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A USAID Advancing Nutrition Staff Newsletter

January 2022

Multi-Sectoral Perspectives

A Message from Kristen Cashin, NHS Director

High quality, accessible, and equitable nutrition services are essential to achieving World Health Assembly targets and Sustainable Development Goals. Integrating nutrition into universal health care was a key focus area during the 2021 Nutrition for Growth Summit, highlighting the importance of the health sector within multi-sectoral action for nutrition... 

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Website and Dissemination Highlights


The Enabling Better Complementary Feeding: Guidance and Workbook page is now live!

This workbook can help program planners and practitioners plan, design, implement, monitor, and evaluate programs to improve complementary feeding.


"As we all know, what, how much, how frequently, and with what support a child should be fed must evolve dynamically to meet his or her changing needs throughout the complementary feeding period. Have you also thought about how complementary feeding comprises many behaviors, all of which need to be practiced together in the right balance? This may sound complicated—because it is! Check out the workbook we created with support from a multi-sectoral team and a technical advisory group of experts to make it a little easier! This resource guides practitioners to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate programs to improve complementary feeding. It outlines key steps for a proven SBC approach to ensure quality, participant-centered programs. The workbook is being user-tested this year, so stay tuned for updates!"

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Early Childhood Development Country Profiles Suite of Resources

There are now ECD Profiles available for Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Rwanda, and Uganda. The dissemination team is currently promoting these tools across our social media accounts. Please access the Mini Social Media Toolkit to learn more about how you can promote the ECD Profiles on your own account.

On the website:


Global Survey on Program Experiences Using Locally Available Foods to Treat Moderate Acute Malnutrition

USAID Advancing Nutrition is conducting a survey to better understand the range of programs that have adopted this approach to treat moderate acute malnutrition in children under five years of age.

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Special Edition of Field Exchange Features USAID Advancing Nutrition Adolescent Resources

The project’s new guidance on conducting formative research on adolescent nutrition and the Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank were featured in a special edition of the Emergency Nutrition Network’s technical publication.

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Society for International Development Event Spotlights Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide

Speakers discussed successes and challenges related to designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture programs during a Society for International Development event.

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Recently Posted

Internal and External Publications Available on the Intranet

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External Publication

Renforcer la nutrition maternelle dans les programmes de santé: un guide pour les practiciens

This French translation of Strengthening Maternal Nutrition in Health Programs: A Guide for Practitioners engaged the KM translation process. See the Translation Job Aid for more information on translating documents (Note: Document translation and event interpretation follow two distinct processes). You should think of translated documents as new publication products with their own timelines and resource needs and not as quick text changes to the original document. Review some additional translation examples in Russian and Swahili.

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Internal Publication

Potential Food System Spillovers from Nutritious Food Financing Facilities (N3F) Investment in Selected Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

This review explores the potential indirect spillover effects of Nutritious Food Financing Facility investments and technical support. The review broadens this description of possible spillovers to include the competitive and strategic responses by non-target Small and Mid-size Enterprises and other firms operating the food systems of priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

View all publications

COVID Corner

Updates from our COVID-19 Task Force

Happy New Year! The COVID-19 Task Force continues to meet monthly to discuss how the project can mitigate the pandemic’s effects on staff, our work, and global nutrition. Thanks to all who responded to our recent Polly. Here are the results—

Preferences for upcoming COVID-19 task force engagements (15 votes):

  • 60% - Occasional conversations (topics: science, prevention strategies, other)
  • 10% - Refresher presentation on the repository of tools for activity and event planning
  • 30% - Written summary of information (topics: science, prevention strategies, etc.)
  • 0% - Other

The COVID-19 Task Force will discuss these results and come back to you with a new engagement format. From now on, you’ll continue to find more content and information from us here, in our COVID Corner.

More of what’s on our minds:

Explore COVID-19 resources

Disseminating Publications

  • Read through the dissemination guidance for more on how you can work with the KM Team to share your work with the global nutrition community.
  • Check out the 2022 Editorial Calendar for awareness days to center your work around.
  • Message the #uan-dissemination channel on Slack to share your team's presentations or speaking engagements, web pages, publications, or blog posts on social media or to start discussion about disseminating your work.
Click to view or download past editions of the THE DIET on the project's intranet.
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