Life at the Center continues to be busy as ever. As I’ve said many times, it is an honor to be able to assist every one of my patients as they strive to restore and maintain their health and wellness.
While it is fulfilling to have built such a successful practice, it is concerning that my patients have so few other alternatives for strong patient-to-doctor relationships. Options for doctoring that considers the individual person instead of just the ”disease” are continuing to dwindle. This is especially sad in a society as advanced as ours. Check out the “Are You a Doctor, Doctor?” feature for my historical account of the incremental changes that I feel have led us to the mess we’re in.
Meanwhile, in order to promote wellness in between doctor visits, I try to provide useful information via this newsletter. I hope that, by reading it, you can add knowledge to your first aid kit. Additionally, I have also recorded a video in order to share what I’m seeing at the Center as it relates to Covid-19. You can view it here: Center for Nutritional Wellness update video link.
I’ve also recorded a video related to the chiropractic side of the practice, to explain why I feel proper spinal alignment is so important. View it here: Chiropractic update video link
In a few days, I will start the next cleanse program. If you missed this Spring class for any reason, know that we will repeat it again in Fall, as we do every year. Exposure to toxins in our environment and in our food seems to be making headlines with greater frequency. Consider planning ahead so that you no longer put off the benefits of ridding your body of such waste.
We’re here for you,
Dr. Pfeiffer