Quarter of Initiation, the Realm of Alcyone
Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Mind
Mystical Theme: The Witness Returns
Gate 22 < Gate 36 > Gate 25
This Gate is part of the Channel of Transitoriness, A Design of a 'Jack of All Trades', linking the Solar Plexus Center (Gate 36) to the Throat Center (Gate 35). Gate 36 is part of the Collective Sensing (Abstract) Circuit with the keynote of sharing.
Gate 36 is the place where our fears of vulnerability and inexperience (emotional and sexual) are resolved or transformed into experience; where we create and meet the challenges of change and growth through emotional crises. As we gain emotional clarity over time, we learn how to handle emotional crises created by others, and we create less of them ourselves. Gate 36 restrains the strong hope-to-pain wave that drives human experience toward change. Its energy is aimed directly at the Throat Center, which means that the full range and depth of our emotions are being readied for manifestation. All that is needed is someone or something to trigger their release.
Without Gate 35 to provide a proper outlet or give a focused direction to this energy, it can be experienced as a personal crisis. We learn over time to remain steady by patiently adapting to constantly changing feelings. These feelings can prove to be wonderfully stimulating and natural for us to express, or overwhelming to us and uncomfortable for others. Either way let them unfold, as this is how we reach for our emotional depth in order to access our own truth. Without Gate 35, feeling inadequate and unable to fulfill our own expectations makes us nervous.