
The Dispatch

Monthly Newsletter

September 1, 2022


In This Issue

News from the Superintendent

Health and Wellness

Staff Recognition

Early Intervention

Good Samaritan School

Service & Support Administration

September Events

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Hello Defiance Community!  This month I would like to take some time to talk about the Defiance County Board of Developmental Disabilities’ Strategic Plan. 

This document, which goes into effect on January 1, 2023, will help guide the services and projects of our organization throughout 2023 and 2024. We have welcomed input from all staff in the agency and are excited to present the plan to stakeholders soon! Our focus will be in the following four areas: Culture, Resources, Technology, and Engagement. The team is excited to focus our attention on our future goals and the overall success of the Defiance County Board of DD. 

We invite your input and participation in this process, as you are a valuable contributor to everything we do here. As always, I welcome conversation and look forward to hearing from you!

Heidi Hull


New Security System at the DCBDD

The Defiance County Board of Developmental Disabilities/Good Samaritan School is excited to share that we have implemented new security measures as the 2022-2023 school year has begun!

The next time you visit our facility whether you are dropping your student off or coming in for a meeting there will be a new check in procedure.

1. You will enter the building and press the buzzer. One of our friendly staff will be able to see you and talk to you through the remote system and buzz you into the building.

2. You will then sign in at the office and we will assist you, your student, or your individual with your visit.

New DCBDD Website

The DCBDD is excited to have launched our new website! Take a moment to visit the website and check out all of the amazing services we have to offer!

Visit our Website

Staff Anniversaries

1 Year

Sarah Wolfrum, Instructor Assistant

8 Years

Jean Jacques, Service and Support Administrator

21 Years

Amy Westrick, Early Intervention Developmental Special

24 Years

Helen Bowden, Nurse

Health and Wellness

Back to School Sleep Routines

The amount of sleep needed varies depending on your child’s age, activity levels, and individual needs. The National Sleep Foundation suggests the following guidelines:

  • Preschoolers (ages 3-5) require 10-13 hours of sleep
  • School-age children (ages 6-13) require 9-11 hours of sleep
  • Teenagers (ages 14-17) require 8-10 hours of sleep

A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study found that most American children and teenagers don’t sleep enough. Nearly 6 in 10 middle schoolers and at least 7 in 10 high schoolers don’t sleep enough on school nights. Of the high school students surveyed, almost two-thirds sleep less than eight hours nightly.

Adhering to sleep schedules with parental support can help students achieve the sleep needed to help them perform their best.

What Is a Good Bedtime Routine?

Winding down at the end of the day can help children sleep well and prepare for school the next day. A good bedtime routine includerelaxing activities, such as:

  • Taking a warm bath/shower
  • Brushing teeth and washing up
  • Cuddling with a parent
  • Singing lullabies
  • Reading with a parent or individually
  • Journaling
  • Meditating

Early Intervention

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Early Intervention (EI) uses acronyms/abbreviations frequently. Keeping track of each of these can be a challenge, especially if you are unfamiliar or new to the EI Program. The following is a list of commonly used acronyms.

ADOS – Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

BDI-3 – Battelle Developmental Inventory 3rd Edition

COS – Child Outcome Summary

DCBDD – Defiance County Board of Developmental Disabilities

DS – Developmental Specialist

ECMH – Early Child Mental Health

EI – Early Intervention

EIHS – Early Intervention Hearing Services

EISC – Early Intervention Service Coordinator

ETR – Evaluation Team Report

FDA – Family Directed Assessment

HMG – Help Me Grow

IEP – Individualized Education Plan

IFSP – Individualized Family Service Plan

LEA – Local Education Agency

MCHAT – Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers

OT – Occupation Therapy

PLS -5 – Preschool Language Scale 5th Edition

PT – Physical Therapy

PSP – Primary Service Provider

PWN – Prior Written Notice

RBI – Routine Based Interview

SLP – Speech Language Pathologist/Speech Therapist

SSP – Secondary Service Provider

TPC – Transition Planning Conference

TRS – Timely Receipt of Services

TVI – Teacher of Visually Impaired

If a member of our Early Intervention Team ever uses an acronym that you don’t know or understand, please feel free to ask them for an explanation. Our goal is to always make sure you fully understand our services and program so you can actively participate as a member of your child’s Early Intervention team. The parent’s participation enhances the child’s progress and outcomes.

Good Samaritan School

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We would like to give a HUGE thank you to the staff for all of their hard work this summer to prepare for this school year.  They put in countless hours to assure Good Samaritan was ready for the first day of school.  This hard work has helped to have a great start to the school year.  

This year we have added a third preschool, made many building updates, resurfaced the playground, have new buses coming, and added more staff members.  With all of these changes we would like to say welcome back and we are excited for another great school year here at Good Samaritan School.


  • Staff and students will be off Monday September 5th for Labor Day.
  • Students will be off Tuesday September 6th for a staff in-service day.
  • Please remember that if your student has any COVID related symptoms, that we ask you to keep them home until they are 24 hours free of those symptoms.    
  • If your student is going to be absent from school please call the office at (419) 782-6621.
September Snack Menu
September Lunch Menu

Service and Support Administration

Service & Support Administration Feature

We talked with Jen, the Community Programs Assistant, to learn a little more about what role Direct Support Professionals (DSP's) play in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

A DSP is someone who works closely with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They provide important services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities in a variety of settings. DSPs assist individuals in their homes with hygiene, housekeeping, transportation, and money management. They assist individuals in obtaining and keeping community employment by providing on-site job training and coaching. They also support people with developmental disabilities in finding and maintaining relationships with others in their communities.

DSPs are on the front lines and provide the DCBDD and the Service and Support Administrators (SSA's) with important day to day details of the individuals we serve. Building relationships with DSPs helps us provide the best possible service and support.  

Jen stated that, "A DSP's most important role is to support and empower people with developmental disabilities." The work of a DSP is complex but rewarding. They are essential in assisting individuals with developmental disabilities in realizing their full potential and remaining active members of their communities.

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Capabilities Charitable Fund

Capabilities Charitable Fund is once again awarding mini Grants!

They are offering grant opportunities to individuals with disabilities across Ohio, ages 14+ years, to help them achieve their community employment goals!

The grants can be used for, but not limited to, accessing transportation, interview clothing, tools needed for work, professional services to help someone find employment, assistive technology, etc.

Apply Today

OACB Public Education Sessions

Free Virtual Education Series to People Served by County Boards & their Families

OACB has been leading statewide efforts to increase awareness and promote prevention efforts in the area of abuse and victimization of people with developmental disabilities.  OACB has partnered with a former sheriff's detective to create free virtual education sessions for families and people with developmental disabilities that will give them a better understanding of how to effectively work with law enforcement.

These sessions include:

  • How to Respond to a Law Enforcement Officer
  • What to Watch For: Bad People with Bad Intentions
  • How to Speak Up When Being Mistreated
  • How to Advocate When a Family Member has been a Crime Victim: Insights and Guidance from a Law Enforcement Perspective
Register Today!

September Events

Check Out Our Online Event Calendar!

The Defiance County Board of Developmental Disabilities (DCBDD) Event Calendar lists information about activities, programs, and special events for individuals with developmental disabilities happening at our agency and in the community. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for links to other important calendars.

Some meetings, workshops, events and activities are sponsored and hosted by organizations other than the DCBDD. The DCBDD is not responsible for the content and operations of these events, programs, or organizations.

DCBDD Event Calendar

Defiance County Special Olympics

No Limits

Defiance County

Self-Advocacy Meeting

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