News & Events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine

Volume 25, Number 16

September 15, 2023

Around The Diocese

Come to Convocation at the Cathedral on October 21

What is Convocation? Convocation is a diocese-wide time to celebrate being “Together: With God, In Call, For Mission”!

The celebration will take place at the Cathedral of St. Luke on Saturday, October 21.

THIS IS FOR THE WHOLE DIOCESE and is not limited to clergy and delegates to convention.

From 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. there will be time for fellowship and learning about diocesan ministries while you enjoy morning refreshments. Eucharist will begin at 10:30 a.m., and we expect it will conclude by noon. Find details here.

The Celebratory Eucharist will feature a Diocesan Choir. (You can sign up to sing in the choir here.) Bishop Brown's sermon will also be his annual convention address and will share highlights from the Diocesan Listening Sessions held in the spring.

Registration is free and open now! To help us plan, please let us know if you are coming, how many people you plan to bring, and if you need childcare by October 15.

Register for Convocation 

Resolutions and nominations due today

Are you called to fill a diocesan leadership position? In 2024, we are electing Clergy Diocesan Council Representatives, Secretary of the Diocese, Treasurer of the Diocese, Standing Committee members, Trustees of Diocesan Funds, Disciplinary Board Representatives, and Provincial Conference Deputies.

Get details about these roles here. Friday, September 15 is the last day to submit a nomination for yourself or someone else.

Nomination Form

Would you like to propose a change? Get your resolution to the committee by Friday, September 15!

Please submit using the form below. Read the new 2023 guidelines here.

Resolution Form

Diocese seeks Accounting Manager

Join Bishop Brown's staff! The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is seeking a full-time Accounting Manager to provide overall management of the financial accounting systems and related activities on behalf of the diocese, under the direction of the Finance Director. The Accounting Manager will oversee all bookkeeping, payroll, and accounting functions for the diocese, Trustees of Diocesan Funds, and Corporate Sole.

Find the full job description here.

Email resume and letter of interest to Canon Tina Pickering.

News From Our Congregations

Thirty people attended an ecumenical service celebrating the beginning of the Season of Creation at the boat launch area on the bank of the Meduxnekeag River in Houlton on Friday, September 1. Church of the Good Shepherd in Houlton hosted the service at which people from five local denominations shared in reading scripture, song, and prayers to honor and pledge to care for all of creation. Some river water was collected and blessed to be used in church throughout the rest of the season. Photos by Bruce Glick

As part of Season of Creation, St. Luke's Cathedral in Portland and St. Alban's in Cape Elizabeth along with Williston-Emmanuel in Portland collaborated in a contemplative nature walk at the Pleasant Hill Preserve in Scarborough on Sunday September 10 led by Maine Master Naturalist Nicole Diroff.

During the Season of Creation, St. Brendan the Navigator in Deer Isle will display this Celtic Cross to contemplate and call them into deep engagement with the world, with their eyes and heart and arms wide-open on behalf of all of creation. More stones to the "river" around the altar each Sunday.

Every Sunday at 10 a.m. during the Season of Creation, All Saints in Skowhegan is offering a discussion centered on protecting the gift of creation and spreading the awareness that human behavior is causing climate change. Here's a look at their poster listing these speakers and events. All are welcome to join them!

Check out the beautiful new greenhouse structure at Christ Church in Gardiner. The product of an Eagle Scout project, when it’s finished, it will extend the growing season of their community gardens. They give thanks to Zac and Joe for this gift to the community! Christ Church harvests on Sundays and shares the bounty at a community supper on Sunday evenings at 5 p.m. Join them!

Voices Among Us

Bishop Brown visits Zion Church in Vermont

From Zion Church's website, "On Sunday, September 10th, Zion was blessed with a visit from the Diocese of Vermont's Assisting Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Brown of Maine. In celebration, we gathered at a potluck barbecue after services. Thanks to all who joined us for faith, food and fellowship!"

Read More

Congratulations to the Rev. Peggy Day! Our retired deacon has been named Newscenter Maine's Many Hands Volunteer Champion for September. Here's a profile created to celebrate her and her work with Partners for Peace. You may see this video on your television soon!

Antonio Rocha, award-winning storyteller, gave a shout out to St. Paul's, Brunswick when he spoke to Down East about his show, A Slave Ship Called Malaga, the true story of a 19th-century Maine-made vessel that sailed among Maine, Brazil, and Africa, told from the perspective of the ship. St. Paul's founders include Joseph Badger, a Brunswick shipbuilder, merchant, and slave trader who built and owned the Malaga. St. Paul's donated $4,800 to fund schools that could not afford to book the show after Rocha's performance there in March. Read the article here.

Our Climate Justice Council encouraged all congregations in the diocese to assign an Earth Keeper last year and suggested some ways that this person could help their church live out their "Covenant to Care of Creation". Each Earth Keeper has been asked to report on their work. You can read their updates here on our blog.

St. Patrick’s in Brewer is in search of a half time Priest-in-harge to accompany their vibrant community as they continue in their mission to bring the Jesus Movement to central Maine. Read the full description here in ENS.

Please pray for the Bishops of The Episcopal Church as they gather online September 19-26 for their final House of Bishops' meeting of 2023 for a time of worship, learning, and revival.

Following a year-long process of careful listening and deep discernment, Maine Council of Churches adopted new mission, vision, values and strategy statements, enthusiastically committing to moving boldly forward into the organization’s future while treasuring its 85-year history of faithful ecumenical witness and work in Maine. Read more here.


We pray for the safety of all in the path of Hurricane Lee this weekend. 

Creator God, we ask you to calm the wind and the waves of the approaching hurricane, and spare those in its path from harm. Help those who are in its way to reach safety. Open our hearts in generosity to all who need help in the coming days.  In all things and in all times, help us to remember that even when life seems dark and stormy, you are in the boat with us, guiding us to safety.  Amen

– The Jesuit Church, America Magazine

The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop asks the church to join it in prayer for the discernment and election process. It has offered the following prayer, which members hope Episcopalians will use in the Prayers of the People during worship, as well as in their personal devotions:

Almighty God, source of all wisdom and understanding: Look graciously on your church, and so guide the hearts and minds of those who will choose our next presiding bishop, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will care for all of your people, equip us for our ministries, and proclaim your word to us and to the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Anne McGhie, a member of St. Aidan's in Machias has officially entered the novitiate of the Community of the Gospel. Bishop Brown and the Rev. John Lein will be officiating the Reception of Novice rite. In the Community of the Gospel, Novice Anne will be primarily working as a Formation Shepherd.


St. Alban's hosts opportunity to learn about Godly Play

You're invited to a “Taste and See” Godly Play learning opportunity on Saturday, September 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with Godly Play trainer, Nancy St. John. The morning will be spent building the circle and participating in a full Godly Play Session, with time to wonder and respond. Attendees will then have time to reflect and enjoy a lunch. The afternoon will continue on for program volunteers and leaders in order to dive in deeper. Participants will learn the roles of storyteller and doorperson, how to set up the circle for success, and how to facilitate the "wondering" that anchors Godly Play. Please RSVP by September 23rd to this email.

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