September 2021

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Verse of the Month 2 Chronicles 16:9a

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” 


Haiti Earthquake Response


Much of the past 30 days has been spent supporting our colleagues in Southern Haiti as they struggle to respond to the devastating earthquakes that occurred on August 14. We’ve been involved from the very beginning in the strategic medical collaborative response that has included US air support, USAID, and Samaritan’s Purse field hospital deployment in addition to key Haiti Health Network partners on the ground. Organizations like Hope for HaitiCapraCare, and Institut Brenda Stafford suffered damage either to healthcare facilities or to homes of their staff members. Everyone was impacted in some way.  


The Haiti Health Network team has been tirelessly working to connect resources with those in need. In addition, data from the Relink Global Health database has proved useful in identifying facilities and their capabilities as rescue efforts began. Our Haitian team located in Cap Haitian insisted on going down to the South to support their brothers and sisters at this time of need. We’re so proud of this team! Click here to learn more about their efforts and impact. 

Education and Collaboration

The HHN team has hosted and participated in countless trainings and collaboration meetings in Haiti over the past month. Our scheduled mental health webinar couldn’t have been timelier.  Recorded just days after the earthquake, we were able to adapt to address some key concerns and mental health challenges that healthcare providers face personally after tragedy like the earthquakes and professionally as they seek to support their patients. Click here to access the recording.


Partner Spotlight - Konbit Sante


The Dalton Foundation is extremely grateful for our partnership with Konbit Sante.  Their like-minded approach to sustainable, Haitian-led solutions and their support with importation are just a few reasons why our partnership with Konbit Sante is so important. Without them, our work couldn’t progress at the pace and effectiveness that it currently does. Together we truly can do more! This month we were honored to be mentioned by Konbit Sante in their partner spotlight. Click here to read more about ways we partner together. Thank you Konbit Sante!

Addiction / Recovery / Reentry

Operating and maintaining the database of resources is a labor of love for our staff. While most of this work takes place silently, behind the scenes by constantly collecting and editing data, the team does a lot to make the work personal and to get involved in the community.

Personal Touch - Phone Bank


Every month thousands of Ohioans log on to to locate addiction recovery, reentry, and basic needs resources close to them.  In addition, dozens call into the 24-hour hotline 844-467-377 or to our offices to talk one-on-one with a live support specialist. We’re very grateful to our partners at Hope Over Heroin who make the 24-hour service possible.  This past month we saw a dramatic rise in calls with housing, second chance employment, and addiction treatment being the most needed support.  At the end of August, a young man called and said he was referred to us during him time in an Ohio prison.


He was new to the Hamilton County area and certainly new to life after incarceration. It was quickly evident that finding a job that accepted his background and saw potential in him beyond his mistakes was not going to be easy without the right guidance. Thankfully, Hamilton County, among many others, has quite a few second-chance employers that he could begin to investigate. We pointed him towards ones nearest his home first and then gave him additional information on job training, resume writing, and more. In a few weeks we will follow up to see where he is in his reentry journey and offer additional assistance.  

Personal Touch - Family Education Resources


Thanks to a grant from the governor’s office of faith based and community initiatives (GOFBCI), will be expanding to work with families to address the impact of addiction on the family unit. More than eight million children under the age of 18 live with at least one adult who has a substance use disorder. This is a rate of more than 1 in 10 children. (U.S. department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS]).  In Ohio, the foster care system is getting stretched to capacity. According to Summit County Children’s Services (SCCS), there are more than 800 children in summit County alone that are in Summit County custody and only 200 licensed foster homes. The impact on these children is immense and we know that a child who lives with and watches addiction is more likely to repeat this behavior as they get older. We are very grateful for this opportunity and are eager to add this additional way to personally interact with the community to support long term, sustainable recovery for individuals and families that are impacted by addiction! 

Personal Touch - Community Outreach Continues Instagram graphics part 2 .png

Outreach this summer has continued with many partner organizations of Thrive Peer Support offers a great outreach routine each month and our outreach coordinator has attended events all over the state. Keeping the communities in need at the forefront of our thoughts, we have maintained our goal of introducing the thousands of providers on our website to as many people as we can. Some incredible new relationships have formed and we look forward to reaching more people at each event.


Women and Children


Partner Spotlight - Broken Chains Ministry


The Dalton Foundation has been a long-term supporter of Broken Chains Ministry and the great work they do in the area of jail ministry, second chance employment, and addiction recovery and reentry housing.    Lydia's Home, operated by Broken Chains, is a faith-centered residential recovery program for women in Summit County. Lydia’s Home provides safe housing, transportation, food, clothing, necessities, educational curriculum, and mentoring for women overcoming substance abuse and incarceration. Lydia's Home is State of Ohio certified as a Level III Recovery Residence and meets National Standards of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR). According to BC Executive Director Dennis Shawhan, “Lydia’s Home is not just about sobriety, but true recovery, freedom, and rebuilding a Christ centered life that honors God. This is just some of the impact that Dalton Family Foundation prayer and financial partnership is accomplishing.”  Broken Chains walks hand in hand with these women for as long as it takes to launch them into the next chapter of their lives and they are making an impact one precious life at a time. 

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