The Dio Log

News & Events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine since 1999

Volume 22, Number 17
September 3, 2020

207.772.1953 I
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Jane Ducott (above) is harvesting veggies from the Scarborough Community Garden at St. Nick's, a project of St. Nicholas, Scarborough and a large network of partners in the area. The garden addresses hunger in the community by growing nourishing vegetables for neighbors who struggle to put healthy food on the table, and its initial startup in 2014 was funded in part by a New Initiatives Grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Maine.
Let us pray for those in the Gulf Coast suffering the devastation of Hurricane Laura. Support the efforts of Episcopal Relief & Development as they work in the impacted dioceses to help them reach vulnerable populations devastated by the storm. Make a donation here.

Please pray for all the firefighters and everyone on the frontlines of the wild fires in the Western United States.

We pray for all Christian Education and Sunday School programs happening in new ways during this challenging year. All formation leaders in Maine are invited to gather online weekly this fall for discussion and inspiration. More info here.

We offer prayers for the ministry of the Summer Chapels of Maine as many near the end of their seasons. We look forward with hope to when they join us again in 2021.
Voices among us
Bishop Steven A. Miller of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee and a founding member of Bishops United Against Gun Violence, has issued a statement on the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, "We lament yet another shooting of an unarmed Black man, Jacob Blake, by law enforcement. One such shooting is one too many, and yet in our nation the numbers of such shootings continue. We join those who call for a complete and impartial investigation of this travesty." Read his full statement here
Episcopal News Service spoke to Bishop Thomas J. Brown and John Hennessy, Director of Advocacy and Networks, about the Diocesan Hunger Initiative and their partnership with the USDA Farm to Family program for this story: Maine diocese’s food distribution ministry connects farmers with jobless residents, both hit by COVID-19
Listen and watch Bishop Thomas Brown's sermon from our diocese-wide service on August 23 here. Our next service will be September 27, and we need your angel artwork! Children of the diocese are invited to create pictures of what they think angels look like. Please take a photo of the angel art and send it to Director of Communications Katie Clark.
Klara Tammany of Trinity, Lewiston wrote in this Sun Journal letter to the editor that, "Racism has become ingrained in our psyches...Setting things right will be like slowly peeling back an onion — one layer at a time. Sometimes it will make us weep." Read the full letter on (subscription required) or download the pdf here.
The Diocese of Maine hosted a resolution-writing webinar last week and the recording is now available here. If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please take time to watch this webinar facilitated by John Hennessy and the Rev. Calvin Sanborn. Resolutions for consideration by Diocesan Convention must be submitted here by September 8.
This summer, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shared with how love shows us the way during difficult times in an essay and on-air, and he explores this further in his new book, Love is the Way, which will be released on September 22.
Around the diocese
Be a part of the Diocesan Convention Virtual Choir
Nothing Will Separate Us: Being the Body of Christ

You are invited to sing in a virtual choir presenting music during the 201st Convention of the Diocese of Maine (October 17-18)! We welcome singers of any age, especially children, to participate. We also welcome singers who are not members of Episcopal churches, so please feel free to pass along this invitation to musical friends. Four hymns are being produced, and participants may submit videos for just one or two or all of them.
Each singer should register for the Convention Virtual Choir separately. Soon after registering, you will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions, links to pdf scores and a guide track with someone singing your part, as well as links for submitting your videos. All recordings will need to be submitted by September 25 at the latest.
Maine Episcopal Youth gearing up for fall
Do you know youth in your parish that might want to get connected to other youth in the diocese? Maine Episcopal Youth will be meeting the third Monday of each month from 7-8:30 pm starting September 21 using this link. Youth grades 6-12 are welcome to join as we check-in and get to know one another and Christ. Please share the news! Download this flier or use the graphic here for social media.

Youth leaders also have a way to connect this fall, too! Do you work with youth at your parish? Join our monthly meetings as we support one another, talk about our individual and communal challenges, and figure out how to be Christ in the world with and for our youth. Meetings will be second-Mondays from 6:30-7:30 pm starting on September 14. Please email Sara D'Angio White and ask for the Zoom link to join.
World Too Beautiful online gathering September 16
An online gathering of the earth-conscious service World Too Beautiful will take place on September 16. Kathy Coughlan, a member of St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland and St. Peter’s Cathedral, St. Petersburg, FL will offer the reflection. Kathy is a retired psychiatric nurse involved in social justice and environmental matters.

Please plan to join this musical and meditative gathering that focuses on beauty, interconnection, mutual encouragement, and healing. Have a candle ready to light during our prayer time! All are welcome at 5:45 pm using this link. Find more information and details about how to join by phone here.
News from our congregations
Some parishes in Maine (see list above) have partnered to bring a weekly Bedtime Bible story to our children and families. Each week, they share a brief story (generally from Desmond Tutu's Children of God Storybook Bible) along with some prayers. Check out the first three stories if you're not caught up! Find these videos posted to St. John's, Bangor YouTube, St. Patrick's, Brewer YouTube, or St. Mark's, Waterville's Facebook page. Comment to let them know if you have a favorite Bible story you would like to see shared!
St. Giles, Jefferson celebrated Colby Dill's 100th birthday last month. Colby has been worshipping at their "church in the pines" since it was founded. Happy Birthday!
The Rev. Nancy Moore of Christ Church, Norway and Trinity Lutheran, South Paris has been occasionally gathering small groups from the same neighborhood together to celebrate an outdoor, backyard Eucharist...with blankets, if necessary! 
Saint Mary's, Falmouth will begin a Virtual Hymn Sing next Thursday, September 10 at 7:00 pm, and every Thursday thereafter. Everyone is invited to join via Zoom to sing many of our beloved hymns. They hope to have a split screen where the words and music of the hymns will be visible to all. This will be an occasion to join in song and fellowship and anyone who wishes to participate is welcome! Email Bruce Fithian to request the Zoom link and send any hymn requests. 
Let us know what's happening in your church! Send to [email protected]!
Faith resources
Join The BTS Center for "Engaged Hope" online
The BTS Center's (organizational successor to Bangor Theological Seminary) Convocation grows from roots dating back more than 100 years, but this year, they're moving online. Over the course of two days, September 24-25, they will weave online and offline experiences together to facilitate learning, nurture respite, and deepen community.

Convocation 2020 invites spiritual leaders, faith communities, and change-makers to embrace a transformative response to the current climate crisis. If anything, COVID-19 has revealed even more clearly the ways in which “business as usual” threatens the sustainability of the planet and the health and well-being of all life.

Learn more about the presenters here and register here by September 14.
Province 1 faith formation discussions
Linnae Peterson, from the Diocese of New Hampshire, will lead weekly Zoom conversations in September with folks around Province I. These informal discussions are to better connect those working in children's formation across the Province, to inspire each other with ideas and to share resources! Discussion dates and topics are are below:
  • They “Liked’ Our Facebook Worship- Now What? September 8th, 7:00 pm
  • What do I need? What do I have to share? How can we support each other in this time of change? September 15th, 7:00 pm
  • Creating and Equipping a Community of Teachers for Online Formation September 22nd, 7:00 pm

Find descriptions of each discussion here. The Zoom meeting link for all four meetings is here
Beware of email and text "phishing" in Maine churches
Please note that fraudulent email and text requests for money wire transfers and gift cards in the names of Bishop Brown and other clergy continue to circulate around our diocese. The names on these attempts may be familiar, but the email address or phone number used will not be the one you know. No one from the Bishop's office will ask you for gift cards or similar items (for themselves or for others) via email or text. Nobody’s email or phone has been “hacked”. Phishing and whaling are when someone creates a NEW email or profile to impersonate a real person.

Please don't answer these messages! These are phishing or whaling scams and the addresses should be marked as spam/blocked and reported to your provider. Phone numbers should be blocked. You may also report these attempts to the government here on the Department of Homeland Security page.

Learn more:
"Whaling" email attacks: How to foil them from the Diocese of Newark

Please stay safe! Take caution in responding to any message that seems unlikely or suspicious.