Helping patients get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more.
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The David LaMotte Award for Excellence in Patient Support
David LaMotte recently retired as a GOCCNJ board member after serving from the early years of the organization until June 2021. He devoted himself to improving end-of-life care for individuals and their family through hospice, at the community level through his service at Penn Medicine Princeton Health, and systemically with GOCCNJ. As a teacher and a caregiver, the common thread in his work is a belief in the power of listening.

To honor David and his outstanding support of patients in NJ with serious illness, GOCCNJ created the David LaMotte Award for Excellence in Patient Support. David’s hard work and commitment to transforming care for patients in NJ will be forever recognized as he was the inaugural recipient of this award.

GOCCNJ is accepting Coalition member nominees of someone equally deserving. Please submit the name and description of why your candidate should be considered for this prestigious award. The write-up should be no longer than 1 page or 500 words. Submissions should be sent to GOCCNJ by August 30th.
Free resources from Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey:
Let's Talk: Advance Care Planning Guidebook & Videos
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Helping patients get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more.
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