The DDA Connection

October 23, 2024

On September 30, DDA staff and I were honored to attend and participate in Maryland Works’ 15th Annual Employment Awards Luncheon, which celebrated the many employment and entrepreneurial accomplishments of individuals with disabilities. It was a phenomenal event and a fantastic experience!

As workforce development professionals and advocates, we are fortunate to live in a state where Employment First initiatives are prioritized. DDA is committed to enhancing competitive integrated employment options and resources for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our commitments are driven by our guiding principles, which include Employment First. This principle means that individuals with disabilities can work, earn a living wage, and contribute to their communities as fully participating members. DDA and its partners, like Maryland Works, remain dedicated to the deliberate and strategic efforts that afford individuals the opportunities, training, and support that build upon each person’s unique talents, skills, and abilities.  

Maryland must continue raising expectations for individuals, families, state agencies, and service providers to implement better employment practices for people with disabilities. We must continue to raise awareness of the barriers faced by individuals with disabilities, and we must continue to raise the bar that will support enacting future efforts toward employment, self-determination, and self-sufficiency.

The DDA appreciates its partnership with Maryland Works and will continue to strive to make employment real for all people with disabilities who want to work.

Again, thank you, Maryland Works, and congratulations to the honorees!


Marlana R. Hutchinson, Deputy Secretary

Developmental Disabilities Administration

Pictured above from left to right: Secretary Atif Chaudhry, Maryland Department of General Services; Darlene Peregoy, Director of Administration & Financial Services at the Division of Rehabilitation Services and the award winner of the “Bob Hoffman Excellence in Services Award”; Mary Manzoni, Chief Executive Officer of Maryland Works; Deputy Secretary Marlana Hutchinson, Maryland Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Administration; and Secretary Carol Beatty, Maryland Department of Disabilities 

New - DDA Community Webinars

The DDA is excited to introduce its Community Webinar series. This platform will serve as another opportunity to share some of our collaborative successes, communicate new initiatives, showcase national and community partners, and keep you, the community at large, informed. Please stay tuned! Please join us on Thursday, November 14, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.  


Federal Programs Updates

Medicaid Renewal Process Steps Reminder

To renew your Medicaid, known as renewal or redetermination, is to reapply. Some also call it an eligibility review. When you renew, the Department of Health will see if you are still eligible for Medicaid and for the waiver program you are in. 

Get Ready to Renew

1. Make Sure Your Contact Information is Up to Date.

  • Make sure we have your right address, phone number and email so we can reach you. To check and update your information:
  • Log in to your MyMDThink account, or
  • Contact your Local Department of Social Services for help, or
  • Work with your Coordinator of Community Services (CCS) for help.

2. Check Your Mail. Read Your Mail.

  • Watch your mail for notices from us. You will get notices about your upcoming renewal 90 days ahead of time.
  • Look for your renewal packet in your mail.
  • Your Coordinator of Community Services can help you with information about your renewal date too.

3. Complete and Return all Forms and Documents Right Away.

  • When you get your renewal packet, be sure to complete and return it by the due date. If you do not, you will lose your Medicaid and waiver coverage.

4. Help with Your Renewal

  • Call your Coordinator of Community Services or your personal representative, which is the person you choose to help you, for questions or help with your renewal.

Translation Services | Servicios de Traducción 

Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame a su Coordinador de Servicios Comunitarios o a su Departamento de Servicios Humanos local.

Operation Updates

Coordination of Community Services Agencies: General Ledger Data Collection Template Submission Deadline Extended

The DDA has extended the submission deadline for all Coordination of Community Services agencies from September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2024, to allow agencies additional time to complete the General Ledger Data Collection Tool. Please complete the sections of the tool based on your unique cost structures. If you have received a notification in the mail, please disregard it. Additionally, we would like you to share your thoughts, feedback, and/or suggestions on how the General Ledger data collection tool could be modified to better align with your operations. Your input is critical in helping us tailor the tool to better meet your needs and ensure it is as effective as possible. Please submit your feedback along with the General Ledger Data Collection Tool by December 31, 2024. 

Please remember that the Department and its agents are available to support you. The Hilltop Institute is available to conduct individual meetings with your organization and address inquiries as needed. We encourage you to reach out to them directly at for all questions, clarifications, and technical assistance requests regarding the General Ledger Template.

Programs Updates

Special Edition: Success Stories for National Disability Employment Awareness Month

In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month this October, the DDA will issue a special edition of the DDA Connection to celebrate and showcase the positive impact of employment and how it transforms the lives of people with developmental disabilities. Thank you for sharing stories and photos about people’s employment journeys and the services that helped them achieve success! Stay tuned: we’ll feature a few of these stories on the DDA Facebook page and in the special edition of The DDA Connection!

DDA Statewide Nurses Meeting: Pneumonia

DDA’s regional nurses are delighted to invite all provider agency nurses (e.g., registered nurses and case managers/delegated nurses) to a statewide nurses meeting and training on pneumonia, on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Pneumonia holds a vital significance in the intellectually and developmentally disabled population each year, particularly starting in the fall through the winter. 

Goal: To identify the participants on your caseload with the highest risk and address preventative measures and interventions for care

Learning Objectives during this training:

  • Pneumonia prevalence
  • Pneumonia causes and symptoms
  • Vulnerabilities in the intellectually and developmentally disabled population for the development of pneumonia
  • Case study discussion and reviews
  • Tools to assist in monitoring risks for pneumonia and training of staff
  • Tools to assist individuals in healing from pneumonia

Presenters: Each region’s Health Service Liaison

For questions about registration, please contact Alison Johnston at 

All nursing-related questions can be directed to the Western Regional Office Health Services Liaison, Melanie Pepple, BSN, RN, at


Regional Nurses Contact:

Central Maryland Regional Office


Kelly Jones

(Health Services Liaison):

Mardi Adams

(Quality Enhancement):

Eastern Shore Regional Office


Ramona Bradley

(Health Services Liaison):

Naomi Holochwost

(Quality Enhancement):

Southern Maryland Regional Office


Michelle Howell

(Health Services Liaison):

John Miller

(Quality Enhancement):

Western Maryland Regional Office


Melanie Pepple

(Health Services Liaison):

Wendy Shaffer-Yingling

(Quality Enhancement):

***This is an interactive session. Attendance requires active participation via computer, including answering questions. Your attentiveness is measured by the computer system.  Credit cannot be obtained by attending via phone or being inattentive. ***

Upcoming Events

10/28 DDA’s Self-Paced Online Support Broker Certification Training Goes Live

11/13-11/14 DDA’s In-Person Support Broker Certification Training

11/14 DDA's Community Webinar

11/19 DDA’s Statewide Nurses Meeting: Pneumonia

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694

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