Sciences Po Alumni in the U.S.
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones in good health, and that you are enjoying a safe holiday season.

Below, please find our quarterly newsletter. We hope you can find a moment of enjoyment in our latest portraits of Sciences Po alumni and our highlight of the latest research at Sciences Po, conducted within the Migration and Diversity group.

Despite the challenges of this year, the Foundation successfully launched our Alumni Webinar Series to foster additional connections between the members of the alumni network. Stay tuned in 2021 for new webinars and additional exclusive online, and hopefully in person, content. In the meantime, don’t forget to join us on Instagram and Twitter.

Wishing you happy holidays and an excellent new year!

Krystal Wilson Azelton is a Director of Space Applications Programs at Secure World Foundation, an organization working internationally towards secure, sustainable, and peaceful uses of outer space. A self-professed policy geek, Azelton was drawn to Sciences Po’s focus on international politics while offering “the chance to live in Europe in such a vibrant place.”

Kayvan Noroozi, a lawyer specializing in intellectual property, spent one of his best years at Sciences Po, exploring Paris and meeting new people. He shared with us an overview of the intellectual property landscape in the US, his thoughts on the future of intellectual property law, and his advice for living a life that minimizes regret.  

After graduating from a Sciences Po dual degree, Noelle Pourrat joined the Carnegie Corporation of New York as a program analyst in the international peace and security program. In this interview, she shares her memories of Sciences Po and Paris, insight into her work in international security, and her passion for dialogue across differences.

Arnaud Tesson, the U.S. Asset Management Practice Leader at executive search firm Egon Zehnder, thrived within the intellectual community he found at Sciences Po. In this interview, he describes his role advising clients and the importance of self-awareness for students and young graduates.

Michael Strauss became the General Counsel at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the beginning of 2020. In this interview, he reflects on his exchange program at Sciences Po, his career experiences in law and development finance, and positive changes he hopes to see in the development sphere.

We spoke with Jennifer Famery-Mariani, independent curator and the founder of Tribeca Art+Culture Night. A graduate of Science Po’s Master of Public Affairs, her career has spanned both the public and private sectors in France and the United States. In this interview, she shares more about her experiences at Sciences Po, her professional trajectory, and four changes she hopes to see in the art world.
The latest research from Sciences Po in French and in English.

par Hélène Thiollet. Les recherches existantes sur les politiques migratoires portent principalement sur les politiques d’immigration et d’intégration dans les démocraties occidentales. Comme dans les […] Lire la suite

by Hélène Thiollet. Researchers in migration politics predominantly examine immigration and integration policies in Western democracies. Just like any other field in social sciences, this […] Read More

Par Daniel Sabbagh. La dénonciation du « racisme anti-Blancs » étant aujourd’hui en France l’un des chevaux de bataille de l’extrême droite, la tentation est grande […] Lire la suite

by Daniel Sabbagh. Given that the denunciation of “anti-White racism” has become one of the far right’s hobbyhorses in France, the temptation is great to […] Read more

par Hélène Thiollet et Florian Oswald. Traditionnellement, l’économie du travail postule que les salaires sont déterminés par l’offre et la demande. Selon cette théorie, à […] Lire la suite

A Brief Overview of the State of the Art by Hélène Thiollet et Florian Oswald Labour economics classically predicts that wages are determined by supply […] Read More

L’irréductible croissance des mobilités humaines dans le monde d’avant la Covid Par Ettore Recchi Six mois après la déclaration de pandémie par l’Organisation Mondiale de […] Lire la suite

The Apparently Unstoppable Growth of Human Mobility in the Pre-Covid World by Ettore Recchi. Six months after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic […] Read More
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