Raise Craze:The Daily Buzz
Edition Seven: Thursday, March 18

Don't forget to Bee Kind, because #KindnessIsHolySouls!
Summary of Today's Buzz:
1) Tomorrow is our last day!
2) Donate Food Drive items by tomorrow
3) Prize Machine out for the final time tomorrow
Raise Craze Ends Friday
The last 10 days have flown by! Tomorrow is the last day of Raise Craze 2021. We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of kindness from your students and blessings for the school. THANK YOU - Raise Craze success hinged on your support and you delivered!

We will announce official totals and class winners tomorrow (Friday) during the Closing Ceremony, broadcasting at 1:20 on Facebook. Do not miss it!
Last Day to Donate Food
is Tomorrow
The last day to participate in our school-wide Act of Kindness and donate food to the Arkansas Foodbank is tomorrow (Friday)!

Earn one AOK and help us bless other Arkansans in need.

And thank you so much to everyone who has already donated! Just like everything this Raise Craze, you have blown the goals away. Initially, we wanted to deliver 500 pounds of food to the Foodbank as a school. This morning, we had to have a second tote delivered because we have FILLED our first tote.

Can we fill the second tote before Spring Break?

Prize Machine Makes its Final Rounds Tomorrow at Recess
Our students have been buzzing about the prize machine!

The prize machine will make its final rounds at recess tomorrow (Friday).

Be sure to log your students' AOKs and send emails tonight to fill up their bingo cards before recess tomorrow!
Still to come with Raise Craze:

Tomorrow: Last day to turn in items for the food drive
Last day of the prize machine at recess (fill up those bingo cards!)
Closing Ceremonies with announcement of top AOK & fundraising classes AND individuals livestream broadcast for all on Facebook, 1:20 PM. Click Here to watch
April 9th: Last day to redeem incentive cards (ie. Casual Dress, Wear a T-shirt, Bring a Stuffed Animal, etc.)
By the way, this is just a limited series of emails to keep you Raise Craze informed.
If you would like to subscribe to our future school newsletters,
Our Lady of the Holy Souls School is committed to nurturing each child's faith, education, and social development through Christ.