The Dio Log

news & events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine since 1999

Volume 22, Number 14
July 23, 2020

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St. Ann's by the Sea, Kennebunkport is coming together in their beautiful outdoor chapel to worship this summer and broadcasting Morning Prayer on their YouTube channel .
Let us pray for the members of the newly formed Convention Planning Team and their work as they prepare for the 201st Convention of the Diocese of Maine . The team includes: The Rt. Rev. Thomas Brown , The Rev. Claudia Smith , Holly Sargent , The Rev. Carolyn Eklund , The Rev. Sara Gavit , Robert Ludwi g, and Chancellor Gordon Gayer (ex officio) joined by staff members Katie Clark , Teresa Pinney , John Hennessy , and Barbara Martin .
We pray for Jean Cavanaugh who will be ordained to the Diaconate on August 1 at St. David's, Kennebunk . We thank God for her calling and ask that her ministry be blessed.
We offer prayers for the people of St. Alban's, Cape Elizabeth and the Rev. Lynn Carter-Edmands , new Transition/Interim Rector, as they begin their ministry together. Most recently Lynn served as the Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. She is married to the Rev. Frank Edmands , also an Episcopal priest, who is currently serving this summer at Trinity Chapel, Kennebunk Beach .
Be with us, O God, as we face the great loss of lives to COVID-19. Help us to address the systemic injustices that have made those already marginalized more vulnerable to this virus: immigrants, people of color, the elderly, and those living in poverty. 
Please pray for Pamela Chabora of St. Ann's, Windham upon her Reception into The Episcopal Church last Sunday. We ask the Holy Spirit to be her guide, guardian, and help.
The webinar “ Advocacy Tools for Loving Your Neighbor ” was hosted on July 9 by The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church and joined by more than 2,000 participants. Two examples of effective diocesan public policy ministries were highlighted during the webinar by Rebecca Blachly --- one of which was Maine! We offer prayers of thanksgiving for the work of our Maine Episcopal Network for Justice and director, John Hennessy
Sign the Anti-Racism Covenant
The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri composed this Anti-Racism Convenant , co-sponsored by many bishops in the Episcopal Church, but issued to all people of faith to actively seek equality and justice in our communities.

Bishop Johnson says, “I hope the Church takes it seriously and engages in the covenant. I hope it can help us actually transform the Church into a place where white supremacy and racism have no home.”

Individuals, parishes, groups, dioceses as well as community leaders and businesses are all invited to add your name to this convenant as we work to root out racism together. Find anti-racism resources here on
Voices among us
Listen to six members of the senior choir of St. Andrew's, Newcastle sing "If Ye Love Me" by Thomas Tallis. They sang from home alone and the audio and video were edited by Linda Blanchard . You can also hear Sean Fleming on the organ (1888 Hutchins) playing "Christ is Made the Sure Foundation" here on YouTube . We thank them for sharing their gifts.
Three influential leaders in The Episcopal Church published an open letter to the church questioning exactly whose freedom the country and the church were celebrating on Independence Day, and pushed for extensive internal and external anti-racist action. Read the letter, "Speaking of Freedom," here: " A Letter to the Church from Kelly Brown Douglas, Stephanie Spellers and Winnie Varghese July 4, 2020 "
Bishop Thomas Brown was a guest of WMPG Radio OUT Cast program's "Queer Spirit" segment which features conversations about queer life and the power of the sacred. Listen to the recorded show here .
The Rev. Rick Cross of St. Patrick's, Brewer reflects on the season of pandemic and the positives emerging despite the terrible loss of life. "During the past couple of years, looking for God in the community beyond the walls of St. Patrick’s wasn’t an obvious assignment from the 'Living Local' program. Now that the physical walls of our congregation have been taken away, the fog may be lifting a bit, revealing the neighborhood." How is your garden growing? Read more here in " Cross Words by Rick Cross ".
The Rev. Tamara Torres McGovern (UCC) of Arise Portland , a project working to connect seekers and skeptics for meaning-making, spiritual grounding, and healing. She writes. "We can't create something new unless we can imagine it. And we can't imagine something new if we are too busy to be present." here in " I am a pandemic parent... "
The Maine Council of Churches is offering an opportunity for white people of faith and good will to listen to the voices of people of color. Each week this summer, they will publish a link to a short excerpt from a video, radio broadcast or podcast, along with some biographical information about the speaker. Week #2 features The Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III of Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago here on the MCC Blog .
Director of Communications, Katie Clark , provided Digital Ushers Training last week to help our churches continue to offer online worship services. The priest can't do everything! Watch a recording of the meeting and find the presentation document here .
Around the diocese
Worship online with the diocese this Sunday
Join us for a diocese-wide service for this Sunday, including music and a sermon from Bishop Brown! A video will be broadcast on our  YouTube channel  at 8:00 am and on  Facebook  at 10:00 am. Clergy and lay leaders will be provided with a downloadable video file on Friday, July 24 to use as they wish.
Hunger Initiative helps feed York County
On Tuesday, the Diocesan Hunger Initiative distributed over 25,000 pounds of free Maine-sourced food! Bishop Brown was joined by a dozen other volunteers ( Jason Briggs of Trinity, Saco pictured here) and legislators from York County to get boxes of food into the cars of those in need.

"We need to be engaged in any possible way that connects us neighbor to neighbor, and as people feel insecure about food, anything we can do to share resources that we have so we are distributing it and sharing it gives us a sense of hope and momentum towards a better future," Bishop Thomas James Brown told News Center Maine (video above).

Thanks to everyone who contributed and volunteered! We should have an opportunity to partner with the USDA Farm to Families Food Box Program again soon in another location designated by the USDA. Stay tuned!

You gave give electronically in a few ways:
  • Mobile app – Download the GivePlus mobile app on the App Store or on Google Play, enter our zip code “04101”, select “Episcopal Diocese of Maine” and give. [Find more instructions for the app here.]
  • Visit – Easily enter your donation from our website. Click on the “donate” button on the top of the home page. 
Diocese provides updated reopening guidelines
Updated reopening guidelines from the Episcopal Diocese of Maine are now available. Guidelines for Life Together are meant to help guide discussions in congregations as each discerns their way forward.

The document provides the names of some people in the diocese with experience in a variety of areas, available and open to offering support: Brenda Hamilton of the Standing Committee, Margaret Reimer of St. Peter’s Church, Bridgton , The Rev. Dr. Suzanne Roberts of the Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, Portland , and Thomas Stone of St. Peter’s Church, Bridgton .

Click  here  to download.
News from our congregations
Emmanuel Lutheran Episcopal Church, Augusta held two outdoor worship services on July 12. Pastor Suzanne Colburn sends thanks to all who helped accomplish all the work to make these services happen! The Worship Committee was thrilled that 37 people signed up to come to the one service planned, and they knew, given the lack of shade and the heat and humidity, that two smaller services to accommodate all the safety precautions would be needed. Emmanuel hopes to hold outdoor services again: one Sunday in August and one Sunday in September
Before Frannie's Mini Donuts in Sanford's friends and family pre-opening event last week, Rev. Lauren Kay of St. George's, Sanford blessed the new venture, its workers, and its owners, Ayn and Jeff Hanselmann.

The blessing was a brief liturgy written for the event with holy water administered by whisk aspersion.
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Faith resources
Becoming Beloved Community NOW gathers for action
Racial justice and healing leaders across The Episcopal Church will gather to build community, craft strategy and equip each other for action during a series of “ Becoming Beloved Community NOW ” online gatherings at 4:00-6:00 pm on July 28-30.

The sessions will feature presentations and panels, along with breakout groups for practitioners and leaders to meet and share with each other. “Everyone who attends should leave with a path to action and deeper relationships with people doing similar work,” Rev. Edwin Johnson , who chairs the advisory group, said. “Through prophetic action, we can turn a moment of pain into a moment of progress.”

Becoming Beloved Community NOW is open to the public. Register here to attend one, two or all three gatherings.
Listen to episode 6 of Faith in Maine podcast series
Click below to listen to episode 6 in the "Seeking the Gift of Hope" series. Look for a new episode Monday!