Volume 12 | June 2022

Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable. ~~John Wooden

It has been an honour serving you!

When it comes to talk about the end, where do I begin....on July 1, 2021, when I took office as your District Director, I was thrilled to receive the strong support of our committed, dedicated, and relentless members! Your tenacity and commitment inspired me to focus on the needs and requirements of our clubs, the members, and the District.

Every Division already holds at least three President's Distinguished Clubs, and I am sure many more will achieve the same level of recognition. Kudos to all of you. Thank you to our Club Executives for supporting and helping their members achieve their goals. I ask you to continue to work passionately to support the club mission for the benefit of our members because Members Matter Most!

To my team members, your contributions have been substantial and greatly appreciated. Thank you Andrew Mertens, Angela Ho, Tim Sulisz, Bibi Annief, Alison Knibb, Shubha Amba, David Veights, Sylvia Lorico, Elton Brown, Wendy Williamson, Rhonda Mauer, Emanuel Petrescu and Adam Mak whose unfailing support and advice have proved valuable.

Thank you Past District Directors; Ross Mackay, Allan Madonik, Elton Brown, Johanne Von Zuben, Rhonda Mauer, Janice Howard, and Dawn Frail for your guidance throughout my journey.

All the very best to our incoming District Leaders, Andrew Mertens, District Director Andrew Horberry, Program Quality Director and David Veights, Club Growth Director. 

I have many wonderful memories from my time serving District 60. There is no other opportunity to work with a leadership team full of caring individuals who devote much time to helping others succeed. You all have done a fantastic job serving the District as areas and division directors this year...thank you! It has been an honour and privilege to work with each of you.

I would like to thank all of you for your confidence in me over the past twelve months. Having this opportunity has been a privilege and honor that I will cherish for many years to come.

I wish you all the very best on your personal and professional journey!


Thank you, District 60! 

Being your Program Quality Director this year has been an honour and a privilege. Many, many thanks to my fantastic team, Dave, Dian, Glynis, Jeet, Joe, Monti, Pandora and Shubha. Your hard work and efforts this year have been extraordinary!

My congratulations and thanks to all our Division and Area Directors, the many leaders at the District level, Elton as our PRM, Angela as CGD, and a very special thank you to Aneeta, our District Director. Your kindness, grace and leadership have been truly inspirational!

Our District is #1 in our Region for distinguished Clubs, so members of District 60, pat yourselves on the back - you deserve it!


Do you want an easy DCP point for your club?

Please submit your club officer lists to Toastmasters International through their website at www.toastmasters.org. According to the dashboard, we have 44 clubs that have yet to submit their lists. You have until Thursday, June 30, 2022, to submit your club officer lists! This DCP point is low-hanging fruit! 

Looking for an awarding experience? Consider becoming an Area Director!

The Area Director is a critical role within the District as they are the direct liaison between the District and the clubs. Area Directors work closely with their assigned clubs (between 4 & 6) and their Division Directors in supporting their clubs in creating the best possible member experience.

Training and support are comprehensive, and being an Area Director will earn you a district leadership credit towards your Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award, the highest educational achievement in Toastmasters. For additional information, please turn to page 33 of the District Leadership Handbook.

Don't delay, apply today by contacting Andrew Mertens at [email protected]

Club Officer Elections

Have you started thinking about who will be your club officers beginning July 1, 2022? Let me remind you that the time is now! Find out what you need to know for a successful transition of club officers: https://www.toastmasters.org/Leadership-Central/Club-Officer-Tools/Club-Management/Club-Quality/Club-Officer-Elections

Who will receive the Toastmaster, President, Area Director and Division Director Award of the Year for the 2021-2022 term?

The purpose of these awards is to encourage excellence for each category and award members for helping District 60 and our members achieve their Toastmasters goals. 

Do you know a Toastmaster who has excelled this year?

Download the forms, follow the links and criteria in Excel and submit the completed forms with any testimonials in by August 5 either for yourself or another deserving Toastmaster. 

Any questions, please contact Carrie Webster, at [email protected]

Please download, complete and submit the forms to Carrie Webster: https://www.toastmasters60.com/of-the-year-awards-2021-2022/

Celebrating June's Club Anniversaries!

Clubs Chartered During the Month of June

Happy Anniversary!

Club Name

Charter Date


Downtown Toronto Toastmasters Club



Le Cercle Toastmasters



Metro Hall Toastmasters



Humber Shores Club



Liberty Village Toastmasters



Visionary Toastmasters Club



University of Toronto Toastmasters



Brainwave Speakers



Toast To Your Health



Toronto Financial Analyst Toastmasters



Speakers Club of TDAF



Speak Up at TD



Better Speakers



Liberty Leaders Toastmasters



Frankly Speaking Podcast Corner

Hosts Rita Burk and Elton Brown search for members of Toastmasters District 60 and non-Toastmasters who will educate, inspire, and entertain our communities and us! 

We want to know what our guests are doing during working hours and their passions. Please enjoy and let us know what you think! For a complete list of Podcasts, go here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/811460/.

Please send your questions or a nomination to: [email protected].

Marlye Monifiston is an Advisor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer and a Toastmaster. Listen to Marley as she talks about the joys of being a Toastmaster; it has its benefits!

District 60 Leaders

Aneeta Pathak, DTM

District 60 Director

[email protected]


Andrew Mertens, DTM

Program Quality Director

[email protected]

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Angela Ho, DTM

Club Growth Director

[email protected]

Angela Ho.jpg

Elton Brown, DTM

Public Relations Manager

[email protected]

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