News & Events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine

Volume 25, Number 17

September 28, 2023

Around The Diocese

Volunteer to take part in our historical audit

Please join the Racial Justice Council and Bishop Brown on October 17 at 1 p.m. at Loring House (143 State Street, Portland ME 04101) for tea, an informational session about this project, and the kick-off of the historical audit of the diocesan archives. Through the racial justice audit process, we hope to uncover stories that help us better understand the foundation on which the Episcopal Diocese of Maine is built, because understanding our past helps us to know where we are going. If you are interested in volunteering for this project or have any questions, please email the Rev. Katie Holicky.

Sing with the Diocesan Convocation Choir on October 21

Convocation on Saturday, October 21, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Cathedral of St. Luke in Portland will be a time for the diocese to celebrate being “Together: With God, In Call, For Mission”!

Please consider lending your voice to our in-person, diocese-wide Convocation Choir. We want singers of all ages from around Maine to help bring the festive liturgy to life!

SIGN UP TO SING HERE (This will also count as your event registration.)

Questions? Contact Robert Ludwig, Liturgical Commission Chair.

Those who won't be joining the choir are asked to register using the form below. The event is free and childcare is available. Read more here.


Changes to Pre-convention Meeting Schedule

We have changed the schedule leading up to convocation and convention. Tuesday, October 17th at 7:00 p.m. there will be a meeting on Zoom for Areas to elect clergy representatives to Diocesan Council.

Clergy and lay delegates are asked to attend one more pre-convention meeting online after that, either on Tuesday, October 24 at 7:00 p.m. or Thursday, October 26 at 5:30 p.m. The content of both meetings will be the same covering the 2024 budget and resolutions and things to know about voting in our online convention. Though they’re designed specifically to prepare clergy and delegates, all are welcome!

From the Bishop

Bishop Brown delivers message about convention

Click on the image below or on this link for a video message from Bishop Thomas Brown.

News From Our Congregations

Congregations and chapels have received new diocesan flags. Here's a photo from St. John Baptist in Thomaston. Click here to see more. Is your church flying the new flag? Email us your photos!

The choir of St. George in York Harbor has returned after a summer break. Here they are enjoying each other's company and inviting singers in their parish to join them at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings with rehearsal after the service.

Season of Creation events at St. Andrew's in Newcastle included inviting John Dieffenbacher-Krall, Executive Director of the Wabanaki Alliance, to preach about the overlap between our baptismal covenant and respecting the Wabanaki sovereignty claims. He shared a message of justice and solidarity with the Wabanaki people. St. Andrew's also observed the Season by holding a meat-free potluck, celebrating liturgies focused on creation, gathering to walk an outdoor labyrinth, and they will hold a Blessing of the Animals. 

The three churches of the Aroostook Cluster enjoyed a Fabulous Fun Fall Fest in Monticello on Sunday, September 17. They give special thanks to Barb Aiken for all her careful planning to make this a fun event for all ages. Here is the Rev. Kevin Kinsey, back from sabbatical, during the Fall Fest Eucharist.

Bishop Brown visited the Parish of St. Mary and St. Jude in Northeast Harbor. Pictured here with the bishop: the Rev. Steve Muncie and Eilon Zobray.

There is construction underway behind Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bangor this month as volunteers set to work building Dignity First’s first tiny house! St. Patrick's in Brewer's associate priest, Rev. John Burton, is the lead contractor, and St. Pat's volunteers from "Moving in Faith and Hope" started construction on this tiny home destined for big things. Read more about this project here.

Voices Among Us

Lewiston church Celebration of Mutual Ministry Sept. 17

Trinity Episcopal Church, Lewiston recognized its ministry with the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Paul St. Germain during the Celebration of Mutual Ministry worship service at 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17. The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, led the worship and preaching.

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The Committee on Indian Relations requests your consideration of the Wabanaki Alliance's call for a "yes" vote on Question 6 on the November election ballot. Absentee and early voting will begin in October. Question 6 would require the printing of the entire Constitution of Maine, including sections relating to the transition to statehood from Massachusetts in 1820 that have not been printed since 1875 (although they are still part of the Constitution). These sections include provisions regarding the transfer from Massachusetts to Maine of obligations to the Wabanaki tribes. For more information on Question 6, please click here

St. Alban's, Cape Elizabeth shares this land acknowledgment that the parish uses:

Our baptismal vows call us to respect the inherent dignity of Wabanaki people and culture and to lament the historic sins committed by governments and institutions against them. The Holy Spirit compels us to mourn alongside all victims of oppression, to honor their painful truths, and to pursue new ways of working together as partners in the stewardship of healing, justice, and peace in God's land.

Is your congregation considering creating a similar acknowledgement in advance of Indigenous Peoples' Day on October 9? Find examples and resources on the Episcopal Maine blog.

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is seeking a full-time Accounting Manager. Read the full description here in ENS.

During the concluding business session of its virtual fall meeting Sept. 19-22, the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church adopted a Statement on the Accountability of Bishops. Click here to read the statement.

Maine Council of Churches Board Members and fellow Episcopalians, Marge Kilkelly and Ed Rea, recently visited area churches. Click here to read Marge's reflection from First Parish Church in Brunswick and here for Ed Rea's reflection from St. Alban's in Cape Elizabeth. 


Desma Ferrell, mother of the Rev. Nathan Ferrell of Saint Mary's, Falmouth, died on September 23 at home in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. A celebration of Desma's life will be held on Saturday, October 14 at 10 a.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Mt. Holly, NJ. Please pray for Nate and family as they say goodbye. Read Desma's obituary here

Please pray for the Rev. Andree Appel who was ordained to the diaconate on Saturday, September 16, 10:30 a.m. Bishop Brown is delighted to share that the newly ordained deacon has been appointed deacon to St. Paul's, Brunswick for an 18 month assignment.

Our Climate Justice Council has created a special prayer guide for use on the Cathedral of St. Luke's labyrinth during Diocesan Convocation on October 21. Download it here. It can be adapted as a prayer resource for use in any labyrinth!

September 10 was a special Sunday at St. Bartholomew's in Yarmouth. The Rev. Amanda Gerken-Nelson and the Rev. Deacon Corey Walmer led a special "Blessing of the Backpacks" to ask for prayers for children and adults who have returned to school, and for their parents, teachers, principals, and counselors. They also welcomed 16 new members, who have joined St. Bart's this year and promised to support them in their Life in Christ. 

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for the life our summer chapels and friends brought to our communities this season. Travelling mercies as they return to their winter homes. The picture here is of the Rev. Douglas Beck and the congregation of Trinity, Castine sending off parishioners voyaging to Florida.


New Toolkits for Ministry available from ECF

Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) is launching a new way to access their best resources on a given ministry topic in one place. Toolkits for Ministry are a curated collection of top-tier resources on the most-searched topics, all consolidated on one accessible and comprehensive platform. Whether you're exploring the basics of communications, improving community engagement, or seeking insights into congregational development, ECF's Toolkits for Ministry are a great place to start. Click here to access their inaugural set.

Diocesan Event Calendar

For the full events calendar, click here.


1 Bishop Visitation: Christ Church in Eastport

15 Bishop Visitation: St. Giles, Jefferson

17 Racial Justice Council Historical Audit Info Session

17 Pre-convention Diocesan Council Elections by Area (7 p.m.)

21 Convocation at the Cathedral (9 a.m.

22 Bishop Visitation: St. Peter’s, Portland

24 Pre-convention Meeting (Tuesday at 7 p.m.)

26 Pre-convention Meeting (Thursday at 5:30 p.m.)

29 Bishop Visitation: St. Peter’s, Rockland

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