Your Monthly Employee Newsletter

January 2023

The news you need when you need it!

Happy New Year! Welcome to the first employee newsletter of 2023! Just as a quick reminder, if you have ideas or want to share some good news with the team, let us know by emailing Katie Fairbairn or Daniella Gonzalez.

Our branches make a difference in our members' lives!
Branch Happenings!

Celebrating the Holidays

It was a busy December at the Credit Union! We celebrated the holidays together and had a wonderful time! From our Holiday Party to National Hot Cocoa Day to celebrating Hanukkah with jelly donuts, we had a wonderful December.

Adopt-a-Family a Success

THANK YOU to all who participated in our Adopt-a-Family activity for the Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center. Such a meaningful opportunity to serve those in need during the holidays.

Every employee matters to SCCCU!
Put Your Hands Together!


Jessica Gonzalez - 1/10

Kevin Baez - 1/13

Marie Eggleston - 1/30


Katie Fairbairn - 2 years

Jeff Cocallas - 1 year

Gonzalo Samudio - 1 year


Andrea Casas  - MSR III at Santa Cruz Branch


All employees for completing the compliance/regulatory training on time! We appreciate everyone's efforts. Great work!

Reaching out to make a difference in our community!
Where We've Been and Where We're Going

Sharing Our Knowledge at Sequoia High School

We had a great time giving students tips about how to buy a car. They were engaged and enjoyed the topic!

Watsonville Senior Center Financial Literacy Workshop

We held our monthly literacy training workshop at the Watsonville Senior Center in December. Santa even stopped by to visit!

Downtown Parade Sponsor

It was an honor to be a sponsor for the Downtown Association Parade. What a fun (and COLD) day it was! We can't wait for next year.

Pajaro Valley Loaves & Fishes Event

We held a pop-up event at the Loaves & Fishes distribution center in December. It was a great opportunity to share the many benefits of Credit Union membership. We also were able to help people with some of their financial concerns and questions.


  • January 9:
  • SCCCU In-Person Workshop - Watsonville Senior Center - Credit 101 (10 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.)
  • January 10:
  • BALANCE Online Free Webinar - Basics of Personal Finance (10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)
  • January 11:
  • SCCCU In-Person Workshop - Davenport Resource Center - All About Home Loans (6 p.m.- 7 p.m.)
  • January 19:
  • BALANCE Online Free Webinar - Basics of Personal Finance (5 p.m. - 6 p.m.)
  • January 26:
  • SCCCU In-Person Workshop - Pajaro Valley Shelter Services - Managing Debt (6 p.m. - 7 p.m.)
Get the information you need to help you be at your best!
The News You've Gotta Have

Dates to Remember:

  • January 5 - Checks to RETURN THE FAVOR Participants - Great work, everyone!
  • January 16 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Branches Closed)
  • January 13 - Holiday Loan Promotion Ends
  • January 15 - Second Harvest Giving Campaign Ends
  • January 22 - Chinese New Year
  • January 31 - Auto Loan Promotion Ends

ATM Test Machine Coming Soon

We are scheduled to have an ATM test machine at the Santa Cruz Branch by the end of January. More information to come!

Artic Wolf

Please continue to stay current with your Artic Wolf videos. They are so important and will help keep you safe throughout 2023.

Branch Sign Reminder

Be sure to post your branch signs according to the schedule posted in the Marketing public folder. 


As many of you know, we're promoting a lot of products and services right now. Here's what happening:

  • 12 Deals of December. We're excited to announce that we had good member participation in this campaign and picked a member to win the $450. She was thrilled when Daniella called her!
  • Community Investor Certificate: We've almost hit $5 million for this campaign. Great work! We plan to continue to run this campaign until given further notice.
  • Auto Loan Promotion. As a reminder, members who get an auto loan through January 31, 2023, will be eligible to win a free auto loan payment.
  • Holiday Loan Promotion. This campaign ends on January 13, and we have not hit our goals so far. Please remember to cross-sell this loan as much as you can as we are giving $1 for every $100 funded to Pajaro Valley Loaves & Fishes.
  • Second Harvest Food & Fund Drive. We're adding a little flare to our support of the drive this year. For every $5 a member donates to the drive, he or she will earn one entry into a sweepstakes for one of six great prizes. Click here to learn more. Employees are not eligible for this sweepstakes; however, you are eligible to participate in our internal contest. Please ask Daniella for details.
  • In Common Member eNewsletter. Our member eNewsletter will be emailed over the coming weekend. 
  • Financial Guidance Email: Our next email will be mailed next week and will focus on our latest BALANCE free webinar.

Coming Soon...

  • TurboTax Campaign: Every year we offer members a discount to use TurboTax. More details to come shortly.


What is the best rate members can get for an auto loan at SCCCU?

The first person to let Daniella Gonzalez know the correct answer (via email only) will win a prize.