9:30 a.m. and click on our post. See you there!

If you have any questions, please contact our Statewide Director of Innovations, Stephanie Jones, at

Dysphagia Management: 

More Than Just Small Bites and Sips

The DDA Regional Nurses invite you to a webinar training on Dysphagia Management scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Overview: This presentation offers a comprehensive review of dysphagia management, covering the anatomy and physiology of the swallow, signs and symptoms of dysphagia, modified diet consistencies, positioning and adaptive feeding equipment. It discusses effective dysphagia management strategies, challenges in implementation and practical ideas to enhance communication between nursing and direct care staff. The session includes case scenarios, Q&A and links to helpful resources. 


1. Discuss effective communication of dysphagia management plans and carryover with caregivers. 

2. Describe effective strategies and challenges in implementing dysphagia management plans. 

3. Identify appropriate adaptive dining equipment for individuals with dysphagia. 

4. Identify psychosocial aspects surrounding mealtimes.


Carol King MA-CCC-SLP

Carol King is originally from Michigan but relocated to Maryland in 1985. She graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology in 1994. Since then, she has worked in various settings, including nursing homes, hospitals, and home health care. 

Dr. Judith Manuel 

Dr. Manuel is an Occupational Therapist with an extensive background including inpatient, outpatient, pediatrics, school-based and academia. She attended undergraduate OT studies at Utica University and received her BS in Education through State University of NY at Oneonta with a post-professional doctorate through the University of Utah. 

Terry Mullis Registered Dietitian

Terrie Mullis, a native of Maryland's Eastern Shore, graduated with her degree in Nutrition in 1997. Since then, she has worked for the state of Maryland as a Nutritionist at WIC and the Holly Center in Salisbury, Maryland as a Clinical Dietitian. 

Joy LaValley Ph.D.

Dr. Joy LaValley is a Psychology Associate at the Holly Center in Salisbury, Maryland. In this position, she focuses on the psychological and behavioral needs of the residents, developing individualized plans to support them and providing training for those who assist the residents in their daily lives. Joy has worked with special needs populations in educational, residential and community settings. 

Rebecca Murrell COTA/L

Rebecca “Becca” Murrell is an Occupational Therapy Assistant, mentor and social work student providing OT services to individuals who live at the Holly Center. She will graduate from Salisbury University with her social work degree in 2025 and hopes to assist individuals with disabilities and their families in obtaining the services to which they are entitled, while continuing to advocate for inclusion and social justice.

For questions about registration, please contact Alison Johnston at

All nursing-related questions can be directed to the Western Regional Office Health Services Liaison, Melanie Pepple BSN, RN, at


Regional Nurses Contact:

Central Maryland Regional Office


Kelly Jones (Health Services Liaison):

Mardi Adams (Quality Enhancement):

Eastern Shore Regional Office


Ramona Bradley (Health Services Liaison):

Naomi Holochwost (Quality Enhancement):

Southern Maryland Regional Office


Michelle Howell (Health Services Liaison):

John Miller (Quality Enhancement):

Western Maryland Regional Office


Melanie Pepple (Health Services Liaison):

Wendy Shaffer-Yingling (Quality Enhancement):

***These are interactive sessions. Attendance requires active participation via computer, including answering questions. Your attentiveness is measured by the computer system. Credit cannot be obtained by attending via phone or being inattentive.***

Organization-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (PBS): What It Is and How to Get Involved 

Are you interested in creating positive social environments in your organization? Have you heard about Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) but think it is just for individual planning or children in schools? Join us on Monday, August 19, 2024 from 9––10:30 a.m. to learn more about how Organization- Wide PBS can help your agency create positive social environments, improve individual planning, and how you can get involved with the Maryland Department of Health - Developmental Disabilities Administration’s statewide efforts for PBS. This session will provide interested agency leads with:

  • An overview of Organization-Wide PBS with examples from agencies in Maryland and Minnesota already implementing PBS. 
  • A description of the New PBS Cohort process for Maryland agencies. 
  • Details on how to get involved with Cohort 2 in 2024, which will include PBS training and technical support. 

Who should participate:  

  • Agencies interested in learning more about PBS.
  • Agencies interested in creating positive, proactive and person-centered climates for the individuals you support and your staff.
  • Agency leads who may impact implementation.

A follow-up webinar session will be held on Thursday, August 29, 2024, from 9––10:30 a.m. to provide additional details on the PBS Cohort Model in Maryland and review the PBS Cohort application. Please attend to learn about how your organization can get involved with PBS this year.  

Who should participate:  

  • Agency leads or designated representatives interested in learning more about the PBS Cohort process.
  • Agency leads or designated representatives with questions about PBS, the PBS Cohort process and/or the PBS Cohort application process.

If you have any questions, please contact Terrence Proctor, Statewide Coordinator of Clinical Services, at


Federal Programs Updates

No updates at this time.

Upcoming Events

Aug 19 Positive Behavior Supports (PBS): What It Is and How to Get Involved 

Aug 22 Rate Review Advisory Group 

Aug 27 Year Three Technology First Anniversary

Aug 28 General Ledger (GL) Data Collection Template—CCS Providers Training

Aug 29 Positive Behavior Supports (PBS): Cohort Overview and Application review

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694

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