More MAGA than me!

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords. Revelation 19:16

Established theologies define God as holy, and human beings as profane and sinful. Then, how can God’s love and humankind’s love become one? They cannot answer this question. The problem is that they think the absolute God can do anything. This was the main reason why Christians shed so much blood wherever they went. Misunderstanding God’s commandment, they invaded and seized. They produced dictators. The world, however, does not work like that. From the viewpoint of God’s original nature, it cannot be like that. CSG Bk 16 True Families and the Family Pledge, p. 2533.

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by speaking about being at the Las Vegas Shot Show last week and how Kook Jin Nim developed Kahr Arms from scratch. They met with Black Rambo, Amanda Suffecool, “Hoodneck” young black men who promote self-defense and self-reliance and other patriots. They gave out ROI Freedom Festival fliers, the ROI Kingdom books, and King Bullethead CDs.

The culture of music, art and dance can be dangerous. He didn’t want to do it because he saw how it affected two of his older brothers, but he felt God pushing him to do the King Bullethead raps in order to spread a message.

In Korean culture, a leader shouting at your flock is seen as a form of love. It is the opposite of Anglo-Saxon culture. Can you imagine--Yeonah Nim was whipped in her sewing class! Korea was a country of slaves who didn’t own anything, so all you have is your reputations, and the love and trust of your tribe.

We have a strong theology, community, culture, constitution and training. We are accused of being a cult so we made a music video about it called “Xtremist.” The MAGA movement has led conservatives to become stronger. Our sexual ethics are very strong and clear: don’t fornicate before marriage.

Sanctuary Service 1/28/2024

Pray for Black Rambo, a combat marine veteran who performed at the Rod of Iron Freedom Festival and said he wants to get blessed. True Father is guiding the culture of unity centered on God and defense of your family and community. There has to be strong justice in the Kingdom. Evil will be punished. Welfare to unmarried mothers only which incentivizes fatherless families will be stopped. Private charities that give both physical and spirit support and guidance will have a better effect.

We have lost the value of lineage in America. Pornography normalizes evil acts and can lead you into acting out, and even to engage in pedophilia.  When he preached against “women’s porn” soap operas, many women in Korea stopped watching those and their relationships with their husbands improved.

The Texas Governor has declared that the unrestricted migration across the southern border is an invasion. Pray for the national truck convoy going to Texas to give support.

Rod of Iron Freedom Festival ART CONTEST!

Revelation 19:16 states the returning messiah will have a name written on his thigh/loins. A name is linked to your identity. In the modern context DNA is the marker of your identity, which is also the carrier of your lineage.

Revelation 6 speaks of the rider of a white horse who carries a bow and a crown riding out “as a conqueror bent on conquest.” The coat of arms of the house of Rothchild includes a white horse and a clenched fist with five arrows. The Rothchilds took over the banks in Great Britain during the Napoleonic wars, funding both sides. They intermarried with the British royal family.

Now media companies are being sent to cover True Father’s anointed heir in Thorn Hill, TN. The ITV documentary about the MAGA movement in the U.S., which had millions of viewers, included fairly objective coverage of Rod of Iron ministries. Media companies from France and Germany will be covering our True God’s Holy Day observance.

The media were after True Father night and day, portraying him as a “Hitler.” They know when a Godly force is rising that threatens their power and worldview.

The “fiery red horse,” whose “rider was given power to take peace from the earth and make people kill each other” (Revelation 6:3) is Red China, which has the largest active-duty army in the world.  

Xtremist Music Video

Before his passing, in Las Vegas True Father said he was looking for the billionaire king who would lead the world. Hyung Jin Nim, Yeonah Nim and Kook Jin Nim were invited to the Penthouse suite of the Trump Tower where they were hanging out with Donald Trump, Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy. Donald said to Vivek, “these guys are more MAGA than me!” Relationships are the key. There are breakthroughs on so many levels.

In Revelation 6:5 the rider of a black horse is holding a pair of scales which represents control over the world food supply and likely refers to the deep state including CIA and MI6. Intelligence agencies use prostitution, child sex trafficking and assassinations to blackmail and control political leaders.  

Revelation 6:7 describes the 4th creature, a “pale” (Greek word is chloros meaning green) or green horse whose rider was named Death,” and “given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword.” This refers to the Muslim Jihadi world. Muhammed was a warlord who beheaded 800 Jews himself. Islam expanded through the sword. He had a 6 year old bride, Aisha. So Muslims believe adult men marrying pre-pubescent girls is acceptable. As the founder, he is seen as the “perfect man.” Modern Muslims in the West may not agree with such practices, but they are practicing a Christianized Islam.

In 1979 True Father said that Islam would become the next great problem. He was teaching the nature of the fall and how free sex became the tool that Satan uses, from the beginning of his ministry in the 1940s.  

Hyung Jin Nim often hears praises for the Sanctuary sisters who do physical training. We are building a kingdom of freedom and responsibility. It is a fruit of the 2nd Coming, a fruit of Divine Principle theology, a fruit of culture and training, and a fruit of the CIG constitution. We should be the hands and feet of God.



Dear Father Music Video

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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